Scary For Kids

Brain Teasers

Each of these Brain Teasers contains a scary hidden meaning. Can you spot the creepy story in each one? Spend some time thinking about each these riddles. If they are too puzzling and you can’t figure them out, scroll down and look for the answers in the comments section.

Brain Teasers

1. Alone in the House

I was really scared last night after I read a really creepy story on this scary Website I always visit. What made it worse was that my parents were away, so I was alone in the house. I switched on all the lights in my room and in the hall leading to the bathroom. That calmed me down a little. The only scary thing that happened was when I finished showering and went back to my room. I switched on the light and, at that exact moment, my handbag fell off the chair. That made me jump! LOL 

2. Strange Dinner

A few days ago, I was invited to dinner at a friend’s house. The strange thing is, my friend recently got involved with some weird religious cult. While I was there, he served up some type of meat, but he wouldn’t tell me what kind of meat it was. It kind of freaked me out. For a second, I wondered if it was human meat, but then, after I ate it, I knew it definitely wasn’t human meat.

3. The Girl in the Library

Yesterday, I went to the library to borrow some books. I asked the librarian where the horror section was and she directed me to some shelves that were in the corner, against the wall. I was browsing through the titles, when I came to a gap in the books and a cute girl peering through at me from the other side. Our eyes met for a moment and she smiled. I spent 10 minutes trying to work up the courage to start a conversation with her, but in the end I just picked out 3 books and brought them over to the librarian’s counter. Why am I such a wuss? If I’d been brave enough to talk to that girl, I could have maybe got her number.

4. Autopsy Exam

Studying to become a doctor is really hard work, but I scored 100% at my autopsy exam on Friday. I can’t take all the credit though. My roommate was a huge help. I wish I could thank him, but he’s no longer with us. RIP Jacob.

5. Pizza Delivery

I was delivering a pizza to an old apartment building in a bad area of town. When I pushed the button to call the elevator, the doors opened immediately. Suddenly, this woman ran out screaming with this crazy look on her face. She ran out of the building before I could say a word. Some people are just weird. I looked inside the elevator, just to check for scary murderers. Nope, nothing. But I still ended up taking the stairs.

6. Suicide Video

A few days ago, my boyfriend sent me an email with a video link in it. When I watched the video, I was horrified. It showed him committing suicide. In the video, he tied a rope around his neck and jumped off a chair. How could he send me something like that?? His funeral is tomorrow, but I can’t bring myself to go. Am I a bad person?

7. Girlfriend

My mom treats my girlfriend like crap. Whenever we come over to visit, she never sets out a place for her. Today, when she was cleaning, she grabbed her and called her dirty and tried to throw her in the closet. That was too much for me. I shouted “Mom! Don’t treat Alice that way!” My mom just looked at me and was all like “Alice? Who the bleep is Alice?” I can’t believe how rude my mom is.

8. Burglar

A few minutes ago, I was taking a shower and I heard a scream from the living room. I got out of the bath and ran out there naked. When I got there, I saw a burglar standing over the dead bodies of my mom, my dad and my sister. When the burglar saw me, he jumped out the window and ran off. I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do.

9. Three Wives

I’ve lost three wives. Can you believe that? Let me tell you, alcohol is a very dangerous thing. My first wife was an alcoholic. She loved to drink wine. After we were married for 2 years, she suffered from alcohol poisoning and died. My second wife was also very fond of wine. Her death was caused by her drinking too. My third wife died in a different way. She broke her neck when she fell down the stairs. She wasn’t drunk, though. She always refused to drink wine.

