Scary For Kids

Childrens Rhymes

Childrens Rhymes and songs are often used to scary effect in horror movies. Below, you will find the creepiest nursey rhymes that appeared in scary movies and books. If you know any more creepy little rhymes or songs for children, leave them in a comment and I will add them.

Children's Rhymes

From A Nightmare On Elm Street

(Based on 1, 2, buckle my shoe.)

One, two, Freddy’s coming for you.
Three, four, better lock your door.
Five, six, get a crucifix.
Seven, eight, better stay up late.
Nine, ten, never sleep again!

From The Woman in Black

During afternoon tea, there’s a shift in the air,
a bone-trembling chill that tells you she’s there.
There are those who believe the whole town is cursed,
but the house in the marsh was by far the worst.
What she wants is unknown, but she always comes back,
the spectre of darkness, the woman in black.

From Dead Silence

Beware the stare of Mary Shaw.
She had no children, only her dolls.
If you see her in your dreams,
be sure you never, ever scream
or she’ll rip your tongue out at the seam

Samara’s Song From The Ring

Round we go, the world is spinning
When it stops it’s just beginning
Sun comes up, we laugh and we cry
Sun goes down and then we all die

From Fritz Lang’s M

The man in black will soon be here.
With his cleaver’s blade so true.
Just you wait, it won’t be long.
He’ll make mincemeat out of YOU!

From Night of the Hunter

Hing, hang, hung.
See what the hangman done.
Hung, hang, hing.
See the robber swing.

From Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte

Chop chop, Sweet Charlotte
Chop chop, till he’s dead
Chop chop, Sweet Charlotte
Chop off his hand and head.

From Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Can’t even shout. Can’t even cry.
The Gentlemen are coming by.
Looking in windows, knocking on doors…
They need to take seven and they might take yours…
Can’t call to mom. Can’t say a word.
You’re gonna die screaming but you won’t be heard.

From Dr. Giggles

(Suggested by a member named “Huntress of the North”)

This town has a doctor and his name is Rendell
Stay away from his house ’cause he’s the doctor from Hell.
He killed all his patients, every last one,
And cut out their hearts… purely for fun.
So if you’re from Moorehigh and you get sick
Fall on your knees and pray you die quick.

A Child’s Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
Should I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

A Child’s Lullaby

If you die before you wake,
Do not cry and do not ache.
Nothing’s ever yours to keep.
So close your eyes and go to sleep.

A Mother’s Rhyme

Here’s the little piggy, see his snout.
Slit him open, and the guts fall out.

From Oranges and Lemons

Here comes a candle to light you to bed,
And here comes a chopper to chop off your head!
Chip chop, chip chop, the last man’s dead.

Lizzie Borden

(Lizzie Borden was a woman who was suspected of killing her parents in 1892.)

Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her father forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done
She gave her mother forty-one.

Mary Ann Cotton

(Mary Ann Cotton was an English woman who is believed to have murdered 21 people in the late 1800s by arsenic poisoning)

Mary Ann Cotton
She’s dead and she’s rotten
Lying in bed with her eyes wide open
Sing? Sing? What song should I sing?
Mary Anne Cotton is tied up in string.
Where? where? She’s up in the air
And now they’re selling puddings for a penny a pair.

Doctor Ruxton

(Buck Ruxton was a doctor in England who killed his wife and his maid in 1935.)

Red stains on the carpet, red stains on your knife
Oh Doctor Ruxton, you murdered your wife.
The nursemaid she saw you and threatened to tell.
Oh Doctor Ruxton, you killed her as well.

Fritz Haarmann

(Fritz Haarmann murdered 27 boys and young men in the 1920s in Germany)

Just you wait ’til it’s your time,
Haarmann will come after you,
And with his chopper, oh so fine,
He’ll make mincemeat out of you.

Belle Gunness

(Belle Gunness was a woman who murdered over 40 men in America in the 1880s.)

