Scary For Kids
Baby Blue

Baby Blue

Blue Baby Blue is an urban legend about a strange game that kids play in bathrooms. If you perform the ritual, they say an evil ghostly infant will appear in your arms. This urban legend is related to the myth of Bloody Mary.

Baby Blue

To play “Blue Baby Blue”, you have to go into the bathroom on your own, turn off the lights and lock the door. Then you stare into the mirror, hold out your arms like you are rocking a baby and repeat the words “Baby Blue, Blue Baby” 13 times without making a mistake.

If you do it right, you will suddenly feel the weight of an invisible baby in your arms. The baby will get heavier and heavier as it grows larger and larger. You will feel it scratching your arms.

Before it gets too heavy, you have to quickly take the invisible baby, flush it down the toilet and run out of the bathroom. If you don’t do it fast enough, a hideous woman will appear in the mirror. She will yell “Give me back my baby!” and scream loud enough to break glass. If you are still holding the baby, she will kill you.

Some people believe the woman is Bloody Mary and she murdered her own child when she shattered a mirror and used a piece of broken glass to stab him to death.

According to the urban legend, a group of girls found out about the blue baby story and decided to try it out. They didn’t believe it would work, so they sent their friend Laura into the bathroom on her own. She turned the lights off and closed the door behind her. Laura put out her arms and started chanting the phrase “Blue Baby, Baby Blue”.

All of a sudden, a baby appeared in her arms and began scratching her. Laura was scared out of her wits and had no idea what to do. She wanted to drop it and run, but she was afraid of what might happen. She just stood there holding the invisible baby as it grew heavier and heavier. Suddenly, she caught sight of something horrible in the bathroom mirror and screamed in terror.

When Laura’s friends heard her screaming, they tried to open the bathroom door, but it was locked. Finally, they managed to run to a friends’s house to get help. When they broke open the door, they found Laura lying dead on the bathroom floor. Her eyes had been scratched out. They couldn’t move her body because something large and invisible was pinning her to the ground.

scary for kids


  • do not try it i havnt tried and i never will it may sound fake but u never no..thius story is really creepy just like bloodymary i hear candyman is simuler (i may read it) but i would never try it.IT IS DANGEROUS!!!

  • This site just gives me idea after idea… Lol… Im inviting my friend over for a sleepover right now!

  • me and my best friend tried this at her house a few weeks ago i went first and nothing happened to me, then she tried and nothing hapened to her either so we might have done it wrong, or this game just doesnt work, but im not going to be trying again to find out.

  • dude, there are a lot of games like this (candyman, bloodymary) i even heard of one that instead of a baby, candyman,or bloodymary, it’s the devil! honestly i would NEVER try it. but i heard of a guy how did do it… and he went to the er. he had a stroke. CREEPY!!!!!!! for you who are stupid here is how to find out how to play it. There’s another one on scaryforkids called “devil face” take my advice don’t try it!

  • Lol, I wouldn’t do it. But if I did have the guts to do it i would probably yell at the woman in the mirror for yelling at me… She would be all “GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!! ” and I’d be like “IT’S NOT YOURS ANYMORE IT’S MINE. AND I ALMOST HAD IT ASLEEP!! LOOK WHAT YOU DID!!” lol XD

  • i thoought baby blue would actually be blue I am gonna dare someone to do baby blue in the school toilets but I dont want them to do I wonder if they will

  • My friend tried that and she was also scared out of her wits, but she lived. That all happened 2 years ago. But she still has two scratches on her left arm……..

  • The weight in your arms is the tiredness of your arms. If you keep swinging them they get tired and start getting heavier. If you drop Baby Blue you get a scratch on your arm… Twice you get another scratch… Three times and you’re dead.

  • I have heard so many people say they tried Bloody Mary and it doesn’t work, and at the same time I’ve heard so many people say that It does.

  • if you are connected already to the underworld i would suggest against these since the damage will be worse for you, if you were smart you would stay away from anything like this if weird stuff starts happening after you tried on of these find the nearest spiritual person and have them cleanse you of the evils within your spirit that want you to die

  • How do you play the lady in white?? :I PLZZZ REPLY I REALLY WANT TO KNOW HOW DD:

  • I tried a ghost-in-the-mirror type game before. There was fog or smoke or something in the mirror, and after chanting “Mirror, mirror” thirteen times and a sad ghost’s face appeared in the fog and smiled at me. I dropped that mirror and gasped. :’D

  • i did it :D i felt sumthin scratch me i just dropped it in the sink :L an came out the next day i went in the bathroom there were letters written on the mirror

  • I may try it today because I love a good scare. Wish me luck. I’ll post a comment if it works… and if i live. lol


  • as soon as i felt tht thing id b lik OMFG!!!! nd drop the thing on the ground nd start stomping on it hehehe babies scare mehhhhh

  • its all like “awwwwwwwwwwwwwww a child”, and the mam comes :”GIVE ME BACK MY BABY!!!” id be all like “OH, SH*T!!!!!!!” and chuck the baby at the mirror

  • I mouthed baby blue while doing the rocking motion and looking into a fogged up make-up mirror with baby blue written on it one time and my arms inexplicably got heavier. When I told everyone, they did it and new scratches appeared on their arms.

  • I played this at my friends house… This one actually worked. Candyman is fake and Mary never works but after I did this one there were distinct fingernail marks on my arm where I was holding the baby. Not scratches but the shape of fingernails. Stayed there for like 12 hours.

  • Just imagine putting the baby to sleep like a real one the the mom comes and say in whisper voice GIVE ME BACK MY BABY the u say SHHHH! XD lol

  • way scarier than bloody mary, wen do you know 2 flush it down the toilet, isnt it 2 harsh

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