Scary For Kids


Amnesia is a scary riddle about a young woman whose boyfriend was murdered. Think about this story and try to see if you can figure out what is really going on.


There was a young woman named Lydia whose boyfriend had been murdered. Even though one year had passed since he was killed, she still hadn’t been able to get over it.

They had been engaged to be married, but tragedy struck just days before the wedding. Her fiance’s body was found in a cellar. He had been savagely mutilated and murdered. Lydia had never recovered from his death, because the police had never been able to find the murderer.

One night, Lydia was driving it home from the supermarket. She was lost in thought, and paying little attention to the road. Suddenly, she saw a young man step out into the road. She tried to slow down, but it was too late. The car crashed straight into him and his head smashed into the windscreen. Lydia was horrified.

She immediately called an ambulance and the unconcious young man was taken to the hospital. He was badly injured and lay in a coma. Consumed by guilt, Lydia went to visit him every day. She often questioned the doctors about his condition.

After a few months, the young man came out of the coma, but he had lost the power of speech and was suffering from amnesia. Lydia still came to see him in the hospital every day. She even gave him speech therapy to help him learn to talk again.

A few months after the accident, he was well enough to leave the hospital. He still hadn’t regained his memory, but they continued to see each other. One night, the young man asked her out on a date. After spending so much time in each other’s company, they began to fall in love. Lydia began to think that she had finally found true happiness.

One day, Lydia was showing him family pictures in her photo album, when they came across a picture of her ex-boyfriend. The young man’s eyes grew wide as he stared at the photograph. He said he recognized her deceased boyfriend. His memory had returned.

Lydia was very frightened.

scary for kids


  • Wow, you fell in love with the guy that killed your boyfriend…nice…does anyone else think it’s a funny coincidence???

  • Oh, did I say “he’s the murder!” I meant “he’s the murderer!”
    He’s the murderer!!!!!!

  • I agree but maybe the woman killed her fiancé, and the new boyfriend saw it and when he remembered, the woman got afraid he would tell? Okay, it makes no sense

  • Imma try a poem k
    My heart pounding Through my chest
    I cannot stop No time to rest
    My life is at The tip of a cliff
    The grip of a hand And only if
    I find a way For this beast
    To get away Safe and sound
    My life MIGHT stay
    Sorry im not good at writing poem its my first or second time
    Tell me anything i need critisism to become a better writer
    My teachers usually sugarcoat it because im the only ten year old goingto seventh grade

  • Um…..Uh…..uhhhh
    He killed the husband???
    What? No? Ok uh Um
    I’m confused…..

  • @essense did you even read te comment before yours? Ashley didn’t write this! My friend even showed me this story already!

  • @Dead_Ashley I also read this on a different site! Why did you copy it?!?!

  • great story dead-ashley very creepy, and i dont think the guy killed the girls fiance howeer you spell it, i think she killed him since at the end it said she was very frightened. you know maybe he figures it out or sumpthin.

  • I also agree with MearBearBallet. I also liked the story and the riddle was very easy

  • That new boyfriend had murdered the other man :O That woman has no clue omg! :O

  • The bit that says that she was frightened kind of gave it away, but it still was a bit predicable

  • Cool, I agree with all the comments. New love is the murderer of the old love.

  • Well you have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure this out!! *sarcasm if you didn’t catch that*

  • he was the murderer and he was running away when she hit him. she was frightened cuz now that she knew he had to kill her (she knew because how else would he know him other than just being friends?)

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