Scary For Kids

Blind Woman

The Blind Woman is a short humorous story about an old lady who keeps a memento of her dead husband.

Blind Woman

There was an old blind woman who owned a farm. Her husband had been sick for years and he eventually died. She cried for days and decided to chop off his finger to keep as a memento. As he lay in the coffin, she felt around for his middle finger, grabbed it and chopped it off with a knife. She wrapped the finger in a handkerchief and kept it in her pocket.

One night, the old blind woman was lying in bed when she heard footsteps downstairs. She recognized those footsteps. They sounded exactly like the footsteps of her dead husband. A shiver ran down her spine as she heard the footsteps walking up the stairs. She heard her bedroom door creak open and the smell of death filled the room.

Tremblingwith fear, the old blind woman said “Have you come back for your finger?”

She heard the ghostly voice of her dead husband reply, “That wasn’t my finger you chopped off!”

scary for kids


  • cause the woman was blind.Instead of cutting the middle finger she cut his XXXXX!!!!!!!!!!

  • I just had a fridge-horror moment. This is what my I did after finishing the story:

    One second after finishing: ^u^

    Three seconds: ^u^

    Five seconds: O_O!!!!

  • OMG that was his private thingy lol I thought at first it was her own finger but then I thought that she would feel it , I really think this should be on funny stories because I was ROFL

  • his penis> lol funny story.oh because she was blind she thought it was his midle finger but a middle finger isn’t that long and massive, oh sorry for typing all that :( mind my language.

  • Well like most people here I assumed that she chopped off HER finger but then I realised that she cut off his um……….. “down stairs”. BTW I dont like saying it cause I feel uncomfortable. *shudder*

  • because a scary story website doesn’t have to be scary 100% of the time

  • I never knew that some people make such a big deal over a simple word, how immature. . . — ____ —“

  • sumtimes sfk copies like this story. they copied this frum scary stories to tell in the dark. but every1 does it =)

    Scaryforkids says: Sorry Yellow Dash, but that is not true… All of the stories in “Scary Stories to tell in the dark” are urban legends. The guy who wrote that book doesn’t own any of those stories. They are folktales that have been passed around for decades. Also, I made up this story, inspired by The Golden Arm which is an old folktale from the 1800s… Mark Twain even wrote a version of it.

  • Due to my mind & brain, I instantly KNEW it wasn’t his finger. In fact, I knew exactly what she cut off. o-e

  • Well that was rude of the dead husband! Hello, the old woman is blind! Give her a break, besides it was close enough no?

  • ewwww! how could she mix up a middle finger and his man parts!? she must have thot hi middle finger was huge!

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