Scary For Kids

Child Care

Child Care is a story submitted by dolly_pete. It’s a variation on the well-known Babysitter urban legend.

Child Care

One night, a 16-year old girl named Sarah was babysitting three children for the Peterson family. They always hired her because the kids really seemed to like her. The parents were going out for dinner and a movie and asked to take good care of the kids. She gladly accepted, as she loved the Peterson kids very much. They were very enthusiastic yet always listened to her, which made them easy to babysit.

After the parents left, she asked the kids if they wanted to watch TV. While the kids were mesmerized by the cartoons, the screen suddenly went black and red letters scrolled down the screen.


The kids started to panic, because they lived on Lombard Street, which was not far from the island of Alcatraz. Sarah was a little uneasy too. In order to keep the kids calm, she told them to go to bed. After the kids were asleep, she decided it would be best to watch the news, in case they gave any updates on the murderer.

After about 15 minutes, a news bulletin came up. The announcer said: “Crazed murderer Zachary Whitman has been spotted on Lombard St. Residents are advised to take every precaution in order to keep their house secure.”

Now Sarah started to get really worried. She pushed the glass coffee table in front of the door. She still kept the news on in case there were any more updates on his location.

About 15 minutes later, there was another news bulletin. “It has been confirmed that the entire Farmer family has been killed.”

Sarah didn’t even listen to the rest. She knew that the Farmers were the neighbours with the naughty teenagers. She looked out the window. There were at least a dozen police cars on the street. She went up and checked on the kids to make sure they were OK. They were all fast asleep.

Sarah checked every lock on the house to make sure they were secure. As she was closing the curtains, she saw that there was a police car outside. She watched them handcuff a tall man and shove him into the back seat.

“That must be the murderer”, she thought.

Just as the police were about to close the door, the tall man turned and looked straight at her, giving her an evil smile. A shiver went down Sarah’s spine. Then, the police closed the door and the car drove away, out of sight.

When the children’s parents got home that night, Sarah was still a bit shaken. She told them all about the events of the night and they insisted on driving her home.

About halfway through the ride home, Mr Peterson reached over and turned on the radio. There was another news bulletin. At first, Sarah thought it must be about the police capturing Zachary Whitman. Unfortunately, it was far, far worse.

“Reports say that the police car carrying Zachary Whitman back to Alcatraz has been found crashed on the side of the road. Both police officers were dead and each one had a clear incision down their torso. Zachary Whitman was not found in the car and is believed to have escaped to perpetrate another murder rampage.”

Mr Peterson dropped her off at her apartment building, and as she went up in the elevator, her legs were shaking like jelly.

“It’s OK!” she told herself. “The doorman wouldn’t let a murdering psycho in, right?” Then she gave an uneasy chuckle.

When she was about to enter her apartment, she noticed the door was a crack open. When she walked inside, everything was deathly quiet. Looking into her parents’ bedroom, she saw two figures lying under the covers.

“Mom? Dad?” she called.

There was no answer.

When she pulled back the sheet, she was horrified to see that her parents had been hacked to death. Their bodies had been violently chopped to into tiny pieces. Sarah started to cry. She loved her parents and they were dead because of her.

Just then, Sarah heard a noise behind her. She turned and saw a tall man with spiky hair, holding a bloody hatchet.

In a raspy voice he said, “Time’s up”.

(It’s an original piece I made. Hoped you like it!)

scary for kids


  • for anyone who is wondering, this story is by me. It was inspired by the classic baby sitter story but I wanted to add a twist, but Scaryforkids cut it short, because the story was quite long. For anyone who is wondering, here is the official, uncut version of the story!

