Scary For Kids
1 Guy 2 Spoons

1 Guy 2 Spoons

1 Guy 2 Spoons is a scary story about a shocking viral video on the internet. They say it’s the most disgusting and disturbing video ever made.

1 Guy 2 Spoons

There are all kinds of shocking videos on the internet, showing people doing sick, disgusting and horrific things. For some reason, people watch the videos and then post their reactions on Youtube. Perhaps you’ve heard of some of the shock videos.

They usually have weird titles like: 3 Guys 1 Crowbar, 2 Girls 1 Poop and 1 Man 1 Cactus.

I’ve watched every one of them, but today I watched one video that is more disturbing than all of the rest put together.

The title of the video is: 1 Guy 2 Spoons.

You’re probably already wondering what it’s about, but let me assure you, it’s far more disgusting than anything you can think up. It shows a man using 2 spoons to pop out his eyeballs. Yes, that’s right. He actually digs in behind his own eyeballs and pops them out of his head using the spoons.

When I watched the video, I was so disturbed by it that I almost threw up. As sickening as the video was, I forced myself to watch it to the end. I wish I hadn’t.

Heres a good piece of advice for you: Be careful what you watch, because that which you see can never be unseen.

When the video was over, I heard my mom calling me from downstairs, telling me that dinner was ready. I raced downstairs and took a seat at the kitchen table. My father was reading the newspaper. My mother was setting the table.

“That’s odd,” my father remarked. “This article claims there’s a new viral video going around on the internet. They say it’s dangerous. Apparently, it causes anyone who sees it to go insane and try to pop out their own eyeballs…”

My father broke off and looked up.

“Oh my God!” my mother screamed. “Oh my God! What have you done?”

But it was already too late.

I could feel the spoons in my hands, but I couldn’t see a thing.

scary for kids


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  • weird. and gross I mean who would take their own eyes out after watching a video? Narsty thats all I can say.

  • I already guessed that he used the spoons to dig out his eyes, but not that the boy would, and that he wouldent feel it.

  • hi SFK, in the “” you answered one of your fans that didn’t like the story to read this, I read this and I didn’t even like this one… show your bests to me! ;) thx, one of your biggest fans

    Scaryforkids says: LOL. OK then, try the “Recommended” section in the sidebar. I think those are the best stories. :)

  • That made the back of my eyes hurt…


  • After reading this I get sore eyes o.e But I realise it came from onions XD Who on earth want to watch this video??? It makes me want to vomit… How could people find this normal o.e psychopath maybe

  • 🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺🔺
    (I WIN)

  • This is a real video, i wanna watch but then i don’t. Should i or should i not?!!??!!!

  • I watched the actual video and all I can say is that it wasn’t that disturbing, but probably because I’m used to seeing so much stuff like that.

    Overall, this was a good story but I could sense the ending would have something to do with the eyes of the person who viewed the video.

  • Yessssss!!!!! I did it!!! I managed to watch the whole video and my eyes are still ok! It lasted for 49 seconds and i thought it was creepy and truly disgusting.That man must be insane.But i dont think this video can make anyone pluck out their eyes.

  • The video is so funny xD omg i was laughing my butt off lmao and if you guys think its fake or whatever, go to youtube and type in 1 guy 2 spoons it will show up xD

  • I watched it and I only lasted 5 seconds! PLEASE DON’T WATCH😳😳😳😣😣😖😖😖😫😫😭😭😭😭

  • I wanna see that video… I bet I will not do like the boy……. Has anyone seen it? I don’t think such a video exsist……

  • So Un realistic


  • Dont watch the video. i kept having nightmares about my eyes falling out with spoons or i saw in my nightmares that eyes would be waitchimg me from all over

  • Ah ha hopefully I never come across a video like that

    Btw who wants to play?:


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