Scary For Kids

Brain Teasers

Each of these Brain Teasers contains a scary hidden meaning. Can you spot the creepy story in each one? Spend some time thinking about each these riddles. If they are too puzzling and you can’t figure them out, scroll down and look for the answers in the comments section.

Brain Teasers

1. Alone in the House

I was really scared last night after I read a really creepy story on this scary Website I always visit. What made it worse was that my parents were away, so I was alone in the house. I switched on all the lights in my room and in the hall leading to the bathroom. That calmed me down a little. The only scary thing that happened was when I finished showering and went back to my room. I switched on the light and, at that exact moment, my handbag fell off the chair. That made me jump! LOL 

2. Strange Dinner

A few days ago, I was invited to dinner at a friend’s house. The strange thing is, my friend recently got involved with some weird religious cult. While I was there, he served up some type of meat, but he wouldn’t tell me what kind of meat it was. It kind of freaked me out. For a second, I wondered if it was human meat, but then, after I ate it, I knew it definitely wasn’t human meat.

3. The Girl in the Library

Yesterday, I went to the library to borrow some books. I asked the librarian where the horror section was and she directed me to some shelves that were in the corner, against the wall. I was browsing through the titles, when I came to a gap in the books and a cute girl peering through at me from the other side. Our eyes met for a moment and she smiled. I spent 10 minutes trying to work up the courage to start a conversation with her, but in the end I just picked out 3 books and brought them over to the librarian’s counter. Why am I such a wuss? If I’d been brave enough to talk to that girl, I could have maybe got her number.

4. Autopsy Exam

Studying to become a doctor is really hard work, but I scored 100% at my autopsy exam on Friday. I can’t take all the credit though. My roommate was a huge help. I wish I could thank him, but he’s no longer with us. RIP Jacob.

5. Pizza Delivery

I was delivering a pizza to an old apartment building in a bad area of town. When I pushed the button to call the elevator, the doors opened immediately. Suddenly, this woman ran out screaming with this crazy look on her face. She ran out of the building before I could say a word. Some people are just weird. I looked inside the elevator, just to check for scary murderers. Nope, nothing. But I still ended up taking the stairs.

6. Suicide Video

A few days ago, my boyfriend sent me an email with a video link in it. When I watched the video, I was horrified. It showed him committing suicide. In the video, he tied a rope around his neck and jumped off a chair. How could he send me something like that?? His funeral is tomorrow, but I can’t bring myself to go. Am I a bad person?

7. Girlfriend

My mom treats my girlfriend like crap. Whenever we come over to visit, she never sets out a place for her. Today, when she was cleaning, she grabbed her and called her dirty and tried to throw her in the closet. That was too much for me. I shouted “Mom! Don’t treat Alice that way!” My mom just looked at me and was all like “Alice? Who the bleep is Alice?” I can’t believe how rude my mom is.

8. Burglar

A few minutes ago, I was taking a shower and I heard a scream from the living room. I got out of the bath and ran out there naked. When I got there, I saw a burglar standing over the dead bodies of my mom, my dad and my sister. When the burglar saw me, he jumped out the window and ran off. I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do.

9. Three Wives

I’ve lost three wives. Can you believe that? Let me tell you, alcohol is a very dangerous thing. My first wife was an alcoholic. She loved to drink wine. After we were married for 2 years, she suffered from alcohol poisoning and died. My second wife was also very fond of wine. Her death was caused by her drinking too. My third wife died in a different way. She broke her neck when she fell down the stairs. She wasn’t drunk, though. She always refused to drink wine.

10. Cheap Hotel

I’m on holiday in Bangkok, Thailand and I’m staying in a cheap hotel. The locals say this hotel is haunted, but you know how Thai people are… They’re very superstitious. However, I did have one scary incident last night. I took a bath and while I was blow-drying my hair, I switched on the TV. Suddenly, a horrifying, old, white-faced woman appeared on the screen. It gave me such a fright, I dropped the hair-drier into the bathtub. That knocked out all the lights in my room. I had to rely on the light from the TV to get dressed. Then, when I went down to the lobby, I found out that my little accident had knocked out the electricity in the whole hotel. The hotel manager wasn’t very happy with me. LOL

