Scary For Kids

Childrens Rhymes

Childrens Rhymes and songs are often used to scary effect in horror movies. Below, you will find the creepiest nursey rhymes that appeared in scary movies and books. If you know any more creepy little rhymes or songs for children, leave them in a comment and I will add them.

Children's Rhymes

From A Nightmare On Elm Street

(Based on 1, 2, buckle my shoe.)

One, two, Freddy’s coming for you.
Three, four, better lock your door.
Five, six, get a crucifix.
Seven, eight, better stay up late.
Nine, ten, never sleep again!

From The Woman in Black

During afternoon tea, there’s a shift in the air,
a bone-trembling chill that tells you she’s there.
There are those who believe the whole town is cursed,
but the house in the marsh was by far the worst.
What she wants is unknown, but she always comes back,
the spectre of darkness, the woman in black.

From Dead Silence

Beware the stare of Mary Shaw.
She had no children, only her dolls.
If you see her in your dreams,
be sure you never, ever scream
or she’ll rip your tongue out at the seam

Samara’s Song From The Ring

Round we go, the world is spinning
When it stops it’s just beginning
Sun comes up, we laugh and we cry
Sun goes down and then we all die

From Fritz Lang’s M

The man in black will soon be here.
With his cleaver’s blade so true.
Just you wait, it won’t be long.
He’ll make mincemeat out of YOU!

From Night of the Hunter

Hing, hang, hung.
See what the hangman done.
Hung, hang, hing.
See the robber swing.

From Hush, Hush Sweet Charlotte

Chop chop, Sweet Charlotte
Chop chop, till he’s dead
Chop chop, Sweet Charlotte
Chop off his hand and head.

From Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Can’t even shout. Can’t even cry.
The Gentlemen are coming by.
Looking in windows, knocking on doors…
They need to take seven and they might take yours…
Can’t call to mom. Can’t say a word.
You’re gonna die screaming but you won’t be heard.

From Dr. Giggles

(Suggested by a member named “Huntress of the North”)

This town has a doctor and his name is Rendell
Stay away from his house ’cause he’s the doctor from Hell.
He killed all his patients, every last one,
And cut out their hearts… purely for fun.
So if you’re from Moorehigh and you get sick
Fall on your knees and pray you die quick.

A Child’s Prayer

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;
Should I die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.

A Child’s Lullaby

If you die before you wake,
Do not cry and do not ache.
Nothing’s ever yours to keep.
So close your eyes and go to sleep.

A Mother’s Rhyme

Here’s the little piggy, see his snout.
Slit him open, and the guts fall out.

From Oranges and Lemons

Here comes a candle to light you to bed,
And here comes a chopper to chop off your head!
Chip chop, chip chop, the last man’s dead.

Lizzie Borden

(Lizzie Borden was a woman who was suspected of killing her parents in 1892.)

Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her father forty whacks.
When she saw what she had done
She gave her mother forty-one.

Mary Ann Cotton

(Mary Ann Cotton was an English woman who is believed to have murdered 21 people in the late 1800s by arsenic poisoning)

Mary Ann Cotton
She’s dead and she’s rotten
Lying in bed with her eyes wide open
Sing? Sing? What song should I sing?
Mary Anne Cotton is tied up in string.
Where? where? She’s up in the air
And now they’re selling puddings for a penny a pair.

Doctor Ruxton

(Buck Ruxton was a doctor in England who killed his wife and his maid in 1935.)

Red stains on the carpet, red stains on your knife
Oh Doctor Ruxton, you murdered your wife.
The nursemaid she saw you and threatened to tell.
Oh Doctor Ruxton, you killed her as well.

Fritz Haarmann

(Fritz Haarmann murdered 27 boys and young men in the 1920s in Germany)

Just you wait ’til it’s your time,
Haarmann will come after you,
And with his chopper, oh so fine,
He’ll make mincemeat out of you.

Belle Gunness

(Belle Gunness was a woman who murdered over 40 men in America in the 1880s.)

Belle Gunness was a lady fair, in Indiana State.
She weighed about three hundred pounds and that is quite some weight.
That she was stronger than a man, her neighbors all did own;
She butchered hogs right easily and did it all alone.
But hogs were just a sideline she indulged in now and then;
Her favorite occupation was the butchering of men.