Belle Gunness was a lady fair, in Indiana State.
She weighed about three hundred pounds and that is quite some weight.
That she was stronger than a man, her neighbors all did own;
She butchered hogs right easily and did it all alone.
But hogs were just a sideline she indulged in now and then;
Her favorite occupation was the butchering of men.

Miss Mary Mack

Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack
She’s dressed in black black black
she has a knife knife knife
Stuck in her back back back
She cannot breathe breathe breathe
She cannot cry cry cry
That’s why she begs begs begs
She begs to die die die

From Bluebeard

At last the girl could not refrain,
and turned the little key,
And looked within, and fainted straight
the horrid sight to see.

For there upon the floor was blood,
and on the walls were wives,
For Bluebeard first had married them,
then cut their throats with knives.

From We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Merricat, said Connie, would you like a cup of tea?
“Oh no,” said Merricat, “you’ll poison me.”
Merricat, said Connie, would you like to go to sleep?
Down in the boneyard ten feet deep!

Dead Men

Dead men, dead men, swinging in a tree
How many dead men do you see?
Tongue turned blue and face gone grey
Watch them as they twist and sway.

The first one killed the butcher man
Then cooked him in a frying pan
Served him to his hungry guests
And gave them seconds on request

The next one with his smile and sweets
Stole poor children off the streets
To men who dressed unsavory
He sold them into slavery

Dead men, dead men, swinging in a tree
How many dead men do you see?
Six feet long and six men wide
Around their necks the noose is tied.

Three Children on the Ice

Three children sliding on the ice
Upon a summer’s day,
As it fell out, they all fell in,
The rest they ran away.

If these children had been at school,
Or sliding on dry ground,
I’d bet you all a pretty penny
They would not have drowned.

Parents who have children dear,
And others who have none,
If you want to keep them safe and sound
Please keep them safe at home.

The Hanging Tree From The Hunger Games

Are you, are you, coming to the tree
where they strung up a man they say murdered three.
Strange things have happened here, no stranger would it be,
if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree
where the dead man called out for his love to flee.
Strange things have happened here no stranger would it be,
if we me up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree
where I told you to run so we would both be free.
Strange things have happened here no stranger would it be
if we met up at midnight in the haning tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree
wear your necklace of rope and hang side by side with me.
Strange things have happened here no stranger would it be
if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Three Sons

There was an old woman who had three sons,
Called Jerry and James and John,
Jerry was hanged and James was drowned,
John was lost at sea and never found;
And that was an end of her three sons,
Called Jerry and James and John.

Two Dead Boys

One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise
and ran to save the two dead boys.
And if you don’t believe it’s true,
go ask the blind man, he saw it too.

O’Leary and O’Reilly

O’Leary is dead and O’Reilly don’t know it.
O’Reilly is dead and O’Leary don’t know it.
They both are dead in the very same bed,
And neither one knows that the other is dead.

The Desert

Out on the windswept desert, that desolate stretch of land,
One man spied another, lying in the sand
Said one man to the other, “What makes you lie that way?”
But the other did not answer for he’d been dead since May.


Willy was a helpful boy but quite near-sighted,
He built a fire in the fireplace and self-ignited;
Now, the wind is blowing cold and the room is getting chilly,
And not one of us wants to put out poor Willy.

The Song That Never Ends

This is the song that never ends
And it goes on and on my friends
Some people started singing it
not knowing what it was
And they’ll just keep on singing it
forever just because
This is the song that never ends

scary for kids


  • Also this one (I didn’t make these up it was some stories my mom and dad would tell me)


    Eyeballs and ears
    For a little lost girl
    Her hair is a mess
    Beauty is her crest
    As she slowly holds your hand
    You are aware
    She is not there

    (she is a ghost ha)


    Snow on the ground
    Everyone frowns
    Two people cry
    The whole town knows why
    Strung up on the tree
    Is you and me
    Side by side
    Forced to die
    Looks of pain our painted on us
    Our stomachs sliced
    The winter white snow is red
    We are dead


