Scary For Kids

Chat With Strangers

Chat With Strangers is a scary story written by a user on this website named mehrurox28 in collaboration with ScaryForKids. It’s about a teenage girl who finds a new chat website and meets a new friend online.

Chat With Strangers

A 16-year old girl named Stephanie was home alone. Her parents had gone to visit her sick grandfather and left her to take care of the house. Late that night, she was bored and decided to look for something to do on her laptop. On one of the websites she was browsing through, she saw an advertisement.

It read: “Chat With Strangers! A brand new way of meeting interesting new people! Talk online for free! ENTER AT YOUR OWN PERIL!”

Curious, she clicked on the ad and it brought her to a website called Chat With Strangers. She registered a new account and chose the username Stephiegirl13.

After she signed in, Stephanie looked through several chatrooms, but found that they were all empty. Eventually, she clicked on a chatroom that had one user inside.

Stephiegirl13: Hi!

Bella_SpArks: Hey! I was all alone in here. I’m glad I finally found someone to talk to!

Stephiegirl13: Me too!

Bella_SpArks: So where are you from?

Stephigirl13: I live in California! How about you?

Bella_SpArks: I live in California too!

Stephiegirl13: Wow, whereabouts? I’m in Santa Cruz.

Bella_SpArks: San Ramon.

Stephiegirl13: Cool. That’s only like an hour and a half away.

Bella_SpArks: Yeah. What a coincidence.

Stephigirl13: Yeah, sure is!

Bella_SpArks: 758ehje4378hds4832hj4387eqhj76gr67j

Stephigirl13: huh?

Bella_SpArks: Sorry! My cat ran over the keyboard! :P

Stephiegirl13: LOL! That’s OK!

The two girls chatted for hours and discovered that they had a lot in common. It was getting late and Stephanie decided to call it a night and go to bed.

Stephiegirl13: Well, it’s been really nice chatting with you. Hope we can do it again sometime.

Bella_SpArks: Of course. We seem to be the only ones who use this chatroom. It’s like our own private chatroom. Just for us.

Stephiegirl13: OK. Sure. I gtg now

Bella_SpArks: why?

Stephiegirl13: It’s late and I have to get up early tomorrow. My parents are coming home and I’ve got to tidy up the house! :P

Bella_SpArks: Oh ya, I know how that is…

Stephigirl13: Bye!

Bella_SpArks: OK so lets talk tomorrow.

Stephigirl13: Of course.

Stephanie was pleased to have a new friend. Over the next few days, the two girls kept chatting and they became the best of friends. They even exchanged phone numbers. Eventually, they started talking about meeting up in real life.

Stephigirl13: Heyyy! Wats up, girl! My birthday is the day after tomorrow and it would be great if u could come. I tried calling you but u didn’t pick up ur phone or reply to any of my texts! I even tried e-mailing you but you never got back to me.

Bella_SpArks: yeah I know. Sorry about that. My phone got cut off because my stupid father forgot to pay the bill and my e-mail account is full of spam!

Stephigirl13: That sucks. Well at least we can always find each other in the chatroom.

Bella_SpArks: I know… Hey cool I’d love to come to ur birthday! I will actually be in the area tomorrow. Can I have ur address???

Stephigirl13: It’s on the corner of Broadway and Pennsylvania Avenue.

Bella_SpArks: OK. I will be there for sure.

Stephigirl13: You can stay with me.

Bella_SpArks: Thanks for the offer, but I will stay in a hotel.

Stephigirl13: Why? It’s easier if u come straight to my place!

Bella_SpArks: I can’t.

Stephigirl13: Why not???

Bella_SpArks: Because I have a surprise for you…

Stephigirl13: Uhhh okay. But how did you know it was my birthday? I JUST told u… How could you plan everything right this second?

Bella_SpArks: well actually, Stephanie I was planning to surprise u with a visit so I had everything planned already.

Stephiegurl13: OK… cool…

Bella_SpArks: 84r2824839e9494*3843u4843r

Stephiegirl13: Your cat again? LOL! :P

The next day, about an hour before her party was due to begin, Stephanie heard the doorbell ringing. When she went and answered it, she saw a girl standing there carrying two gift-wrapped birthday presents.

“Hi Stephanie!” said the girl.

“OMIGOSH!” exclaimed Stephanie. “Are you Bella?”

