Scary For Kids

Brain Teasers

Each of these Brain Teasers contains a scary hidden meaning. Can you spot the creepy story in each one? Spend some time thinking about each these riddles. If they are too puzzling and you can’t figure them out, scroll down and look for the answers in the comments section.

Brain Teasers

1. Alone in the House

I was really scared last night after I read a really creepy story on this scary Website I always visit. What made it worse was that my parents were away, so I was alone in the house. I switched on all the lights in my room and in the hall leading to the bathroom. That calmed me down a little. The only scary thing that happened was when I finished showering and went back to my room. I switched on the light and, at that exact moment, my handbag fell off the chair. That made me jump! LOL 

2. Strange Dinner

A few days ago, I was invited to dinner at a friend’s house. The strange thing is, my friend recently got involved with some weird religious cult. While I was there, he served up some type of meat, but he wouldn’t tell me what kind of meat it was. It kind of freaked me out. For a second, I wondered if it was human meat, but then, after I ate it, I knew it definitely wasn’t human meat.

3. The Girl in the Library

Yesterday, I went to the library to borrow some books. I asked the librarian where the horror section was and she directed me to some shelves that were in the corner, against the wall. I was browsing through the titles, when I came to a gap in the books and a cute girl peering through at me from the other side. Our eyes met for a moment and she smiled. I spent 10 minutes trying to work up the courage to start a conversation with her, but in the end I just picked out 3 books and brought them over to the librarian’s counter. Why am I such a wuss? If I’d been brave enough to talk to that girl, I could have maybe got her number.

4. Autopsy Exam

Studying to become a doctor is really hard work, but I scored 100% at my autopsy exam on Friday. I can’t take all the credit though. My roommate was a huge help. I wish I could thank him, but he’s no longer with us. RIP Jacob.

5. Pizza Delivery

I was delivering a pizza to an old apartment building in a bad area of town. When I pushed the button to call the elevator, the doors opened immediately. Suddenly, this woman ran out screaming with this crazy look on her face. She ran out of the building before I could say a word. Some people are just weird. I looked inside the elevator, just to check for scary murderers. Nope, nothing. But I still ended up taking the stairs.

6. Suicide Video

A few days ago, my boyfriend sent me an email with a video link in it. When I watched the video, I was horrified. It showed him committing suicide. In the video, he tied a rope around his neck and jumped off a chair. How could he send me something like that?? His funeral is tomorrow, but I can’t bring myself to go. Am I a bad person?

7. Girlfriend

My mom treats my girlfriend like crap. Whenever we come over to visit, she never sets out a place for her. Today, when she was cleaning, she grabbed her and called her dirty and tried to throw her in the closet. That was too much for me. I shouted “Mom! Don’t treat Alice that way!” My mom just looked at me and was all like “Alice? Who the bleep is Alice?” I can’t believe how rude my mom is.

8. Burglar

A few minutes ago, I was taking a shower and I heard a scream from the living room. I got out of the bath and ran out there naked. When I got there, I saw a burglar standing over the dead bodies of my mom, my dad and my sister. When the burglar saw me, he jumped out the window and ran off. I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do.

9. Three Wives

I’ve lost three wives. Can you believe that? Let me tell you, alcohol is a very dangerous thing. My first wife was an alcoholic. She loved to drink wine. After we were married for 2 years, she suffered from alcohol poisoning and died. My second wife was also very fond of wine. Her death was caused by her drinking too. My third wife died in a different way. She broke her neck when she fell down the stairs. She wasn’t drunk, though. She always refused to drink wine.

10. Cheap Hotel

I’m on holiday in Bangkok, Thailand and I’m staying in a cheap hotel. The locals say this hotel is haunted, but you know how Thai people are… They’re very superstitious. However, I did have one scary incident last night. I took a bath and while I was blow-drying my hair, I switched on the TV. Suddenly, a horrifying, old, white-faced woman appeared on the screen. It gave me such a fright, I dropped the hair-drier into the bathtub. That knocked out all the lights in my room. I had to rely on the light from the TV to get dressed. Then, when I went down to the lobby, I found out that my little accident had knocked out the electricity in the whole hotel. The hotel manager wasn’t very happy with me. LOL

scary for kids


  • 1. Ghost turned off light and knocked bag over.
    2. Person is obvious cannibal, knowing what human meat tastes like.
    3. Guy was either imagining the girl or it was a ghost.
    4. Guy killed Jacob and performed an autopsy on him.
    5. Either the lady or pizza guy is the ghost.
    6. Boyfriend’s ghost sent the video.
    7. Imaginary or inanimate object.
    8. Person taking shower was murderer, burglar was shocked so he screamed. He ran away because he realized that the nude guy was the killer.
    9. Husband poisoned the first two wives. Since the third wife didn’t drink, he pushed her down the stairs.
    10. Ghost was in the TV.

