Scary For Kids

Blind Woman

The Blind Woman is a short humorous story about an old lady who keeps a memento of her dead husband.

Blind Woman

There was an old blind woman who owned a farm. Her husband had been sick for years and he eventually died. She cried for days and decided to chop off his finger to keep as a memento. As he lay in the coffin, she felt around for his middle finger, grabbed it and chopped it off with a knife. She wrapped the finger in a handkerchief and kept it in her pocket.

One night, the old blind woman was lying in bed when she heard footsteps downstairs. She recognized those footsteps. They sounded exactly like the footsteps of her dead husband. A shiver ran down her spine as she heard the footsteps walking up the stairs. She heard her bedroom door creak open and the smell of death filled the room.

Tremblingwith fear, the old blind woman said “Have you come back for your finger?”

She heard the ghostly voice of her dead husband reply, “That wasn’t my finger you chopped off!”

scary for kids


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