10. Cheap Hotel

I’m on holiday in Bangkok, Thailand and I’m staying in a cheap hotel. The locals say this hotel is haunted, but you know how Thai people are… They’re very superstitious. However, I did have one scary incident last night. I took a bath and while I was blow-drying my hair, I switched on the TV. Suddenly, a horrifying, old, white-faced woman appeared on the screen. It gave me such a fright, I dropped the hair-drier into the bathtub. That knocked out all the lights in my room. I had to rely on the light from the TV to get dressed. Then, when I went down to the lobby, I found out that my little accident had knocked out the electricity in the whole hotel. The hotel manager wasn’t very happy with me. LOL

scary for kids


  • These r all the correct answers
    1. She turned on the lights before she went into the bathroom.
    2. How does he know what human meat tastes like? He has eaten it before.
    3. The bookshelf was against the wall the girl was a ghost.
    4. He killed his friend for the exam.
    5. The woman was trapped in the elevator when he pressed the button she was able to get out
    6. Her boyfriend’s ghost sent the video cause he had already killed himself.
    7. “Alice” was a doll
    8. The guy in the shower was a murderer he killed his family then the burgular stepped into the crime scene and was terrified of the man.
    9. Easiest ever the man killed the ones who drank by poisoning them. When the third wife refused he pushed her down the stairs.
    10. The power went out cause the blow drier fell in the water. First he or she should have been killed by an electric shock. Second the power was off the tv should not have been able to come on. It was a ghost

  • ok i got ‘number 4’ he wanted to thank his friend, on the ‘exam’ day BUT since it mentioned he said ‘RIP’ indicating he killed his own roommate to complete and pass the exam! :(

  • 1. She turned on the light and then when she came back, the light was turned off
    2. How does he know what human meat tastes like?
    3. The woman was a ghost, it says that there was just a wall behind the bookcase.
    4. The guy killed and dissected his roommate so he would get an a on his test
    5. The woman was a ghost, it said that the elevator doors opened instantly, which means it was on that floor and the woman came out screaming. I don’t know many people who spend their time alone, inside elevators.
    6. So who stopped the camera and sent the video?
    7. The guy is cuckoo, he thinks the laundry is his girlfriend
    8. The guy had already killed his family. The buglar got scared when he saw the murderer.
    9. The guy is killing his wives, he killed the first two by making them drink too much wine and he pushed the third one down the stairs because she didn’t drink wine.
    10. How did the tv stay on if all the power was knocked out?

  • Actually In my city library you can see through the bookshelves. The don’t have a Wall dividing them. Or there could have been a crack in the bookshelf. Think harder, Try harder, No brainer.

  • 5# The woman took the elevator and since it was still open for the pizza guy to check that means the murderer took the stairs which the pizza guy took. HE’S GONNA RUN INTO HIM

  • #8 the guy taking a shower killed the family the burgler screamed and was scared so he ran away the guy in the shower was scared that the bugler was going to tell on him

  • 1) When she went for a shower her light was on and when she came back her light was off, so she had to turn it on again.
    2) How would the person know it wasn’t human meat? They must’ve eaten human meat before that day.
    3) The book shelf was against the wall, there couldn’t have been a real living girl on the other side.
    4) It was an AUTOPSY exam so he killed his room-mate to do an autopsy on him to help with the exam.
    5) This one stumped me but it could be either: The elevator wasn’t an elevator it was stairs. Or, the lady or the pizza guy was a ghost.
    6) How could the boyfriend send her a video of him commiting suicide after he had commited suicide?
    7) His girlfriend is an inanimate object.
    8) The person taking the shower was the killer and they were washing off the blood, the burglar screamed, a burglar doesn’t murder. The person is scared because they think the burglar is going to tell the police.
    9) The guy poisons the alchohol that his first two wives drink and because the last wife didn’ drink he pushed her down the stairs.
    10) How was the T.V. Still on if all the electricity was off?

  • 8 the person was washing of the blood when he was taking a shower and when the burgled came In an ram away because he was scared. Am I rite?

  • Everyone is close to #8 but I don’t think the guy in the shower is the murderer. This is because he says he is scared at the end. They wouldn’t lie in a riddle.. What happened is there are 3 living people in the house. A murderer killed everyone and was probably looking for the speaker when the burglar came in.. The burglar and the speaker meet in the room with the dead bodies and the burglar probably runs off because the murderer is right behind the speaker! :0

  • Did anyone get #5? I got all the rest but that one confuses me completely.