“The one and only,” replied the girl with a broad smile.

“It’s so great to finally meet you,” said Stephanie.

They talked for a while about the fun they had chatting online. Then Bella handed the present to Stephanie. She opened up the first gift-wrapped parcel and found there was a chocolate cake inside.

“Happy birthday!” said Bella.

“Wow. Thanks,” cried Stephanie. “Chocolate is my favorite.”

“I know,” said Bella. “Mine too!”

When Stephanie opened the second gift and looked inside, she was shocked.

“Oh,” she exclaimed. “It’s… It’s a knife…”

“Do you like it?” asked Bella.

“Uh… whats it for?” Stephanie asked suspiciously.

“To cut the cake, Silly!” replied Bella.

“OK… I guess… Thanks,” muttered Stephanie.

She turned on the television and Bella went into the kitchen to get a glass of water. On the news, a reporter was saying that an insane woman had recently escaped from the local mental asylum and police were warning people to be on the lookout for her. She was considered armed and dangerous.

Stephanie suddenly felt a little uneasy. She could hear Bella in the kitchen, humming softly to herself. Suddenly, a picture flashed up on the television screen. Stephanie’s eyes opened wide and a chill ran down her spine. She recognied the woman in the picture. It was Bella.

Shaking with fear, Stephanie ran down the hallway. Just as she reached the front door, the closet burst open Bella leaped out.

“where are you going?”, she hissed.

“Just to the corner shop to get some snacks,” replied Stephanie, her voice shaking with fear.

“Oh no, you don’t,” said Bella.

Just then, Stephanie caught a glimpse of the gleaming knife Bella was brandishing in her hand.

Minutes later, when the first party guests arrived, they found the front door standing open. Walking inside, they called Stephanie’s name, but there was no answer. When they got to the living room, guests stopped in their tracks and began screaming in horror.

They saw the bloody remains of Stephanie lying on the floor. Her body had been ripped open from her neck to her waist and her intestines had been pulled out. There was a message carved into her forehead that read, “Chat Mates Forever.”

The police later examined Stephanie’s laptop and foung her chat logs. They tracked down the IP address of Brianna’s laptop and it led them to an old abandoned flat in San Ramon. It was empty except for an old couch and a laptop sitting in the middle of the floor. Bella was long gone.

It turned out that Bella had escaped from the mental hospital after murdering two nurses. She was completely insane and sometimes typed gibberish in the chatroom because of her crazy mental problems.

Today, she is still on the loose and still stalking teenage girls. She hides in their closet until midnight and then kills them with her knife as they lie sleeping in their beds. She could be in your closet right now…

The End.

Mehru says: hey guys. i dont know how to get it in recent posts. hope u like it. took me 3 hours :)

scary for kids


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  • @RandomFloridian In the story, it said that they tracked Brianna’s laptop instead of Bellas, so that’s who @Raafy was referring to.

  • Wow, this story is great! I love it, mehrurox28! But, maybe the ending could have gone something like this:

    UPDATE: Bella Lynn has escaped prison. She was last seen on *insert date here* and is on the loose. She carries a large, gleaming machete and is currently roaming San Francisco. She breaks into peoples houses and taunts them before she brutally murders them. She will hide in your closet until 12:00 am when she comes out and starts the taunting and murdering. Stay safe, and make sure your doors & windows are securely locked. She could be hiding in your closet right now, waiting, just waiting for the right moment… Sleep with one eye open, sweet dreams… (just putting out that the original ending was good, I just made up my own. :3)

  • She might be im my closet, but Im not that scared, because: 1- I dont think she would bother travelling all the way to Portugal; 2- Its 12pm; 3- Im in my moms car 😂😂😂

  • Great story!!! Perfect lesson for not giving out personal information on the Internet!😊😁

  • I love both, the original AND the edited version of the story…good job @mehru!

  • @mehrurox28, that painting story was good . But , her mother got cured with just one medicine ? That’s just a baby’s talk.

