Scary For Kids


The Candyman is an urban legend that tells the scary story of a murdered slave who returns from the dead in search of revenge if you say his name five times. A horror movie was made in 1992 about the legend, followed by two sequels, starring Tony Todd as the Candyman. Read the story and find out how to play the Candyman Challenge.


According to the legend, if you look into a mirror and chant the name “Candyman” five times, he will appear behind you and kill you with his hook. For you see, the Candyman is a vicious killer with a bloody hook for a hand. He appears from the mirror, covered in blood and bees and he has nothing but murder on his mind.

They say that many years ago, the Candyman was a real man. Back in the days of slavery, Candyman was a black slave named Daniel Robitaille, who worked on a plantation in New Orleans. He was a talented painter and was chosen by the plantation owner to paint a portrait of his daughter.

But Daniel fell in love with the daughter of the white plantation owner. When the racist plantation owner discovered that his daughter and the slave were in love, he raised an angry mob and chased Daniel out of town.

Armed with pitchforks and a pack of dogs, they chased the poor slave across fields and streams. Finally, they caught up with the exhausted slave near an old barn. The evil men siezed Daniel and cut off his right hand with a rusty saw. Then they covered him in honey and threw him into a beehive.

The unfortunate Candyman was in terrible pain and died from his injuries, but not before he cursed the men who killed him and vowed to return and exact his revenge. They say his spirit would never rest and now his ghost walks the world for all eternity, appearing when his name is called five times.

So remember, you can say “Candyman” once, twice, three times or four. But never say it five times or you’ll be sorry!

scary for kids


  • Crap 4 him! 😥 Poor guy. I feel sorry for him. But why Candyman? I mean, the story has nothing to do with candy.

  • poor guy,he got killed for being in love and the girl <3 him back!RACISM!I HATE RACIST PEOPLE!

  • Candyman is fake guys but bloodymary babyblue and six scratches is real!!!!!1

  • @Bmary u only knew that from candyman:farewell to the flesh.Anyway, this is how the whole story goes, they got it all wrong.So yes, Candyman was enslaved. Some jackass told Daniel to take yes a slaveowner’s daughter’s virginity. He then did that because he was truly in love with her. Her dad was racist and ordered men to go and kill poor Daniel. They then chased Daniel down naked and soon caught him. They cut off his hand and replaced it with a hook. They smeared his naked body with honeycomb and bees attracted to it. A kid ♀ licked it and said “mmm candyman!” The people then started chanting candyman. There. That’s the straight story.

  • what really happened was, yes, they covered him in honey and threw him in the beehive, but be escaped and a kid walked up to him and licked the honey and said “Candyman!” And the name sticked…

  • ANOTHER THING the comment before my comment is
    spelled wrong you have said candyman…candyman…candyman…candyman and candyLman
    so you have spelt the 5th candyman like c..a..n..d..y..l..m..a..n
    whatever if he could just be summoned for candy i would never leave him alone and the candyman chocolate is way better from this guy

  • well i do love candy but this candyman is also a candy
    if this is true i feel totally bad for him if this isnt true i dont care

  • I told my cousin the story and he didn’t beilieve me so I took him into the bathroom and did the chant, and the lights wouldn’t stop going on and off and when I turned the lights on the mirror was cracked. It was soo scary.

    And yes, I am a girl.

  • OMG when i was little i had a nightmare so i went into my parents room and they were asleep and the tv was on and so was the movie of candyman i just sat there watching it it was so scary or it was when i i was 5 i was so super scared of mirrorss i made my mum take all our mirrors down :)

  • i want candy now :( im gonna chant his name and say “trick or treat!!!” jk im a chicken o_o

    ~but really i want candy :C

  • Poor Guy. No one deserves to be killed in that way! I think that the Candy man is innocent and did nothing wrong!!! Whats wrong about being in love??? I’m with you Candy man :D x

  • Candyman… Candyman… Candyman… Candyman… and, Candyman!!! Let’s see what u’ve got! 3:D Come on, Im waiting for u infront of the mirror! xD xD

  • Candyman. . . yummy yummy, is he gonna give me candies if I also do what Duality is planning to do?

  • Poor guy – enslaved, abused and trapped in mirrors and stuff… I think if I did summon him, I’d put the poor slave’s mind to rest that his kind is equal; show him Obama and Martin Luther King, then befriend him. Preferably BEFORE he killed me :D

  • Who wuld b stupid enough to try that? I mean who wants to see a man in the mirror and hes just gonna kill u so best not to try this is also a warning to all u people dont try this unless u wanna die. Bloody mary or baby blue is safer not the safest though:)

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