    Kimmi Kimmi don’t cry
    We will be gone from here Tonight
    I wanted to take you
    I couldn’t right then
    Crows fly and peck at your eyes
    Kimmi I loved you
    I couldn’t take you away at the time

    The Zoo:

    Mommy took me to the zoo
    She showed me what we could do
    The lions feast, the people scream
    Daddy is stuck forever in a dream
    He was in the bag cut up and red
    I helped mommy throw the head
    Over the ledge to the lions den

  • My grandmother told me this one a long time ago ha…it kinda creepy

    Little Suzy

    Little Suzy alone in the house
    Creeping and crawling
    She hides to relax
    The creak of the door
    Tells her you are there
    She watches from the crack
    Under the stairs
    When you head off to bed
    She comes near
    She doesn’t reach out
    Only whispers into your ear
    “Run run away, don’t end up like me”
    Then she leaves
    Poor little Suzy

  • @creepy789
    I love that movie! I wasn’t really scared by it, but I thought it had a really good plot.

  • @water-Spirit

    I dont know which plague u are refering to but the one in europe from 1348 to 1351 was the one I was talking about. I did a report about it.

  • For the Lizzie Borden shouldn’t it be gave her father forty whacks becuz I warched a paranormal show or something talking about her xO

    Scaryforkids says: Yeah, well spotted. I fixed it now.

  • The dead silence one reminds when big mac cut his sister’s tounge off…

  • From Dead Silence, my friend and I watched that movie at our sleep over, we couldn’t sleep after that for weeks XD

  • hii guys!!!! I write a story and some of u mite have read it on tell me your story but ok here it goes hope u guys aaaaand SFK like it!! :)

    Unknown Calls

    It was John’s third day working as a 911 operator. It was a nice day to begin with. He had very few calls so far. 

        Soon after, he started recieving unknown phone calls. “911,what’s your emergency?” he answered. All he heard was the roar of a fire. He heard a man laughing manically in the background. He put the phone down, dismissing it as a petty prank call.   He received a few more calls like this before it was time to leave.

         John started heading home. He was at a stoplight. His vision blurred up and he smelt smoke. He felt the heat of the fire. John heard a ringing sound. He opened his eyes and grabbed his phone. His wife was calling.

       He exhaled and turned his focus back to the road. 

        When he got home, he got a call from an unknown number. “Hello?” he answered the phone. Again he heard the roar of a fire and physcotic laughing. But this time, there was screaming. The man kept laughing.

         That night, John was awoken by a tapping on his window. He got up and walked over to it. He looked out to see a man laughing. He held a box of matches and a lit match. Just as John went to call the cops, the man disappeared.

         John stayed up for the rest of the night. The laughter echoed in his head. He was constantly looking out the window. He waited for his phone to ring.

          John returned to work the next day. He was sweating and trembling. His eyes were bloodshot and his palms were sweaty. John waited for the phone to ring. 

          The phone rang. John stared at it. The Caller ID read “Unknown”. Tears were streaming down his face. He answered the phone with trembling hands. “H-hello?” The man started laughing and laughing. 

        John dropped the phone and held his head. He was shaking violently. John was dead silent. He was ghostly pale. He slowly got up and left work. 

          John entered his house. He sat on the couch, holding his phone. Ring ring ring. John picked up the phone, took out the battery, and threw it away.
        That night, John woke up at 12:01 AM. He got up to get a glass of water. He walked into the kitchen and heard a ringing. John saw light coming from the trash can. He slowly approached it and picked up the phone.

         He stood silently. He heard the laughing again. It sounded so close. John threw down the phone and searched frantically for the source of the sound, but he couldn’t find it.

         He looked out the window. There stood the man. His skin was singed a dark grey. A malicious smile spread across his bright red lips as he lit the match. He threw that one at the house, and he lit another.

       John felt heat building up in the room. He felt the smoke choking him as he fought to get out of the room. John felt his skin burning.
        John started screaming. The laughing was driving him insane. He had to find a way to escape.