  • 9~ the first two wives died from drinking alchohol too much. the third wife died after her HUSBAND was drunk and he shoved her down the stairs.

  • No, for number 5 is: If the elevator opened as soon as the man pushed the button, it means nobody was riding the elevator. So the lady is a ghost!

  • I believe the answer to #5 is this.When he said “I looked into the elevator to check for murderers,but nope,nothing” I think he literally meant that nothing was there in the elevator,meaning the shaft wasn’t there,so the woman coming out of the elevator had to have been floating in mid-air at the time,so she was a ghost.

  • These are my answers also scary for kids please check my answers on all of the riddles tomorrow
    1.Someone was in her hand bag and turned off the light so nobody would see her.the girl turned on the light meaning that someone turned it off because she turned off all lights in hallway also the handbag fell to the ground meaning somebody was searching in it because it wouldnt just fall by itself so I think she was robbed and she will possibly die after she jumped.
    2.How could the guy know what human meat tastes like , he is a cannibal.I think that family better watch out.
    3.It says the bookshelf was against the wall so the cute girl is a ghost.
    4.He did the autopsy exam on Jacob so Jacob is dead. That guy isnt a doctor he is a murder.
    5. I cant decide what I think is right either there are ghosts in the elevator or the women was trapped there until the doors opened.
    6.He sent the email as a ghost because he commit suicide before he sent the video. Also I think the girlfriend is the reason he died because I guess they argued or fought a lot and the boyfriend decided to commit suicide thats why she didnt attend the funeral.
    7. Alice is actually a doll or a piece of clothes that the mum was calling dirty and put in the closet and the boyfriend is insane and is imagining her weird he is demeneted.
    8.The narater killed his family before the burglar arrived so he screamed when he saw the bodies and ran out.LOL I think he ran out because he was naked
    9.He forced his wifes do drink but the last one didnt so he pushed her down the stairs god this guy is a major drunk phyco.
    10.The t.v was on but I cant explain how it got on maybe there was a ghost in the t.v who magically turned it on lol
    Thank you for these amazing riddles SFK please check them and comment on my smartness but mean whle bye and also I am loving all your stories.

  • #8 the burglar thought the guy in shower was trying to rape him for killing the parents.

  • 5-The elevator was stuck, so when the guy pressed the button from the outside, the woman was finally free. And he was actually lucky that he took the stairs! Lawlz

  • @scary for kids please tell me if I’m right about these answers
    1. Someone was actually in the kid’s house and they turned off his/her lights.
    2. It wasn’t human meat but it turns out the guy was a cannibal!
    3. Their was NO girl because the bookshelf was was in a corner and up against the wall. She was a ghost! BOO, now go 💩!
    4. His roommate is dead.
    5. The woman.couldnt get out until the guy pressed the button.
    6. He was being threatened to commit suicide and after he did the other person sent the email.
    7. He is insane, so his girl friend is ACTUALLY an IMAGINARY girl friend.
    8. The burglar didn’t want a witness!
    9. He was drunk and accidentally pushed her down the stairs. Or someone just randomly killed her.
    10. The TV couldn’t be on if the power was out.

  • I got everything … Here are the ones that I feel are tricky:
    5 – I think that .. This apartment he was delivering pizza to it was in the bad part of town right? I mean im not from America or anywhere im from a whole diffrent continent so its just a guess .. I mean probably the building in the ‘Bad parts’ of town didnt have elevators ? I mean it opened at once right ? So probably nobody used it .. Maybe IT DIDNT EVEN EXSIST ! Cause its in the bad part of town which probably mean the parts only have seedy buildings .. No elevators and its an old building .. So its just my guess .
    & 2 – The guy who was eating the meat how does he even know how human meat tastes ?? he probably tasted

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