Scary For Kids

Ball Pit

The Ball Pit is a scary urban legend about the hidden dangers lurking beneath the hundreds of brightly colored balls in a children’s play area.

Ball Pit

A mother took her eager 3 year old son to a fast food restaurant for lunch. The boy finished his lunch quickly and asked his mom if he could go play in the play area. The restaurant had a special little play area at the side with some tunnels, a slide and a ball pit for kids, filled with plastic balls.

She watched as the boy crawled through the tunnels, went down the slide and jumped into the ball pit. He jumped up and down on the brightly colored balls, dove into them and burrowed down under them. The boy had been playing for about 10 minutes when, all of a sudden, he stopped and began to cry loudly.

The mother rushed to her son, picked him up and asked him what was wrong. The little boy just wailed and pointed to his butt. His mother pulled down his pants and saw two little red marks on one of his butt cheeks. She thought he must have just sat on something sharp, but just to be sure, she took him to the hospital.

A doctor examined the little boy in the emergency room and told the mother that the marks on her son’s butt were a snake bite. The doctor gave the boy an antidote for the snake poison and kept him in hospital overnight for observation.

The next day, the boy’s mother returned to the fast food restaurant to complain. She approached the counter and shouted at one of the teenagers who worked there.

“My son was bitten by a snake in your ball pit”, the woman screamed.

“You should count yourself lucky, lady”, said the teenager. “A kid got eaten by a shark in there last week”.

scary for kids


    “He was a horrible boy I’m glad he got
    ate by a shark” – His Parents 😔

  • Haha seriously? Who put a shark in the ball pit? …or a snake for that matter? How have they not been closed down and/or sued?

  • What the heck. I’m so confused… how is that lucky? And for god’s sake, why didn’t they close the ball pit?! >:O

  • Did i just understood it in the wrong way or she just said her son has been bitten by a snake in ur ball pit at the teen who was working there. What if da teen us a boy? u know, balls

  • My brother is now officially scared of balls. That’s great because I can scare him out of the room so I can read and roleplay.

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