  • 1: no clue
    2: question, how does that person know what human meat taste like
    3: there’s a wall behind the book shelf…
    4: he killed Jacob to help with his exam
    5: me no no
    6: I’m scared how could he send her a video if he’s dead
    7: duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    8:oh i get it the guy taking the shower is the killer he was washing the blood off
    9: he poisoned the first 2 wives and snapped the 3rd wive’s neck
    10: how is the tv still on if all the hotel lights are knocked out…

  • 10: He Turned on the TV That Means He Is In The Living Room How Could He Drop The Hair Dryer In The Bathtub If He Was In The Living Room

  • I Will Explain The Fifth One He delivered The Pizza In an OLD APARTMENT BUILDING Which Has No Elevators

  • 1.) She had all the lights turned ON at first when she got out of the bathroom the light was off. GHOST DID IT! She turned the light on and the bag fell. Lol, she startle the ghost…. they like the dark.
    2.)He tasted human meat before. Therefore he recognized the taste.
    3.)The cute girl was a ghost; the bookshelf was against the wall remember! :o
    4.)He did an autopsy on his roommate Jacob… R.I.P Jacob
    5.)Has me a little stomped… The frightened girl was a ghost or maybe she was happy to get out of that SUPER creepy building! The pizza delivery boy is in for a surprise.
    6.)Who can film themselves committing suicide then send the video? Think about it, they committed suicide! He sent it from the other side. They have email and Internet connections! :o
    7.) His girlfriend is totally an inanimate object. He has a great imagination! FOREVER ALONE
    8.)The burglar was about to steal and to his surprise everyone was dead. The person telling the story is the murderer! RUN BURGLAR, RUN!! Never though I would say that. Ha! That’s what he gets for trying to steal.
    9.)The husband has killed all wives; alcoholic poisoned 2 and pushed the other one down the stairs after she refused. Evil mad man!
    10.) The person who’s telling the story is too hype. Anyway all the lights went off in the hotel EXEPT the creepy TV in which she saw the white face of the woman. :o

  • Scaryforkids, did I get #7 right? I read your last comment that PinkGhostieGirl asked you about and you said that only a few people got it. I wasn’t sure if I was supposed to say that he was insane or just say what I had said.

  • Answers:
    1. He turned on all the lights in the house, so how could the bedroom light have turned off?
    2. Hold on… How does he know what people taste like? He’s a cannibal…
    3. If the shelves were against the wall, then how could anyone be on the other side? The girl’s a ghost.
    4. He performed the autopsy on jacob…
    5. The lady is a ghost! If the elevator wasn’t moving, how or why would she have been trapped in a working elevator?
    6. The boyfriend is a ghost now. It’s impossible to send a video of your own suicide, you’d already be dead!
    7. Tha mom wasn”t cruel… Alice could have been a doll, or most likeley, a ghost?
    8.burgalar doesnt kill people… Therefore the killer was the man in the bath. He murdered them before he took a bath.
    9. The husband kills his wives with alchohol, but if they refuse to drink, like the third wife, he kills them by knocking them down the stairs.
    10. He knocked the whole hotel’s power out, and therefore the tv couldn’t have been on. Either it was haunted or the ghost was in or in front of the monitor.

  • 1. There was a ghost that was in the house that turned the light off in the bedroom and accidentally knocked off the handbag when the person who is telling the story turned on the lights.
    2. The person is a cannibal or at least ate human meat at some point because the person’s friend served meat and the person somehow have known that the meat wasn’t human meat so that must mean that the person really is a cannibal or ate human meat at some point in his life.
    3. The person must have met a little ghost girl in the library because the library shelf was against the corner against the wall which means that nobody can get behind the selves but ghosts.
    4. The student was to do an autopsy on something to become a doctor so the person used their roommate to do the autopsy.
    5. The person was a ghost, being a pizza delivery man so the woman in the elevator must have been a murder so she must’ve murder the person so when she saw the her victim as a ghost, thus, making her scared to death and the person checked inside the elevator to make sure the woman didn’t murder another person so he could report the murder if there was. Since the person is apparently a ghost, if the person took to elevator, the person would go through the elevator while the elevator goes up so the person wouldn’t be going anywhere so the person took the steps so he would be able to go somewhere.
    6. I got two ideas. A: The girl must have been murder or at least told her boyfriend to commit suicide and watched him do it. Then, she must’ve recorded him doing it and sent it to her computer so she could watch it over and over again but when she saw it, she became guilty of doing it so she can’t bring herself to go to his funeral because she is guilty of causing his suicide. B: The boyfriend’s ghost sent the video of him doing it to show that he had died and he didn’t want his girlfriend to get the wrong idea that he moved away without telling her.
    7. Alice must have been in his imagination and he must’ve imagined that his mom was throwing Alice in the closet when his mom might’ve been throwing something else in and since it was in his imagination, he would be the only one to see Alice so since his mom couldn’t see Alice, she didn’t put a place for Alice. Alice couldn’t be a ghost because if Alice would’ve been a ghost, the boy’s mom would’ve known who Alice was and she would not be able to touch Alice because Alice was a ghost.
    8. The person in the shower was already dead because the burglar secretly killed him before he killed his family. When the person came to check on the scream he heard in the living room, the burglar saw his victim that he killed before the family as a ghost and left because he was shocked to find out that the victim was a ghost.
    9. The husband was always the killer and what he means by “Alcohol is a very dangerous thing” is that he poisons the wine that his last two wives drink to kill them. That is why his third wife died a different way because she always refused to drink wine or any type of alcohol which was the usual way to kill his wives so instead shoved his third wife down the steps to break her neck to kill her instead of the other way with wine poisoning.
    10. The hotel really was haunted this whole time. When the person turned on the TV, that was also the same time when the ghost appeared so when the electricity went out, the TV was the only light source he could use because it was where the ghost was.
    Did I get it right Scary for Kids? Please reply back!