        He tried to open the door, but it was jammed. He ran to another window. The man was still standing there. He had the same sickening smile. John looked at his phone.  Ring. Ring. Ring. 

  • @Gidgey

    “Ring around the rosie” actually means the children were seeing all these dead bodies being piled up and put on fire, and all the children formed a ring and danced around the fire.
    “A pocket full of posie” actually DOES mean herbs, tucked in their pocket during the horrible-smelling bonfires. It would help with the scent.
    “Ashes Ashes” Again, referring to the fire.
    “We all fall down” means, “We’re all gonna die soon”

    But your analysis was actually a good one.

  • @I-Luv-Unicorns

    Yes the did do that but pocketful of posies could refer to herbs

  • Sand man come to me tonight, Comfort me till morning light,
    As darkness falls and shadows gloom, I bid you welcome to my room,
    Rest your bones upon my bed, Lay your hand upon my head,
    Cast your spell a slumber deep, And stay beside me as i sleep,
    If i should die before i wake, I grant to you my soul to take…

  • Buckle My Shoe
    One, two, buckle my shoe
    Three, four, lock the door
    Five, six, pick up gun sticks
    Seven, eight, close the gate
    Nine, ten, let the quiet murdering begin
    ScaryForKids please post this! You guys will probably never believe me, but one of my friends got possessed by this ghost of a girl from the 1700’s and this is the song of her death.

  • @gidgey i thought the pocket full of posies was because the people smelled so bad that they carried around flowers so the smell wounlnt be so horrible. but if its herbs then okay

  • The Death Clock: Tick Tock The clock strikes 3 The doll walks up 3 steps to your door
    Tick Tock The clock strikes 6 The doll walks up 6 steps to your door
    Tick Tock The clock strikes 12 The doll walks to your door
    Waiting till your asleep… Opens the door and sings.. Tick Tock Tick tock Tick Tock Tick Tock..

  • This is called:
    The Girl In Ivory

    Beware of that girl in ivory
    Inoccent souls be taken away
    Terror strikes when she looks in your soul
    Children’s deaths are near when she knows your alive
    Horror movies can come true with that girl in Ivory

    Please put this on ScaryForKids!!!
    I will be most Grateful :D

  • The Demon
    He watches you, he stalks you
    He is that good looking man on youtube
    He smells of rotting flesh
    And has blood all over his face
    But still he is hungry for your flesh
    He tears people apart while they are alive
    And right now as you read this, He is planning to switch off your lights
    Your Crosses and Bibles will not save you
    If he chooses you, you are gone for good
    Don’t show fear, pretend you never read this
    Because once He knows you know He exists
    Then believe me, its the end of you….
    (Another one I made, but I doubt people will like this one

  • The Man In Black
    I know of a man, not far from here
    He dresses in black, and no one goes near,
    They say he comes in your dreams,
    And boil you in steam,
    But you can’t scream,
    Or a light beam will split you in three.
    Don’t fear him, that’s what they say,
    But believe me, you won’t survive till May,
    Perhaps right now he is under your bed,
    Just waiting to grind your bones to bread,
    Or drain your soul for his health,
    Or just use your teeth to make his belt.
    This is a warning my dear friends,
    The man is not here to laugh and play,
    You never know, he may turn your skin to clay,
    So keep on track,
    And stay away for the man in black

    (I made this up, hope you like it SFK)

  • this is the song that never ends
    it makes me want to chop off my head
    some people, started singin not knowin what it was
    and they’ll keep on singin it forever just because
    they want me to chop off my head
    (yes we do!)

  • “Ring around the rosie” should be on here because it refers to the plague! Ring around the rosie”= red spots “Pocket full of posies”= A pocket of herbs carried to ward off disease “Ashes, ashes”= sneezing, ashes, funeral “We all fall down!”= death. AShes Ashes could mean the sneezing sounds victims made ashes at a funeral or a saying at the funeral; Ashes to ashes dust to dust.

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