    Mariette Eleanor Danielle Edwards loved painting. She painted whenever she had spare time. Her father was cruel man and her mother was very sick. They were very poor. One day her father came home very happy. Her father had been walking home from the rich widow Perrie Cadler’s house. She saw him and took pity on him. Perrie gave him $100 for food and medicine etc. Mariette’s father handed her the crisp bill and told her to run down to the shops and buy medicine for her mother and bread, milk and vegetables. He also asked her to bring him a new expensive suit and a new pipe to smoke. She asked, “Dad might I get some paints and sketchpads for myself?” “No, you may not you cheeky girl!” he cried completely shocked. “But that isn’t fair!”, Mariette whined. He slapped her and shoved out off the house. She knew her mother would let her buy it. She bought food and medicine but nothing from her father’s list. She bought a new pad and paints instead which she found at a old woman’s stall down by the river where nobody really went. The old woman had said “ Use these well and don’t tell anyone how you got them”, Mariette simply thought she meant to keep them clean. The packet read “Magic Paints come to life!” Mariette bought them. She trekked home. “where are my things?”, her father thundered. “I didn’t buy them you hateful man!”, she screamed. He beat her black and blue. She ran out of the house clutching her things. She found an old abandoned workshop where she began to live. She met her mother everyday of course. The medicine had cured her completely. She visited her daughter one day and saw her painting rapidly. “that’s lovely”, she commented after looking at it. It was the same lane where she used to live but it was completely clean with no trash, in fact it looked like a lane where a rich duke would walk. Her mother checked her watch and said, “ Its running late, I had better go now”. Mariette waved to her mother as she set down the road. Suddenly after 20 minutes the bell rang. Mariette opened it to see her mother. Her hair was thrown around as if she had run. “ Mariette! Your painting is alive! The lane was spotless when I arrived!”, she rang out. Mariette gasped. She flew down to her old home and stopped in her tracks. It wasn’t a dirty shade of brown but a clear pearly white lane. The lane’s trash was all neatly disposed off in the trash can which were tidlily aligned as PLASTIC, GLASS and PAPER. Word got around about Mariette’s come to life paintings. She got paid high money to make people beautiful or richer than they already where etc. She gave the workshop a good makeover. She visited a room which she hadn’t stepped a foot into ever since she moved in. it was very plain. She sat on the sofa there and fell asleep. After many days she would hear voices telling her what to paint. Her mom told her that God wouldn’t like her changing people’s future’s. She tried to throw her paints away but would find them on her desk again. So she continued. One day the voice told her to make everyone in her old poor neighborhood rich except for her father. Her father came in angrily to her workshop. He grabbed her by her shoulders and screamed at her. He told her to make him rich. When she refused he hit her. She ran into the bathroom. The voice told her to paint her father getting decapitated. She painted it with beads of sweat pouring down her anxious looking face. When the painting was complete she flung the door open. Her father’s head was cut off. She painted his bloody corpse in the cemetery to get rid off it. Now that her father was dead she could paint her old house rich for her mom. Her mother was very upset at Mariette. She picked up Mariette’s paints and threw them in the river. She stormed off furious. Mariette could not retrieve them. She reached home to find her paints dry and sitting on her desk. The voice told her to paint her mother falling in a manhole. The next day on the radio it was announced that Victoria Eleanor Danielle Edwards had fallen to her death in a manhole. Mariette felt pleased. She got revenge on many people who she remembered had been nasty to her. Jon Hyles who pulled her hair in class was found dead in the river. Melanie Larry who pushed her in class was found dead under a bus because she had been run over. Carla Hans who dropped Mariette’s old paint set in the gutter by accident was found bitten by a rabid dog which killed her because she went insane and got hit by a horse cart. Everyday newer people were killed. People kept away from Mariette. One day Samantha Hillard was crossing her
    workshop when Mariette came out and asked her to play. Samantha backed away and instantly declined. In a fury Mariette painted her with a knife through her neck. Samantha hillard was dead the next day. The police put barriers around the workshop. Then one day the voice told her to paint herself. She painted herself but then her hand began to force itself to paint a knife in her head. Mariette was dead. Some sorrowed some rejoiced. If you cross her workshop you will see her ghost inside if she sees you she will paint in you in a terrible way , several unsuspecting people have been killed. If you are brave you can go in and tap on the big mirror inside and the people she killed will appear in it. When you turn around to leave you will find her behind you. You will be wedged between the mirror and the ghost of Mariette if you don’t say “ Beautiful Paintings” thirteen times under twenty seconds she will knife you and you will be a ghost in the mirror and tortured everyday. If you escape everytime you wake up in the morning you will she Mariette sitting in front of you painting you……HOPE IT WAS CREEPY!

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