scary for kids


  • #1: Don’t have an answer, sorry XD
    #2: Interesting… so he’s tasted human meat before? Otherwise he wouldn’t know what human meat tasted like, so he wouldn’t have known if it was human meat or not.
    #3: The bookshelf was up against a wall… maybe?
    #4: Ew… he killed Jacob to study for his autopsy exam!! That’s sick and gross.
    #5: I got nothing for this one XD sorry…
    #6: So he took a video of his suicide. That means he’s obviously dead. And then someone sent the suicidal video to the girl. Maybe he was murdered and his dead body was used to try to fool the girl. Or there was a psycho in his house and he said “Kill yourself or I kill you AND your girl!!”
    #7: Your ‘girlfriend’ is an item of clothing. Your mother knew the clothing was dirty, because someone (you?) had been wearing it. So she threw it into the closet (maybe the washing machine or dirty clothes hamper were in there) to be washed.
    #8: Huh… as long as you’re standing there naked, no burglar is going to kill you. The poor guy ran out because you’re naked, with your privates right there. I mean, come on!!
    #9: You killed the third wife. You use these stories of two previously dead wives to instill sympathy in the hearts of other women. One of these women reached out to you. She wouldn’t drink because she didn’t want you to lose her like you lost the previous ones. Then you pushed her down the stairs.
    #10: If the electricity went out in the entire hotel, how could you use the light of the TV to see your way around? The woman on the TV was obviously either a ghost or a creepy person hiding inside the television with a flashlight or candle.

  • Oh my carrot, @SoulSuckah ! HAHAHAHA! Those are really creative and unique answers! The best answers to these riddles (although not the most probable HAHAHA) *u*

  • #1: She didn’t have a handbag. It was actually a mutant created by the government that had gone wild. The creature had the appearance of a handbag and in her initial shock, she forgot that she was a firm believer of handbag rights; handbags were people too! If only she knew…
    #2: This man had tasted that meat before and recognised its distinct flavour, making him believe it wasn’t human meat but chicken or ssomething. Or: neither of the men were human, but beasts that were allergic to human. He suspected his friend was trying to poison him, thereafter sacrificing him to his new cult. When this didn’t happen, the man knew he was safe.
    #3: This man forgot that the bookcase was beside a wall so he didn’t find it strange at all when the girl on the otherside was visible. Little did he know she was a person who had a deep gridge againt books and libraries, having been bullied as a child for being illiterate when everyone else could read. He had caught her as she was demolishing the wall, silently, with her nail gun. Realizing she had been caught, this girl stared at him until she remembered his face and waited for him to leave the library. Then she followed him home and killed him so he wouldn’t reveal her secret.
    #4: After failing his exam, this man flew into a rage and killed his roommate, Jacob- who’d gotten perfect marks. He then peeled off Jacobs face and sewed it onto his, spending the rest of his life impersonating Jacob just so he could brag about good results on facebook.
    #5: The hotel had low budget when they’d built it, so they only had a bungalow with 3 rooms called “Hotel 3 room banana bungalow.” The creepy thing is that there was no elevator nor were there stairs…
    #6: He faked his death and sent it to her, knowing she would be too stupid to realise the flaw in the plan, all because he wanted to break up with her without confronting her face to face.
    #7:The mother treats the girlfriend like such because she knows that she was responsible for the death of his twin sister but doesn’t have proof.
    #8: The burglar screamed because the man was naked and really ugly.
    #9: The wives were all the same person. They were the man. He had multiple personality disorder and each time a wife died represented his path to recovery.
    #10: An old lady lived in her television and watches her all the time but she doesn’t know that the old lady is her from the future trapped in the tv which witnessed her death caused by stupidity and also electrocution.

  • #5 has nothing to do with ghosts or the lady being locked in the elevator. The woman was clearly running from something and it hints at it being a murderer, but obviously the murderer wasn’t in the elevator, so if he was after her and she got away in the elevator, guess which way he would have went after her? He would have taken the stairs which was the way the person was going. OOoooOOOOoooOOooOOOO

  • I’ve been stuck on #5 for a while but I think I got it. What if the women was running from a murder, and the murder was going down the stairs? So the pizza guy was heading straight for him. 😈😵😯

    Anyone else agree with me?