Miss Mary Mack

Miss Mary Mack Mack Mack
She’s dressed in black black black
she has a knife knife knife
Stuck in her back back back
She cannot breathe breathe breathe
She cannot cry cry cry
That’s why she begs begs begs
She begs to die die die

From Bluebeard

At last the girl could not refrain,
and turned the little key,
And looked within, and fainted straight
the horrid sight to see.

For there upon the floor was blood,
and on the walls were wives,
For Bluebeard first had married them,
then cut their throats with knives.

From We Have Always Lived in the Castle

Merricat, said Connie, would you like a cup of tea?
“Oh no,” said Merricat, “you’ll poison me.”
Merricat, said Connie, would you like to go to sleep?
Down in the boneyard ten feet deep!

Dead Men

Dead men, dead men, swinging in a tree
How many dead men do you see?
Tongue turned blue and face gone grey
Watch them as they twist and sway.

The first one killed the butcher man
Then cooked him in a frying pan
Served him to his hungry guests
And gave them seconds on request

The next one with his smile and sweets
Stole poor children off the streets
To men who dressed unsavory
He sold them into slavery

Dead men, dead men, swinging in a tree
How many dead men do you see?
Six feet long and six men wide
Around their necks the noose is tied.

Three Children on the Ice

Three children sliding on the ice
Upon a summer’s day,
As it fell out, they all fell in,
The rest they ran away.

If these children had been at school,
Or sliding on dry ground,
I’d bet you all a pretty penny
They would not have drowned.

Parents who have children dear,
And others who have none,
If you want to keep them safe and sound
Please keep them safe at home.

The Hanging Tree From The Hunger Games

Are you, are you, coming to the tree
where they strung up a man they say murdered three.
Strange things have happened here, no stranger would it be,
if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree
where the dead man called out for his love to flee.
Strange things have happened here no stranger would it be,
if we me up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree
where I told you to run so we would both be free.
Strange things have happened here no stranger would it be
if we met up at midnight in the haning tree.

Are you, are you, coming to the tree
wear your necklace of rope and hang side by side with me.
Strange things have happened here no stranger would it be
if we met up at midnight in the hanging tree.

Three Sons

There was an old woman who had three sons,
Called Jerry and James and John,
Jerry was hanged and James was drowned,
John was lost at sea and never found;
And that was an end of her three sons,
Called Jerry and James and John.

Two Dead Boys

One bright day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight.
Back to back they faced each other,
drew their swords and shot each other.
A deaf policeman heard the noise
and ran to save the two dead boys.
And if you don’t believe it’s true,
go ask the blind man, he saw it too.

O’Leary and O’Reilly

O’Leary is dead and O’Reilly don’t know it.
O’Reilly is dead and O’Leary don’t know it.
They both are dead in the very same bed,
And neither one knows that the other is dead.

The Desert

Out on the windswept desert, that desolate stretch of land,
One man spied another, lying in the sand
Said one man to the other, “What makes you lie that way?”
But the other did not answer for he’d been dead since May.


Willy was a helpful boy but quite near-sighted,
He built a fire in the fireplace and self-ignited;
Now, the wind is blowing cold and the room is getting chilly,
And not one of us wants to put out poor Willy.

The Song That Never Ends

This is the song that never ends
And it goes on and on my friends
Some people started singing it
not knowing what it was
And they’ll just keep on singing it
forever just because
This is the song that never ends

scary for kids


  • Ring around the rosie refers to the cancerous bubes that were a result of bubonic plague. Pocket full of posies refers to the herbs that people carried around. Ashes, Ashes refers to sneezing that was a symptom of bubonic plague (ashes, ashes = achoo, achoo.) We all fall down means people drop dead.

  • The Child’s Prayer isn’t scary. Those are words from the actual prayer. They weren’t tampered with in any way to make them sound scary. That is the prayer. “If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take,” is one of the actual phrases.

  • hey guys if u would like to contact me about my stories u can email me at (please no spam only email me if you would like me to edit a story help write a story if u wanna give ideas or if you just want to give constructive critics or tell me about how much you like my stories :) thanks guys! shoot me an email with your SFK name and I’ll get back to you

  • @carcass this ones for you!!!!! :) (WARNING: SOO FREAKING GORY)

       Jason lied on the couch, eyes wide open. “OK, Jason. Now, do you remember what happened?” Dr.Stokkz asked.