  • 1. The lights were all turned on BEFORE the shower, something must have turned off the light & knocked the handbag
    2. he was served halal meat, & to begin with already knew the taste of human meat so knew he wasn’t searved that
    3. how can a girl me peering through the gap if the books were against the wall?
    4. The roommate was used for pre-autopsy prep for the exam
    5. Since the door opened straight away I’m guessing the lady was trapped in the elevator until the button was paused
    6. he died before the video could be sent
    7. That’s a song called “Living Next Door to Alice”
    8. the person is lying, they were taking a shower but jumped out from the bath? They killed the family
    9. The husband murdered all three wives, the first two by poisoning the wine – the last by breaking her neck and pushing her down the stairs
    10. first, how can you take a bath/blowdry your hair/watch tv at the same time? If all the power was knocked out how can you get dressed by tv light?

    Yusss I win!!!! :)

  • 1. The lights were already left on.
    2. Human meat? How’d they know?
    3. The shelves are against the wall, creepy girl :/
    4. He killed Jacob for science
    5. She was trapped there LOL
    6. He’s dead, how’d u sent it?
    7. Alice is a toy or doll
    8. The dude in the shower killed them, the burglar screamed
    9. Great excuses. But he killed them
    10. No power = no TV

  • 1.) They turned on the light but they had already turned it on before they went into the shower.
    2.) How do they know what human meat tastes like?
    3.) The shelves were in the corner against the wall. How did a girl get on the other side?
    4.) He did an autopsy on his roommate Jacob?
    5.) If the doors opened immediately, why was there a lady in there?
    6.) How did he send the link if he was dead already.
    7.) Alice is a doll, I think?
    8.) A burglar doesn’t kill…I think?
    9.) He killed them?
    10.) How was the TV on if all the power went out?

  • for 1 how did she get scared because she said she truned on all lights did i get it right?
    3 how did the girl look at him wasent in the corrner
    4 he did a aptopsy on his roomate did i get it right?
    5 ???????? it was bloody?
    7 the alice was a dog?
    8 i have no idea
    9 he killed them
    10 she died because you can not have a blowder in the tub and a tv the white women was her ghost figure ?

  • 5) The woman was trapped in the elevator and could finally get out when he pushed the button… Am I right?

    Scaryforkids says: Yes.

  • 1) a ghost turned off the bedroom light
    2) I agree he tasted the meat before
    3) I again agree that she was a ghost
    4) I again also agree he performed the autoouspy on his roommate
    5) He the pizze guy is a ghost?
    6) he ( the frined who died) was murdered
    7) the narrater is mental and is basing he’s expreincess to be ‘Alice’
    8) the guy who ran out of the shower died and returned as a ghost
    9) I agree he murdered his wives
    10) (lots of agreeing) I too agree, the tv is haunted

  • I can’t believe nobody got #10. He said that he dropped the hair dryer in the bathtub while it was filled with water, and he was in it while it happened. He likely shocked himself to death.

  • Why am I the only one who thinks Alice is imaginary or a ghost? Look at the hint: she never gets a seat for dinner. So the one his mom threw in is probably imagination.

  • Number 8: He said it was a BURGLAR. The BURGLAR probably ran off because the guy in the shower was the MURDERER. The dead bodies were already there. Thats why the BURGLAR ran off. Probably to call the police or something :/

  • I know number 5!!! The guy saw the ghost of a murdered woman!! Look where it says ”She ran out screaming with a crazy look on her face” and where it talks about the orderer for the pizza being on a top floor. She probably got murdered by the person who ordered the pizza. :I

  • 1.she turned the lites on wen she was in the room but wen she left she had turned them off then she was trying to turn dem on but she ran into the chair nd wen she turned dem on she realixed she dropped thepurse… i get it..yayayayaya

  • oh…i get #5. the guy didn’t see any MURDERER but another mysterious thing…am i right? when the guy checked the elevator, he didn’t see a murderer..but something else..get it? creepy huh? @scary for kids it’s my first time to read this..including #5..but i think i got the #5 answer right away
    ahhh!!! number 4 kills me!!

  • #2.How would they know what human meat tasted like?
    #4.He practiced on his roommate O.o
    #6.How could he send it if he committed suicide?
    #9.He killed her? I’m not sure why though
    #10.There’s not supposed to be a TV in the bathroom? idk

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