Scary For Kids

Scary Movie

Scary Movie started a series of films that parody horror movies like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, Halloween, The Sixth Sense and The Blair Witch Project.

Scary Movie started a series of films that parody horror movies like Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, Halloween, The Sixth Sense and The Blair Witch Project. There have been 4 sequels so far and the franchise seems to be still going strong. Every new one that comes out parodies horror films that are current.

Scary Movie Scary Movie Scary Movie
Scary Movie 5
Warning: This Film Won’t Be So Silent.
Scary Movie 4
Bury the grudge, burn the village, see the saw.
Scary Movie 3
Great trilogies come in threes.
Scary Movie Scary Movie Scary Movie
Scary Movie 2
More merciless, more shameless.
Scary Movie 1
No mercy, no shame, no sequel.
Scary Movie Videos
Watch some clips from the series.

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