        Jason’s heart stopped as he remembered the incident. He was leaving the local deli. He walked past an alley. Jason heard something snarling in the alley. Curiosity got the best of him and he looked back.

         He saw a man in a blood stained suit. He had ripped the heart out of a poor man’s chest. The physcotic man scarfed down the man’s heart. Jason stood in shock at what he was seeing.

         The inhumane thing looked up. His eyes locked with Jason’s. He stared at him, making a mental note of Jason’s appearance. He pointed at Jason, then greedily gobbled up the rest of the man’s internal organs. 

          Jason ran away as fast as he could. He ran into the police station, panting and crying. “Son, what’s wrong!?”, the deputy grabbed Jason’s shoulder. Jason told him all about the incident. The cops didn’t believe him.

          Jason walked out. He was so frustrated. Why wouldn’t anyone believe him? He headed home, muttering to himself. 

          He got home and went to sleep. Jason heard chewing. He assumed it was just his dog. “Marbles,” he whispered.

          Jason looked down, looking for his dog. “Marbles,” he whispered again. He got up to look for her.

          Jason turned on the light. He started walking out of his room. He walked down the hall. As he got farther down the hall, he saw drops of blood.

            Jason started nearing the kitchen. He heard growling and slurping. He hesitantly walked in. To his horror, he saw his dog’s dead body on the floor. 

         If that wasn’t enough, the man was there, too. He was slurping up  Marbles’ blood. He locked eyes with Jason again. He had a devilish grin. The man then got up and walked out of the house. 

       Jason locked all the doors and windows. He closed the chimney. He turned on all the lights in the house and all the TVs. Jason stayed up all night, terrified.

        When Jason left for work in the morning, he walked past the same alley. He heard muffled growls. He tried not to, but he felt compelled to look. Jason was even more disturbed than before. He looked at the man’s victim. He looked just like Jason. 

          The cannibalistic man looked up at Jason and whispered in a distorted voice,”You’re next,” Jason was forced to move out of the town.

           “But I guess I’m safe now,” Jason said with a smile. Dr. Stokkz smiled, showing a set of blood covered, pointed teeth, as he approached Jason. “No, not yet,”


  • my brother told me this when i was a child. he was trying to scare me but i thought it was very interesting. i still do


    That feeling like you’re all alone,
    They’re all gone, you grab your phone.
    Quickly scrolling through your list,
    Phone is bleeding down your wrist.

    You bring the phone to your ear,
    Low sad voice, you begin to hear.
    Voice whispers, don’t look back,
    You slowly glance, it’s all black.

    Dropped the phone, as you run,
    You fall over, a bloody gun.
    In your pocket, you hear a ring,
    You reach in, you feel a sting.

    Poison hits you, right away,
    It is clear, you’re the prey.
    You look back, they lay alone,
    Holding on, to their phone

  • My friend Dianna said that 2 dead boys is from The Haunting In Conneticut.

  • I know you didn’t really ask for a made up rhyme but i made up a version of ‘Hush little baby don’t you cry’. Hope you like♥

    Hush little baby don’t say a word
    Mama’s gonna buy you a mocking bird.

    And if that mocking bird does die,
    Mama’s gonna get a you an apple pie.

    But if little baby does not eat,
    Then Mama’s gonna get some juicy meat.

    But if little baby does not bite,
    Then Mama’s gonna have some nasty spite.

    And if little baby gets upset,
    Mama’s gonna give a beastly threat.

    If little baby has a snore,
    Mama’s gonna kick you out the door.

    If little baby dares come back,
    Mama’s gonna give you a big, hard smack.

    So hush little baby don’t you cry,
    Or dear little baby is gonna die.

  • The last one xD
    I really like that poem from a game called “Agatha Christie: And Then There Were None”. It’s not scary, or creepy, but I still like it :)

  • From Dead Space(not a movie,but in that version its really creepy),Twinkle,twinkle little star(search for it in youtube)

  • tell me what u think of that one :) and this one too it’s pretty scary if u ask me :D

                 Black Eyes

          Sarah just turned 17. Her parents were out of town and she was home alone. She just  moved into a new house and it was kind of creeping her out. People said someone died there.  She thought it was just a rumor.

