Scary For Kids

Black Tights

The Black Tights is a scary children’s story from Russia about a young girl whose new clothes are too tight.

Black Tights

Black Tights

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who loved ballet. Her mother bought her a new pair of black tights for her birthday. She put on the black tights and her mother dropped her off at ballet rehearsal.

When her mother arrived to pick her up a few hours later, the girl seemed to be in pain.

“Mom! Mom!”, she said “My legs hurt!”

Her mother told her to wait until they got home before taking off her black tights.

When they were driving home, the girl complained again.

“Mom! Mom!”, she said “My legs hurt!”

“Wait until we get home”, said her mother. “Then we’ll take off your black tights and see why they hurt.”

When they got near their house, the girl started crying.

“Mom! Mom!”, she said “My legs hurt!”

“Wait until we get home”, said her mother. “We’ll be there in a minute.”

When they arrived home, the girl immediately began to take off her black tights, and then she screamed. Instead of legs, there were just some bones.

The End.

scary for kids


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