Scary For Kids

Pine Hill

Pine Hill Cemetery in Hollis, New Hampshire is called Blood Cemetery by the people who live in the area. The nickname refers to the ghost of Abel Blood, who supposedly haunts the graveyard.

Pine Hill

According to legend, sometime in the 1800s, Abel Blood, his wife and his young children were all murdered in their home. Their bodies were buried in Pine Hill and they say that the spirits of the murdered Blood family members still wander the grounds of the cemetery, unable to find peace.

Rumor has it that Abel Blood’s gravestone is haunted too. It contains an engraving of a hand pointing up towards heaven. Locals say that they have seen it changes at night so that the finger on the stone points down towards hell instead.

People driving by in cars regularly report a strange haunting that occurs at the cemetery. Drivers have seen the figure of a young boy standing at the side of the road, waving at vehicles and attempting to flag them down. When the drivers stop for the young boy, he simply vanishes into thin air. Many believe that this is the ghost of Abel Blood’s murdered son.

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