Scary For Kids

Bad Dream

Bad Dream is a creepy little short story about a little girl who has a nightmare.

Bad Dream

A little girl opened the door to her parents’ bedroom in the middle of the night.

“Daddy, I had a bad dream”, she said.

Her father blinked his eyes and sat up in bed, leaning on his elbows. The digital alarm clock glowed red in the darkness. It was 3:33 AM.

“Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?” he asked.

“No, Daddy,” came the reply.

The oddness of the situation made him wake up more fully. He could barely make out his daughter’s pale form, outlined in the light from the doorway.

“Why not, Sweetie?” he asked.

The little girl began to cry. “Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing Mommy’s skin sat up,” she whined.

For a moment, he felt paralyzed, unable to take his eyes off his daughter. Then he felt the covers behind him slowly beginning to shift…

scary for kids


  • once i had a dream. i dreamt that the next day i will pee my pants. …AND IT HAPPENED.
    LAWLZ!! XP

  • Kayy, In the dream, the little girl has a bad dream and gets up to tell her dad, so in her dream, the little girl tells her dad about her bad dream IN the dream, but when she tells her dad, the thing wearing her moms skin sits up, she then wakes up in real life and tells her dad the same story that she has a bad dream, her dad lets her tell him what happened, but the little girl doesnt want up to because the thing with her moms skin sat up when she told her dad in her dream, she then accidently tells her dad that the thing with her moms skin sat up in her dream, the covers the thing with her moms skin is about to sit what happened in her dreammm! Get it nowwww?

  • So, basically the girl has a dream that when she tells her father about her dream, the thing behind the father sits up. The thing is not the girl’s mother, that’s why she says it is wearing her skin. It probably murdered the girl’s mother and was “dressed up” as her, and the girl is scared so she doesn’t want to tell her father about the dream ( but she tells it to him without realizing). The father takes it all in, and the covers behind hime start moving. Nobody knows what happens next which is why it is so scary. You decide what happens. So do u all understand now? :) hope u get what i mean.. :))

  • wat happened was that,the girl had a dream where she was telling her dad about a dream and then something that wasnt her mother sat up.its like wat she dreamed is comig true…

  • Is this story an Urban Legend, or does it have an actual author?

    If so, who is the author of this story?

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