Scary For Kids

Chain Letters

Scary chain letters, emails and text messages to send to your friends. They feature the best cute, creepy, funny and disturbing stories about love, friendship, death and horror. We’ve got every chain letter you could possibly want right here. But just remember one thing: These emails and forwards are not real. They’re just fake, stupid and fun. They were made up by kids to scare other kids, so don’t take them too seriously.

Chain Letters

scary for kids


  • I read all of these. They will all be crowding in the doorway, trying to kill me. Which one will get me first? They are all coming. I’d love to see this

  • *ATTENTION EVERYONE* it’s okay. Remember this are fake. And you are always safe in the comments section >.<

  • Hi, my name is Jennifer. I was murdered on December 25, 2017. My murderer has not been found. I was murdered with a large butchers knife. If you don’t repost this to 12 people in 2 hours, At midnight I will stand at the side of you’re bed with a large and if you look into my eyes, I will slowly chop you’re head off. But, if you are 10 or under, you will be perfectly fine. Hurry up and start reposting!

  • These are so not real; I read all of these a few years back n I’m still alive

  • Chain mail

    👶Once there was a little boy👶

    💬he wasn’t very smart and he was doing stupid things constantly💬

    👔💼When he grew up he became a Senator👔💼

    💸He chose his own salary and got super rich💸

    👰He married a stupid women👰

    🚶🚂 One day he went walking on the train tracks and was hit by a train🚶🚂

    🚑🇺🇸 Since he was a republican nobody wanted to operate on him🚑🇺🇸

    😵He died😵

    👰His wife remarried👰

    📱💻Send this to 7 people or you will be hit by a train📱💻

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