Scary For Kids

Scary Faces

Really scary faces and horror pictures, videos and photos of evil clowns, Halloween pumpkins, ghosts, demons and smiley faces. Each terrifying ugly face can creep you out or make you scream and cry with fright.

Scary Faces

1. Scary Maze

Scary Faces

2. Scary Pop Ups

Scary Faces

3. Demon Face

Scary Faces

4. Scary Videos

Scary Faces

5. Smiley Face

Scary Faces

6. Clown Face

Scary Faces

7. Baby Face

Scary Baby Face

8. Evil Pumpkins

Scary Faces

9. Scary Pictures

Scary Pictures

10. Scary Photos

Scary Photos

Inland Empire

Inland Empire

Bilbo Baggins

Bilbo Baggins

In the Lord of the Rings, Bilbo suddenly has a monstrous freak-out evil face when he spots his old ring on a chain around Frodo’s neck.

Salem’s Lot

Salem's Lot



Scary Faces
Family Photo Jeff The Killer Screaming Face Scary Masks
Scary Faces
Ugly Boy Devil Face Scary Pranks
Scary Faces
Teddy Scary Clowns Scary Dolls Scary Pictures

scary for kids


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