Scary For Kids

Blue Door

The Blue Door is a scary children’s story from Russia about a young boy who disregards his father’s advice.

Blue Door

Blue Door

Once upon a time, there was a young boy who was bored sitting at home. He decided to go for a walk around his house, but just before he left, his father said “Walk where you want, but don’t open that blue door.”

The boy was walking all around the house, opening and closing doors. He quickly grew bored again, but then he came to the blue door.

Temptation got the better of him and, even though his father had forbidden him to open the door, he decided to open it anyway.

He twisted the door knob and opened it a crack. Suddenly, a horrible skeleton popped out and chased him around the house.

Running down the stairs with the skeleton in hot pursuit, the boy began shouting for his father.

“Dad! Dad!”, he screamed.” There’s a skeleton chasing me!”

His father appeared, holding an axe, and chopped the skeleton into little pieces.

“I told you not to open that door” said his father. “Now, go back to what you were doing, but make sure you don’t open the blue door again.”

The boy began walking around the house again, and soon he got bored. He went back upstairs and opened the blue door. Suddenly, a terrible headless man popped out and chased him around the house.

The boy ran back downstairs and screamed for his father.

“Dad! Dad!”, he cried.” There’s a headless man chasing me!”

His father appeared, holding a shotgun, and blasted the headless man with both barrels.

“This is the last time I’m going to warn you”, said his father. “Do not open that blue door. If you do, you only have yourself to blame.”

The boy began walking around the house again, for things to do. Soon he was out of ideas. He stood in front of the blue door, wondering if he should risk opening it again. Curiosity got the better of him and he twisted the knob. The door swung open wide and his father was standing inside, holding an axe.

“I warned you!” screamed the father as he chopped his son into little pieces.

The End.

scary for kids


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  • Hey there are a few stories im tryin gto find. . but cant are they deleted or archived or????>…but what is with these parents telling them not to do something for no reason? Like the door was there since they moved there why suddenly is he told not to open the door? as if he was ever going to? if he didnt already… confused…

  • story..that little boy wouldnt have died if his father didnt tell him NOTT to open the door..but that dad apparrently wanted to kill him so whatever this story confuses me…maybe it was an evil clone or twin brother…

  • how did she knock on the door radiating Violet ?hmmmmmmm thats what id like to know

  • wow. interesting story, radiatingViolet– i know that even you probably don’t know the answer to this, but, if the hands were the mother’s, why did she grab the son?! srsly!?

  • oh wow.that was…wow.ummmm….moral of the story:listen to ur parents,kids!otherwise they might chop ya up.

  • how sad. the boy is dumb…i probably am very disobedient 2 my friends except when theyre serious…but if its my parents, i obey them…

  • In our country we have a story quite similar to this one.
    It started with an old piano, which was locked. It was placed inside a livingroom and was watched over by a mother. When she got a job, she gave the key to the piani to her daughter. She told her not to open the closed lid, whatever happens. When she had left for work, the daugter grew quite bored and decided to look under the piano lid. While she was unlocking the piano lid, her youngest brother walked into the room. The daughter took a deep breath and opened the piano. A pair of hairy, mutated arms came out and grabbed her brother right before her arms. When her mother came home, she told her that her brother was staying at his friend’s house, while she secretly was plotting a plan to get him back. To her, there was nothing worce than losing her mother’s trust. The next day when her mother had left, she took an axe from the shed and when the hairy arms came out, she chopped them off. Her barely alive brother crawled out of the piano, into his sister’s arms. Suddenly they heard furious knocking outside the door. They opened it to find their mother, furious and armless.

  • shadowsgirl24
    hey, i know i already posted a comment like this, but if u ever come back to this story, plz answer my last comment, and tell me all the russian stories that u know on this site and how i can find them. thank you :)

  • shadowsgirl24

    what other russian stories r on this website? plz tell me where to find them.
    thank you :)

  • ive noticed a reaccuring theme with the russian stories. they are always of a child misbehaving or not listening to their parents. hmmm

  • cool but…. the son really was kind of stupid. if i were him, i wouldnt open the door even the first time. i would just go back to doing what i was doind. what makes him stupid, though, is that even after what had happened he decided to open the door again. and the second time, the father warned him: “open the door again, and u only got urself to blame”. it was kinda obvious that his father is gonna jump out. anyway, good story :)

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