Scary For Kids

Bad Dream

Bad Dream is a creepy little short story about a little girl who has a nightmare.

Bad Dream

A little girl opened the door to her parents’ bedroom in the middle of the night.

“Daddy, I had a bad dream”, she said.

Her father blinked his eyes and sat up in bed, leaning on his elbows. The digital alarm clock glowed red in the darkness. It was 3:33 AM.

“Do you want to climb into bed and tell me about it?” he asked.

“No, Daddy,” came the reply.

The oddness of the situation made him wake up more fully. He could barely make out his daughter’s pale form, outlined in the light from the doorway.

“Why not, Sweetie?” he asked.

The little girl began to cry. “Because in my dream, when I told you about the dream, the thing wearing Mommy’s skin sat up,” she whined.

For a moment, he felt paralyzed, unable to take his eyes off his daughter. Then he felt the covers behind him slowly beginning to shift…

scary for kids


  • @ghothix girl its like in her dream it was a demon and she didnt want it to come true and it did

  • my step brother told me bout this girl he knew who had a dream where her boyfriend cheated on her. later she found that he was and with the same girl that was in her dream.

  • Seriously?… I Think Her Mommy Was Just Moving Around… This Is Just Bad Timing In A Scary Situation.
    Yeah, I Don’t Like This One :p

  • i had the same monster in my dreams almost every night when i was litle. one time he was even in a tux lol

  • Woow… I’m not scared by most of these stupid stories but they are very cool and instresting :)

  • Well, today I ‘ve read so many stories on this site that I’m realy scared. I tried to make a good ending for this one.

    The covers start shifting, and mother sat up on the bed. ” Dear, it was only a bad dream,-she said-Let me kiss you.” And kind mother kissed her daughter gently.

  • Ok every one, when u have a dream and it comes true, like wetting your pants in ur dream and it happens the next day, thats called a deh ja vu. If you get ALOT of them, then you must be psychic like me as we can tell part of the future.

  • @chibimaru15000 ok, so, the kid went into the parants room and told her dad she had a nightmare when her dad aaked if she wanted to get in his bed, she said no because “when she told him the monster that looked or took over mummys body, sat up” so she didnt want to get in bed with him because her mum was a monster and after she told him that, her mum sat up. Got it?

  • i had a nightmare where it was dark, BLACK, and i felt something behind me, when i looked back, i saw death, i tried to run but he was to fast when his finger touched me, i woke up,

  • ok so when she told her dad that he felt the covers shifting THATS THE THING THE LIL GIRL WAS TALKING BOUT! ok?

  • i had this dream once where i went to a beautiful island and this girl stared at me the whole time- when i was sleeping, eating, etc. exactly 6 months later my mum and i went to tangalooma island resort and saw that exact same girl, i saw her every day, she got on and off the ferry with us, she lived next to us. how freaky ayee?

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