Scary For Kids


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  • Poor girl… F### those dolls. My mom used to have one. Now I know why I get a creepy feeling around them…WOW. I really am psychic.

  • O.O my mom played with those. she was kidnapped the night she got one and she was found again but no one ever found the kidnapper

  • I never like Cabbage Patch Dolls. Not because I don’t like dolls but mostly because their faces were “cheeky” LOL idk what I’m saying. -___-

  • yep and I still got like 12 cabbage patch dolls in my room (i am only 9 and that makes this story so much better!)

  • Weird… My Cousin has a huuuuugee fear of those dolls. She says she fell asleep holding one and when she woke up, a lock of her hair was on the ground and the the doll was biting her hair off 0.o

  • I Have Always Hated Them Dolls. I Had One, It Slept With Me. One Day, I Woke Up And it Was In My Closet! I Threw It Away After That.

  • Ekkk! My friend has one in her house and the skin’s peeling of, I need to get a closer look at it now…

  • they didn’t eat her, chibimaru15000!! u saw what happened. they buried her for NO FREAKIN’ REASON AT ALL!! they’re cute :)

  • I knew they couldn’t be trusted with those beady little eyes!

  • I love the Cabbage Patch Dolls, nothing can change my mind about them. I had a few myself and my sister did too. I’m planning on buying one for each of my daughters. They love how they look and they’re fun to play with. Nothing wrong with them, just because of that little story. It’s creepy but yet made up.

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