        There was storm warning for the past couple of days, and it was raining on and off, so she was not surprised when the telephone stopped working. But it was getting kind of dark, and her parents still weren’t home. She had been watching TV for a couple of hours now. 

         Someone was at the door. She hesitated to answer, but did anyways. She was relieved to see it was just an old woman. That was, until she looked into her eyes. They were pure black. 

      Sarah had been warned about older men and women with black eyes. They would try to get into your house. After that, no one knew.

        The shaking woman asked to come in for a glass of water. Sarah lied through her teeth, “My parents are discussing some serious issues and wouldn’t enjoy being interrupted,” with that she slammed the door. 
        The woman stood at the door, still. A storm was blowing in. She still stood there shaking. She looked so weak and frail. Sarah finally let her in.

        It was getting pretty late. Sarah was heading off to bed. It was still raining. She went to say good night to the woman. The woman smiled revealing a row of perfectly pointed teeth. She had Sarah cornered. Sarah tried to scream, but she couldn’t. She shouldn’t have let the woman in.

  • thank youuuu :) another story I wrote :D sorry if it sounds like this one story on creepy pasta me and my friend actually wrote that one together “The Message” great story :) here’s mine

              The Warning
        You need to help me. He’s right next to me. He’s waiting for me to fall asleep so he can kill me. I can’t move or else he’ll sink his knife-like nails into my throat. I called the cops, but they still aren’t here.

         Are they even coming? It’s been 2 hours. Maybe I should just let him kill me. Maybe that would be better than me sitting here, suffering. So, you’re probably wondering how this happened. Well, I was 14. We had just moved here and I had trouble making friends. It was as if I was invisible. So, I went to a witch to see if she could help. She showed me a spell, but she said it might not be what I expected. She said it was dangerous, but I was desperate. Now they’re going to get me and make me just like them. 

         Next time, I’ll be more careful. He’s tapping his nails on my neck. I can’t fall asleep. His glowing red eyes are the only things lighting the room. I can’t tell you any more, but you should probably read the first word of every paragraph now.

  • My daughters
    I charge my daughters every one
    To keep good house while I am gone,
    You and you and especially you,
    Or else I’ll beat you black and blue.
    Owo not many ppl know this but it refers to an urban legend .

  • the hanging tree is from the hunger games mockingjay. Thnx for putting that in! :)

  • Blood on the floor.

    Don’t you see the blood on the floor?
    I know it’s coming from that door.
    I don’t think you should go inside,
    because thats where your parents died.
    They somehow got all cut up.
    Don’t look at them or you might throw up.
    Theres blood,guts,bones oh my!
    The killers behind you.Start running before you die.

  • Wait I thought ring around the Rosie had something to do with a witch. And if you sang it a person would die.

  • hey u know what was really weird, 3 years ago in 3 grade in my art class for some reason we were talking about paint brush strokes to the horror of ring around the rosie song, i forgot wat my art teacher said about it but it was creepy, mabe it was creepy because at the time i seriously didnt know if my art teacher was a woman or man, she/he had long whiteish yellow straight hair but her voice was exactly like a mans, so i was confuzzled at the time lol

  • I agree with I-LUV-UNICORNZ. The hanging tree is my favorite melody from the Hunger Games Book. As well as Rue’s Lullaby! *puts three fingers to lips and extends* may the odds be ever in your favaaaah~

  • I love the first one! Nightmare on Elm Street is my favorite. I even read fanfictions bout’ it..

  • @Gidgey
    Actually the “ashes, ashes” part was about the cremation of the bodies and the burnings of the victims homes.
    SFK says to only post your story once in the tell me your story section and not to spam it on other pages
    That’s what the bubonic plague was. It was dubbed the black death or the black plague.

  • A,B,C,D,E,F,G,
    Gummy bears are oh so sweet
    One it red, one is blue
    One is trying to steal my shoe
    Now I’m running for my life

  • @Water-Spirit. No ” ring around the Rosie’s” is a some about the bionic pleague. For example, when you sing ashes, ashes it’s talking about how you saw the ashes of the burned bodies because they had to cremate bodies if the victims of the pleague. We all fall down , is saying that when you have the pleague, you could be walking one minute and e dead the next. I learned this at school in music class. We where talking about nursery rhymes and I brought this up. She explained the whole Song to the class.

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