    16 year old Sarah was babysitting the 3 kids of the Peterson family. They always hired her because the kids really seemed to like her. One night the parent were going out for a diner and a movie and asked Sarah to babysit the kids. She gladly accepted, as she loved the kids. They were very enthusiastic yet always listened to her, which made them easy to babysit. After the parents left, she offered the kids to watch TV. As the kids were mesmerized in Sponge-bob, the screen went black with red letter scrolling down reading “AN EMERGENCY HAS BEEN DECLARED! MURDERER ZACHARY WHITMAN HAS ESCAPED FROM ALCATRAZ! HE IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS AND IS ARMED WITH A BLUNT HATCHET! HE IS 6’6, CLAIMED TO HAVE SPIKY HAIR AND A RASPY VOICE! YOU ARE ADVISED TO LOCK ALL DOORS AND WINDOWS AND TAKE EVERY PRECAUTION! THE POLICE ARE CURRENTLY SEARCHING FOR HIM, BUT HAVE NOT RECEIVED ANY SIGHTINGS! THANK YOU AND GOODNIGHT!”

    The kids started to panic, as they lived on Lombard St., not far from the island. Sarah even started to worry too. In order to keep the kids calm, she told them to go to sleep. After the kids were in bed and asleep, she decided it would be best to watch the news, in case they gave any updates on the murderer. After about 15 minutes of homework, a news bulletin came up. The announcer said “Zachary Whitman has been claimed to been seem on Lombard St. Residents are advised to take every precaution in order to keep their house secure.” Now Sarah started to get really worried. She pushed the glass coffee table in front of the door. She still kept the news on in case there were any more updates on his location.

    About 15 minutes later, the phone rang. Sarah picked it up in case it was the parents checking on them. “20 minutes” said a raspy voice. CLICK! Sarah thought it was just the troublesome teenage neighbours. They had prank called the house before. 5 minutes later the phone rang again and Sarah picked it up “15 minutes until you meet me” said the same voice. CLICK! Sarah started to worry a bit, as the neighbours never prank called her twice on the same night. Then all off a sudden another news bulletin. “It has been confirmed that the entire Farmer family has been killed.” Sarah didn’t even listen to the rest. She knew that the Farmers were the neighbours with the naughty teenagers. She looked out the widow. There were at least a dozen police cars on the street. She went up and checked on the kids, just to make sure they were OK. Still fast asleep. 5 minutes later the phone rang again. “10 minutes, Sarah. Just 10 more minutes” said the same voice as before. Sarah was scared now. The neighbours didn’t know her name. “What do you want?!?!” she shouted. “Your blood. All over me”. Sarah slammed down the phone. She was shaking is fear. She quickly dialled 911. “911 what your emergency?” said a nice sounding operator. “Hello. I think Zachary Whitman is trying to contact me over the phone! Can you please help me?” Sarah said in a panicked voice. “Listen, we have been getting many calls like this over the past few minutes, and most of them have been proven false.” said the operator in a sad voice. “PLEASE! I’m begging you!” pleaded Sarah. “OK. We will trace your calls to see where they are coming from. Just promise me you aren’t lying honey, OK?” said the operator. “I promise! Thank you so much!” Sarah said and hung up the phone. Sarah checked every lock on the house to make sure they were locked. After 5 minter of waiting, the phone rang. She didn’t want to pick it up, but she knew she had to for 911 to know where it was coming from. “3 minutes, Sarah. You ready?” Sarah didn’t ever listen to half the words before she slammed the phone down. Just then 911 called. “SARAH! WE’VE TRACTED DOWN WHEN THE CALL IS COMING FROM! ITS COMING FROM ANOTHER PHONE LINE IN YOUR HOUSE! GET OUT OF THERE! NOW!” Sarah sprinted for the door. Just then she remembered that she put the coffee table there. After 3 minutes of pushing, a door upstairs opened, revealing a shadow of a tall man with spiky hair holding a hatchet on the wall. “Times up, Sarah” Sarah didn’t care about the coffee table anymore. She smashed the glass coffee table with her shoe and ran out the door, where 3 armed police men were standing.

