Scary For Kids

Bad Dream

Bad Dream is a creepy little short story about a little girl who has a nightmare.

Bad Dream

A little girl opened the door to her parents’ bedroom in the middle of the night.

“Daddy, I had a bad dream”, she said.

Her father blinked his eyes and sat up in bed, leaning on his elbows. The digital alarm clock glowed red in the darkness. It was 3:33 AM.

“Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?” he asked.

“No, Daddy,” came the reply.

The oddness of the situation made him wake up more fully. He could barely make out his daughter’s pale form, outlined in the light from the doorway.

“Why not, Sweetie?” he asked.

The little girl began to cry. “Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing Mommy’s skin sat up,” she whined.

For a moment, he felt paralyzed, unable to take his eyes off his daughter. Then he felt the covers behind him slowly beginning to shift…

scary for kids


  • I think that she was accidentally telling the dad about her dream because she said what had happened in it. Remember when she said the thing in mommy’s skin stood up, well that happened in the dream right? So that would explain the shifting🤷‍♀️👨‍👧

  • I think that she was accidentally telling the dad about her dream because she said what had happened in it. Remember when she said the thing in mommy’s sling stood up, well that happened in the dream right? So that would explain the shifting🤷‍♀️

  • First thing is that the daddy has spectacles or else he has eye defect that is why everything is blur for him.

    Second thing i think the the covers behind him that means he is not the real daddy he is wearing the skin.

    Third thing it may be possible that the mom was just shifting while sleeping.


  • Guys, do you know about ACTIVE DREAM?

    active dream is a type of dream in which you can understand that you are dreaming…but it happens…TRY DREAMING AN ACTIVE DREAM!!!! :) :)

  • Ok, I get the story, but it just doesn’t seem scary. Dreams can happen in real life, it’s not impossible

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