Scary For Kids
Child's Eyes

Child’s Eyes

Child’s Eyes is a very short tale of horror about the things that lurk in the dark. The things that adults can’t see.

Child's Eyes

Through the eyes of a child, the world is very different. Every child has a fear of what is lurking under their bed. They fear what is hiding in the closet or peeping in at them through the little crack in a door that’s standing ajar.

A doctor would tell you that children are much more perceptive than adults. Their eyes are able to see the things that an adult’s eyes cannot see. When you grow up, you become blind to the dangers that creep and crawl through the darkness. Children can see what is truly there. They see the monsters.

If you were to look, for just one night, through a child’s eyes, you would know what true fear really is. If you were able to see again the things you only dimly remember from your childhood, imagine how terrifying that would be. Can you remember those sleepless nights, burrowing under your covers, shaking and shivering in the darkness, afraid to move, afraid to make a sound, afraid to breathe?

Those are the nights that adults forget. The nights when you would cover yourself completely with your blankets, so that the monsters couldn’t see you. The nights when you would hold your breath, so the monsters couldn’t hear you. The nights when you would lie as still as possible, so you wouldn’t attract their attention. I know you remember those nights.

The only thing that would protect you was light. Bright light. You slept with the light on. That made it safe. That meant they couldn’t get you.

Teenagers are caught in the middle. They still sense that something is there in the darkness, but they try to convince themselves it’s just their imagination. They’re embarrassed to sleep with the light on. Teenagers have forgotten that light is the only thing that can keep them away.

While you’re sitting there in front of your computer, do you think that the light from your monitor will be enough to keep them away?

Sorry. It’s not.

Now look behind you with a child’s eyes and try not to scream.

scary for kids


  • I’m 15 sitting at a computer in a dark room with no lights on except from computer. I looked behind me and saw a giant mosquito on the wall O.O I screamed my lungs ;P my mam ran to me turned the lights on and asked what happened I pointed to the mosquito she said why don’t you just kill it I was still terrified so my mom killed It for me ;)

  • I have a nintendo 3ds and i am using internet browser. i turned around and i saw my sister using computer so i looked behind her i saw a wall..dosen’t bother me…but this is scary i looked in front and i saw my grandma drinking medicine AGGGBGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! Eee! Pee! Bee! Qee! Wee! Ree! Tee! yee! uee! Iee! Oee! Mee! Nee! Aee! See! Dee! Fee! Hee! AHAAAA *coughs* ah ah ah ahem

  • Lol. I remember when I was younger I wasn’t afraid of anything that might have been in my closet or under my bed because I slept with a wrench. This story was really good btw. :)

  • Neat idea for u guys! I did this with my sister. Being an avid reader of horror stories I showed her this site then guide her some stories that I think was worth reading not knowing my real intention. So eventually i ask her to read this story “Childs Eye” then I nonchalantly walk away pretending to mind my business and she read the story and snuck behind her making a silly face and as she finish reading she did what I wanted her to do and turn around. Well you can imaging what happens next XD. Hilarious stuff.

  • I always sleep with the light on and I’m a young teenager! It’s a habit.

  • I turned around to look behind me and saw… Darkness…I was reading in the dark, only light from my phone.

  • I looked behind me and i saw.. i saw. . . MYSELF!!!!!!!!! looking straight back at ME!!!!!!! WTF OMG damn mirrors

    …anyway my cousins would always turn on the lights when they sleep and they’re older than o-o

  • I just looked behide me…. What 2 now what saw?

    I saw my mom on her new cell… SO SCARY!!

  • I look behind me and see my sister lying on the sofa…………… AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I’m 11, too. I looked behind me and saw a chair. Oh, no! Guess what else I saw?!?! The hallway!!!!!!!!!! 😱

  • I looked behind me with a child’s eyes (I’m 14) and I saw….GASP my poster of demi lovado!! OMG!! adults have no idea what they are missing..

  • hahaha! i remember being terrified of the dark when i was younger, i remember my parents would sometimes let me watch horror movies every once and awhile when i was younger. i also remeber being terrified of that all three movies of lord of the rings lol i feel so dumb justthinking now how i was scared of all those things lol great tale:)

  • Lol, I’m kinda scared of the dark..
    Sometimes, I’ll picture things from horror movies in my room at night… It’s not fun.

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