Scary For Kids

Big Man

The Big Man is a funny and spooky story for children about a young boy who has a frightening encounter in his bedroom.

Big Man

There was a young boy named Andrei who lived in a small village in Russia. He was a nervous child and was often afraid of one thing or another. He was quiet and spent most of his time listening to other people’s conversations.

In the village where he lived, he would often hear people talking about The Big Man. “Behave yourself or The Big Man will take you away,” he heard a mother say to her child. “Go to bed or The Big Man will come and get you,” said another parent. “Don’t go over there, that’s where the Big Man lives,” he overheard a father telling his daughter. Andrei began to wonder who this big man was and why kids needed to be afraid of him.

One dark night, as Andrei lay sleeping in bed, he heard his bedroom door slowly creak open. There, in the doorway, stood the shadowy figure of a man. He was over six feet tall and he had the ugliest face Andrei had ever seen.

The big man was tall and fat. He had a scar down the side of his face and one of his eyes was milky white. The big man silently walked over to Andrei’s bed and leaned down.

In a commanding tone, the big man said, “Get up!”

Andrei replied in a trembling voice, “I will not get up!”

“Get up or I’ll kill you!” the big man threatened.

Andrei got out of bed.

“Get dressed!” said the big man.

“I will not get dressed,” replied Andrei.

“Get dressed or I’ll kill you!”

Andrei got dressed.

“Now, come with me!” commanded the big man.

“I will not go with you!” said Andrei.

“Come with me or I’ll kill you!”

Andrei followed the big man down the stairs and out the front door. There was a large, black car parked outside. The big man grabbed Andrei by the scruff of the neck and tossed him into the back seat. Then he got in, started the engine and drove off.

They drove through the streets of the little village and out into the countryside. The black car hurtled down the little country roads until they were in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, the big man pulled over to the side of the road and stopped.

Andrei looked out the window and saw that they had stopped outside a cemetery. The big man grabbed Andrei and bundled him out of the car. He dragged the frightened boy through the cemetery gates and down a narrow path until they came to a grave. The big man picked up a shovel and tossed it at Andrei’s feet.

“Dig up the grave!” he growled.

“I will not dig up the grave!” said Andrei.

“Dig up the grave or I’ll kill you!”

Andrei picked up the shovel and began digging. After almost an hour, he unearthed a coffin and stopped to regain his breath.

“Take out the dead body!” growled the big man.

“I will not!” said Andrei.

“Take it out or I’ll kill you!”

Andrei opened the coffin and lifted out the dead body. It was the corpse of an old man and his face was moldy and rotten. There were maggots crawling out of his mouth, nose and eye sockets.

“Now, eat it!” ordered the big man.

“I will not!” said Andrei.

“Eat it or I’ll kill you!”

Andrei shuddered and reluctantly began to eat the dead body. He started nibbling on the ear. Then, he bit into the cheek. The taste made him gag.

Suddenly, Andrei felt someone grabbing him by the shoulder and shaking him.

“Andrei, wake up,” said his mother. “That’s the third mattress you’ve eaten!”

scary for kids


  • Haha yeah, the lady ate her first couch when she was like, 19!!! and after they filmed her for the show, she started eating the stuff inside her BRA!!!

  • Well, at least he wasn’t eating an actual dead body… That’s a very crazy dream!

  • I have a Story…. -Always Check In-

    Its 9:30 p.m, And my parents just went out to dinner and to see a movie. So im home alone, watching t.v, My favorite Show, Spongebob, And i fall asleep 20 minutes into it, when i look at the clock, it says 10:15 P.M and my parents still arent home, which is normal because movies are more than an hour long, so i decide not to fret.. I get up and im feeling really hungry, so i make a sandwich, peanut butter and jelly to be exact, and it was good, just poured me some milk, sat and ate. I go on a website, to read the latest teen trends when i see two shadows outside my house, it freaked me out. So i look outside, and its my mom and dad, and i say to myself ‘Heh, must have had some problems with dinner’ so i open the door and say hi to them both, but the wierd thing, is, they didnt say hi back, they didnt even look at me, they didnt say anyhting, They just sat on the couch staring at the pictures on the wall. I say, ‘Pft Whatever’ and i walk upstairs to my bed, i climb in and go to sleep, im thinking, wonder why my parents were so quiet at me, did i do something wrong? did something happen at dinner? oh well, i just brush it off and close my eyes, before i sleep i check the clock, its now 11:47 p.m and they are about to close when i see my dad walk in, i say hi, but there is no reply, then my cellphone rings, and it says “MOM” my eyes widened, i answer and say ‘H..Hello?’ and the voice says, ‘Honey, dont worry the movie wasnt all that great me and your father are on our way home right now, i love you’ I immidiatly drop the phone, and run. When i get to the Stairs i see my mom.. Or. The fake one atleast, and she walks towards me and my heart is racing, so i run to the bathroom and lock myself in, all of a sudden, the lights go off, and, i hear really, heavy breathing. I feel in front of me and it feels like a man, the voice says ‘Relax…Im your father’ i push it out of the way and i run to the door but its locked, I cant escape, I dont know what to do, God… Please help me…

    -Shortly After, The childs body was never seen, They found this diary in the bathroom, Where she was allegedly Belived to be when she.. Vanished. Police are still investigating the case of the Kidnapping, Or murder, Maybe shes out there. Maybe She escaped, Maybe shes still captive, Maybe shes still alive… No one knows, All i know is, Is that Always, Check in with your parents, It may be your last conversation of your life…

  • So
    doo ded bodez taist liek matreses
    or wut

    XD I don’t really talk like that.


  • Well, I mean i saw a My strange addiction where a lady was addicted to eating couch cushions, her mattress and even her bra cushion!!!

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