  • I’ve got a slightly different opinion on 9. Maybe the guy poisoned the wine that his first two wives drunk as he got tired of them, and then when the last wife wouldn’t drink it, he pushed her down the stairs? I don’t know, That’s just my opinion c:

  • 1. He said that he had switched on all the lights in his house. Then how could the light of his room be off when he came out from the shower.
    2. He said that he didn’t know what kind of meat it was. But after tasting, how could he tell that it was definitely not the meat of a human?
    3.He said that the shelf was against the wall. Then how could someone be there on the other side of the shelf.
    4.He had practiced autopsy on his room mate for the exam.
    5.Don’t get it!
    6.How did he send the vdo to the girl if he had already committed a suicide.
    7. The boy is insane & thinks that an inanimate object is his gf.
    8. The man said that there was a bugler, so definitely the bugler wouldn’t kill the family as he is not a murderer. So it was the bugler who screamed after seeing the dead bodies. The man is the murderer.
    9. The man is the one who forced his previous wives to drink wine, so they are dead because of him & the third wife refused to drink wine so he killed her by pushing her off the stairs.
    10. How did she switch on the tv if she was in the bathroom as it is written that when she saw the face on tv, the dryer fell off her hand into the bathtub. Also how was the tv on if the entire building was out of electicity.

    I thought of the answers myself. Didn’t see the comments! I just don’t get no. 5!

  • I’m pretty sure I get all of these riddles. I promise I haven’t looked at other comments yet in case the answer’s there, but these are my answers:

    1. The narrator turned on the lights two times — at the start, they said they turned on the lights once, at the end, they did again, which means the lights turned on in the middle. Who turned them on again if the narrator was supposedly alone?

    2. The narrator wasn’t sure what the meat was, but they said they tried it and then knew for sure it wasn’t human meat. How would they be so sure it wasn’t human meat? That means that they’re a cannibal and have eaten human before.

    3. The narrator was browsing books on a shelf that was by the corner. If it was in the corner, how did they see a person on the other side of the shelf?

    4. Jacob, the roommate, was the one who died in the narrator’s autopsy exam.

    5. The elevator was stuck and it only opens from the outside. The woman was trapped in the elevator for who-knows-how-long and couldn’t get out until the narrator freed her unknowingly.

    6. The boyfriend sent a video of himself suiciding. How did he send it if he supposedly already died in the video?

    7. Alice is actually some kind of inanimate object, and the narrator likely has mental problems.

    8. “I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do.” Scared of getting caught for murder? Think of it from the burglar’s perspective: you’re just someone without a lot of money, wanting to steal a few things for a living. You find a good house, break in, wanting to get some valuable stuff and leave, but instead find bodies lying on the ground. You’re a thief, not a murderer. Only murderers kill. That means the narrator was the one who murdered the family.

    9. The narrator pushed his wife down the stairs and killed her because she refused to drink.

    10. If all the electricity went out, how did the narrator rely on the light from the TV to find his way? The TV should not have had power.

  • #5) Maybe there was no elevator, I mean he ended up taking the stairs… or maybe he was the murderer, I don’t know, hard one though…

    1: How come the lights are off when they come in the room, because they turned on the lights before they left.

    2: Have they tried human meat before? ( How do they know how it tastes?)

    3: Hey look, a girl is behind a bookshelf that is against a wall, don’t mind her.

    4: I wish I could thank him, but I already performed the autopsy, so……..

    5: This one stumped me, I’m thinking maybe the girl running is the one who ordered the pizza, and she is running from a murderer that is in the room the guy is going to?

    6: Guy: I totally have to send my girlfriend this video of me committing suicide. ( How can he send her the video if he is dead?)

    7: Aww, he has a doll named Alice, how sweet. ( It makes since, doesnt it?)

    8: OMIGOSH NAKED GUY, MY EYES! Joking, the guy probably murdered the family, the burglar ( People who usually just steal) was probably there on coincidence.

    9: I know that most likely the one about the husband killing them is right, but I also have another idea. Maybe they all are the same wife, just coming back alive or as a different person. That could be it, right? Because the first two liked wine and had accidents. Maybe it’s the same wife hating wine now because of the mistakes? Eh, heck with it XD

    10: I wish when my power went out MY television would work…….. :(

  • no. 1: Someone was there and turned off the lights

    no. 2: how does he know what human meat even tastes like?!

    no.3: The bookshelf was against the wall, so I have no idea how the girl was there . . .

    no. 4: Maybe the roommate was a model he used to cut open or something, or he was dead and that’s why he knew so much about medicine . . .

    no. 5: Sorry, no idea.

    no. 6: I don’t think he committed suicide . . . I think someone murdered him, hacked onto his emails and sent it to her. Either that or that it was his ghost.

    no. 7: Have no idea

    no. 8: Maybe there was something behind her? Or she was ghost that he had already killed? I don’t know, Scaryforkids, please can you tell me?

    no. 9: The husband is a murderer and kills his first two wives with poison or blood or something alike, then he pushes the last wife down the stairs.

    no. 10: The woman on the TV turned all the lights off? It can’t have been her for two reasons; it was a hairdryer which runs on its own plug, she didn’t turn the power box off. The 2nd reason, if there was a power cut, how come the TV was still on?

