Scary For Kids
Washing Machine

Washing Machine

The Washing Machine is a horror story about a babysitter who hears strange noises coming from the basement.

Washing Machine

There was a teenage girl who was hired to babysit two young children. After the parents left, she put the children to bed and then went downstairs to watch TV.

Suddenly, she heard a noise coming from the basement. It was the washing machine starting up. She was about to go and turn it off, but when she opened the basement door, the noise stopped. Shrugging her shoulders, she returned to the living room and resumed watching TV.

Five minutes later, she heard the washing machine starting up again. She got up, opened the basement door and started walking down the steps. She had only gone down a few steps when the noise stopped again. She went back to watch TV.

Five minutes later, she heard the washing machine yet again. Worried, she went upstairs, gathered the children and ran over to the neighbors’ house to call the police. They arrived a few minutes later and went down to search the basement.

They found a man armed with an axe, hiding behind the washing machine. He had been trying to lure the babysitter down to the basement in order to kill her.

scary for kids


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