    Sarah was relieved that she was outside. She was safe as long as she was with the officers, but them something hit her. Were the kids OK? When the police officers dragged Zachary’s down the stairs, she saw that he was covered in blood. She prayed it was the neighbours. When they let Sarah upstairs so the police officers to check for evidence, she was puzzled when she saw the kids were is the same position as when she checked on them before. When she pulled back the sheet, she was horrified to see that each of the children’s torso had been violently been hacked open with one clear whack of the hatchet. Sarah started to cry, she loved those kids, and they were dead partially because of her. The police told her it wasn’t her fault and it would be best if she went home. As she was about to get in her car, she went over to the police car to see them take Zachary away to make sure he was gone. Just as the police were about to close the door, Zachary said something, “See you later, Sarah” he said as he looked at her with and evil smile, then closed the door and the car drove away, out of sight.

    Sarah walked over the car still a bit shaken from the events and Zachary’s words in the car. About halfway through the ride home, another news bulletin came up on the radio. She thought it was about them capturing Zachary, but no, it was far, far worse. “Reports say that the car carrying Zachary Whitman back to Alcatraz has been found with both police man dead by a clear incision down the torso. Zachary Whitman was not found in the car and is believed to have escaped for another murder rampage. “It’s OK.” she told herself. “He doesn’t know where I live. I’ll be just fine”. As she went in the elevator up to her apartment, her legs were shaking like mad. “It’s OK! I will be OK. The doorman wouldn’t let a murdering psycho in, right?” she told herself, with an uneasy chuckle. When she was about to enter her apartment, she noticed the door was a crack open. She told herself she just didn’t close it all the way when she left. When she walked inside, she was horrified to see a bloody hatchet on the floor. Just when she was about to close the door and lock it, the phone rang. “Times up, Sarah…” said a raspy voice…

  • OMG the first time I was reading this my heart was beating fast. I was thinking of what is going to happen. Very awesome story!

  • OMG! Thanks scary for kids! I haven’t been on the website for a while, and I just noticed this! Thanks a bunch!

  • I don’t really see a twist in the story, and I quite expected it to happen, but I liked reading it!

  • Hey!!! This ain’t yours! I saw this on this website too!! I’m not sure if it really was a story he or some other user made it and @Crazy girl is right!! Where’d you get this? Oh yeah.. I remember you just made the story shorter the original one is nicer

  • Lol,the picture is from ‘Hills Have Eyes’.Anyways,the story was good!

  • @ILScare
    i seriously loved your story. really. its different, unique. never heard anything like it . not kidding. make it longer, add a back story. after that post it in tell me your story nd im sure it will get posted. what a twist! and if you meant that was her sister killing her thats good. but it would me 1000000 times better if it meant he took her eyes out and used him for his own. make these changes and add to tell me your story and i can almost promise you it will get posted!!! :))) amazing story! so creative!

  • that was boring. there were no surprises. it was expected that she would die.

  • wow…nice twist on the story!

    ILScare, very nice story! One suggestion, maybe expand this into a longer story! If you have not yet, I suggest you post the story again on “Tell Me Your Story” so that SFK can read it!!

  • I Saw The Pole.
    I saw it. I’m not crazy. I swear I saw it. I usually see it in my nightmares. The thing that they all talk about. The Pole. It was a sunny day in summer, and I went to sleep at 10, like usual. The sun hadn’t gone down yet, and I was just getting comfy when i saw a shape. A thin shape. A pole. My sister Chloe died last year, the Pole killed her. The police won’t admit it, that they lost a prisoner from Alcatraz all those years ago, but they did, and it killed my twin. He was so starved he looked like a pole.
    That’s why they called Johnny St Clare the Pole. Anyway, I saw this thing and tried to scream for my mum, but I was too late. The Pole had crushed my windpipe before I could open my mouth, and I felt the air escaping my lungs. I looked into the Pole’s eyes. They were not his eyes. They were Chloe’s. I choked as I begged my sister to get go of me, but those cold eyes showed no sign of recognition. This was usually when I woke up, but I didn’t this time. And slowly, I died, waiting for the air, the fresh, sweet air, that would never come.
    Hi, this is Alex! I hope you like my first EVER scary story, and ANY comments, positive or negative, would be appreciated! Please tell me any spelling or grammar mistakes, and thanks!

  • So the murderer escaped alcatraz so he can go to lombard street and kill sarah the babysitter…. Hmm…wonder what sarah did to him?

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