The Annora Petrova Wikipedia Page is a scary creepypasta story about an girl who is a competitive ice skater. One day, she looks up her own name on Google and finds a random Wikipedia page about herself. This sets in motion a series of events that will eventually destroy her life.

Honestly I think this story Is the scariest one you have. O_o
prayin 4 u, prettydeadgirl!
I tried looking for Annora Petrova in Wikapedia, but it did not exist. Either this was fake, deleted, or something wierd happened.
prettydead i hope all is well now i will pray have faith and evrything will be fine god bless
Today I was walking and then a creepy man walked up with a knife and said
knife shiny…kinfe and that really scared me ….So I started to run but he
followed me and then he cought up with me and said Kinfe….shiny…….Kinfe so i ran for dear life. I did not know what he would do. But he started to run to I ran and ran and ran but I could not run no more
so I stopped not my car was jut five cars down he went like Knife…..shiney
……..knife . and then finally i was at mt car but i could not find my car keys
then i got them and unlocked my door and got in but right as my leg was out
he said This Knife will end your life and stabbed me in the leg I shut
the door and drove off he chased me for a wile but could not keep up
so he stopped so I live to tell the story to this day it gave me a real fright
so if you see a man with a knife run away!!! the end
ok im jus6t posting this everywhere
O_o gasp
It is like the person wanted the girl to look at the wikipedia for a reason so then she could tell her a message to her.
I read it. I just covered up the picture. Thanks guys for telling me! :D
I Looked This Up Its Real O.O Creepy… And When I Looked It Up It Was A Staring Creepy Woman. I Was So Scared I Only Read One Word. Its True WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i looked on wikipedia…O.O
If it was Bree that put up the wiki page that would be AWESOME!!!!! but poor girl, though.
I just clicked on the wiki page here. It says the exact same thing but there is a different picture. It shows this middle aged woman in a dank hotel
The things internet will do to people.
@ griffin88 no need to be a smart*** okay i was making a statement!
Creepyy… I might go for that, but I wouldn’t be greedy. I really want to be in a band, but it doesn’t have to be anything too huge…
I’m not gonna click on that page… Maybe some other time and @prettydeadgirl I’ll pray for you =)
“It says it doesn’t exist”
No, really?
its not on Wikipedia…. it says it doesn’t exist.
@ xXUNINSTALLXx it really doesn’t say much but the description is really creepy and pic just adds to it. its like she looken at you. “together we could accomplish great things.i could help you so much. i could take you places that you have dreamed of. but first, your going to have to do something for me” or “we could go great places together you and i” it sends chills! its like a ghost or spirit wrote it…………… really creepy!!!!!!!!
THAT is CRAZY!! Interesting story
“The Mirror”
Oneday, a girl named Sophia was looking at the mirror that has been passed down genartion to genartion! She looked closer and, closer she saw a scary lady and dropped the mirror! Then the next day her mom went missing, she asked everyone if they knew were her mom was but, no one knew! So her, her dad, her little brother, and her dog searched for her but, they coudn’t find her! Then she looked in the mirror again the lady got closer and she dropped the mirror! The next day her dad went missing! she asked her brother were there dad was but, he didn’t know! So they searched for him and, didn’t find him! Then she looked in the mirror a third time the lady was even closer so she dropped the mirror! The next day her brother was gone, so her and her dog went looking for him and, they couldnt find him! She looked in the mirror and the lady was even closer than before! The next day her dog was missing she couldn’t find her dog and, went home! Then she looked in the mirror and, the next day she woke up and found “the lady in the mirror” in her house, she had a knife…………..AND MURDERED HER!
(I would like to give my friend Kylie credit because, she told me the story and, I canged it a little bit)
I clicked the wikipedia thing and I got a really creepy picture of an old lady, not a cute little dancing girl. It looked like the lady was half dead so I was going to read it but the picture just creeped me out so I exited out in case there was a scary pop-up.
I think I see why this is a scary story because of the wikipedia picture and maybe the description. Can anyone who isn’t afraid of that picture please tell me the description?
WHY?! DX clicking the wiki thing and its the old chick WTF DX