Scary For Kids


The Candyman is an urban legend that tells the scary story of a murdered slave who returns from the dead in search of revenge if you say his name five times. A horror movie was made in 1992 about the legend, followed by two sequels, starring Tony Todd as the Candyman. Read the story and find out how to play the Candyman Challenge.


According to the legend, if you look into a mirror and chant the name “Candyman” five times, he will appear behind you and kill you with his hook. For you see, the Candyman is a vicious killer with a bloody hook for a hand. He appears from the mirror, covered in blood and bees and he has nothing but murder on his mind.

They say that many years ago, the Candyman was a real man. Back in the days of slavery, Candyman was a black slave named Daniel Robitaille, who worked on a plantation in New Orleans. He was a talented painter and was chosen by the plantation owner to paint a portrait of his daughter.

But Daniel fell in love with the daughter of the white plantation owner. When the racist plantation owner discovered that his daughter and the slave were in love, he raised an angry mob and chased Daniel out of town.

Armed with pitchforks and a pack of dogs, they chased the poor slave across fields and streams. Finally, they caught up with the exhausted slave near an old barn. The evil men siezed Daniel and cut off his right hand with a rusty saw. Then they covered him in honey and threw him into a beehive.

The unfortunate Candyman was in terrible pain and died from his injuries, but not before he cursed the men who killed him and vowed to return and exact his revenge. They say his spirit would never rest and now his ghost walks the world for all eternity, appearing when his name is called five times.

So remember, you can say “Candyman” once, twice, three times or four. But never say it five times or you’ll be sorry!

scary for kids


  • Me when the candyman arrives:


    Me: Ooooh! Is that candy? Can I take it? Please? Plsplspls

    Candyman: What’s wrong with this kid….

  • @Meowblockpal I tried it. And, I’M ALIVE! Here’s what happened:

    1) I did the ritual, correctly.
    2) I stood there blankly for 10 seconds.
    3) Then I started hearing faint whispering behind me. I could also hear the buzzing sound of bees. I was almost scared to death.
    4) I immediately said, “I’m extremely sorry for what happened to you, Candyman. I’m not a racist in any way. I’ll try to avenge your death. I promise to never disturb you again. Thanks for coming…” and embraced myself for the worst consequences.
    5) The annoying buzzing sound and the faint whispering slowly started to fade. When I couldn’t hear any more of those sounds, I turned behind me, opened the bathroom door and stepped out.
    6) My friends were waiting for me outside. All of them smiled when they saw me alive and one of them hugged me.

    NOTE: It may have worked for me but it may not for another. IT WAS A REAL scary experience for me. I hate to say the truth but for 1 month I slept with the lights turned on.

  • I think he’s called Candyman because he was covered in honey when he died… @BloodyKillers

  • ,Candyman…Candyman…Candyman…Candyman…Candyman…Candyman!!😉I’m still alive!!!!

  • Yo this story kinda scares me not that much I’m scared 2 try it cause what if it waz real #not trying 😂😂😅😅😑

  • I did this with a group of my friends at school-while doing Bloody Mary, Charlie Charlie, and Scary Terry- We looked in my friends eyes and saw Bloody Mary, the pencils we were using for Charlie Charlie went crazy, we heard bees buzzing, and one of my friends saw Scary Terry behind us. Still scared to go in the bathroom alone!

  • Well I wont try this 💩. Cuz when my aka ante Katty tried it,I never heard from her ;(
    Pls don’t try it!!!

  • Why is he called candy man? Is he made out of candy? If he is then I will do it and eat him.:P

  • It’s called Racism. Ripe it was during their time that a Slave was below and white above

  • Fu** those white men. Geez, he was just in love! Didn’t THEY fall in love too?
    And the mirror thing is totally not true.

  • i think it’s really mean for Daniel AKA Candyman that he was killed ’cause he was black and wanted to be together with a white girl. I hate people that are racist!

  • I tried it and he appeared, he was about striking me when i shouted the name Of Jesus and alas! I found myself on my bed snoring peacefully. Twas a dream afterall. Lols

  • i dare someone to do this and then be all like, “sorry but i wanted to tell u that racist people are butts and they deserve to be thrown in a beehive and i will try to avenge you.” and then turn the lights back on. maybe there will be like a jar of honey or a cool hook or something. if u do this comment about it!!!

    sweet, sugar, candyman ;)

    Say that 5 times and Christina Agulara will appear in the mirror and sing the whole song for you :D

  • party
    me: hey kids want some candy?
    kids: yhhhhh
    me: okay go to the mirror and say candy man 5 times and then there’s candy for ya
    kid 1: dont a man jump out and kill us?
    me: nope *.*

  • mmhhmm…. say candy man 5x and wait in the morning look under your pillow will be candy from the candy bees from in candy mans tummy

    lollage p.s lollage is a new word i made instead of lol

  • I don’t think this is real… but don’t do it cause there won’t be the “Candyman” but you are still opening yourself up to spirits that may wish you harm

  • But why is it called CANDYMAN?
    why not SWEETMAN? i mean he was covered with honey
    does that mean he will give me sweets?

  • If i do this then will he come and give me candy?
    by the way, if you did this, how comes u r still alive 2 write the story huh?

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