  • iam such a failure i cant even know if i spelled failure right or wrong why ;(

  • Number 5 – There was literally nothing inside. No lift because it was under repair. That means the woman is a ghost since she was floating on something.

  • 1 – She had already switched ON her bedroom light before she went for her shower. But when she came back, she had to switch it on again. Basically, this means someone or something had turned the light off whilst she was in the shower. Whatever it was, it got annoyed she turned the light back on and threw her handbag off the chair. I think she has a Poltergeist in her house.

    2 – They knew it definitely wasn’t human meat because they have eaten human meat before. The person is a cannibal.

    3 – The girl on the other side of the bookshelf was a ghost. The bookshelf was against the wall which makes it impossible for there to be someone on the other side of it.

    4 – The roommate was the one who had the autopsy performed on him by his friend. His friend helped him pass his exam.

    5 – This is a very confusing one. The most likely explanation or rational one is that the woman was really just stuck in the elevator and was scared and ran out at the first chance she got. Or, she is a ghost or the pizza man is a ghost. Or, considering it is a bad area of town, maybe the woman was being chased by a mad murderer and had run into the elevator to escape him and unfortunately, when the elevator got to the bottom, the doors wouldn’t open. So she was terrified that the murderer would catch her whenever the doors would open as the murderer had maybe run down the stairs to get her. The pizza man, unfortunately, decided to take the stairs and his fate will be to meet the mad murderer on the stairs.

    6 – The boyfriend was dead so how could he send his girlfriend an e-mail? It would have been his ghost.

    7 – His girlfriend is a piece of clothing. This one is hilarious as his “girlfriend’s” name is Alice and the mother quotes the song: “Alice? Who the **** is Alice?” Lol.

    8 – The person who came out of the bath was in the middle of washing blood off of themselves. This is because it was them who murdered their family. The burglar came in to burgle the house and saw the bodies and got a huge fright. The burglar got an even bigger fright when the murderer stood there naked, still with some blood over their body. The murderer was scared and didn’t know what to do because they have a split personality and don’t remember killing their family members. They think the burglar murdered them.

    9 – The husband basically forced the first two wives to drink themselves to death. The third wife, not wanting to drink, was unfortunately pushed down the stairs by the husband because she wouldn’t drink.

    10 – If she had knocked out the electricity in the entire building, then how the heck was the TV still on? This could have been the ghost she seen causing the TV to stay on.

  • 1. Before she got in the shower she said that she had turned on all the lights, but when she got back the lights were off. Therefore the ghost must of turned off the lights, and when she turned the lights back on, it must of made the ghost jump, causing it to knock the handbag of the chair.
    2. He must of eaten human meat before if he knows what it tastes like.
    3. The bookshelf was against a wall, so how could he have possibly seen a girl on the other side…unless she was a ghost.
    4. He did the Autopsy on his room-mate, Jacob.
    5. As soon as the Pizza Man pushed the button, the elevator opened. Which means there was no-one using the elevator, so the lady that ran out screaming, must of bean a ghost.
    6. His spirit must of sent the video, because how could he of sent it, if he was dead?
    7. Alice was either a ghost or his ‘imaginary friend’.
    8. The boy killed his parents, then he took a bath (Probably to get rid of any blood). Then the Burglar arrived at the crime scene, and when he saw the boy, he must of thought that he was the murderer, so that’s why he ran out screaming. (Remember, Burglars don’t kill people).
    9. The man is the one killing his wives. For the first two he made them drink too much alcohol, and when the third one refused to drink any, he decided to push her down the stairs.
    10. The power in the whole building was out, so how was the Tv on? The ghost was probably powering the Tv.

  • 1. She/he turned on the light and took a shower and the light was off when she/he came out
    2. ?
    3. The shelf was against the wall, there can’t be someone on the other side
    4. He did the autopsy thing on his roommate
    5. ?
    6. How did he send the video if he is dead?
    7. ?
    8. ?
    9. ?
    10. A bathtub and a tv in the same room? Did anyone else notice that?

  • Okay, ten is really not that hard. The author=the ghost. She electrocuted herself in the bath tub.

  • ok for number 10:i find the person INCREDIABLY stupid!
    he or she obviously doesnt know that “water and electricty” dont go so well together.yes the power would be knocked out.maybe it was a ghost or poltergiest, that keep the ‘tv’ on? spirits like those are attratched to electricy or a magnetic field?

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