Scary For Kids

Chocolate Eggs

Chocolate Eggs is a funny little story for kids about a girl who won’t share her candy with her younger brother. It is based on a little tale from Korea.

Chocolate Eggs

It was midnight and a girl was sitting at the table in her living room, trying to do some study. Her little brother was on the floor behind her, playing with his toys. The girl had bought a bag of chocolate eggs and was eating them as she read her book.

“Can I have a chocolate egg?” asked the little brother.

“No!” replied the girl gruffly.

“Please can I have a chocolate egg?” he whined.

“I told you No!” she said.

She continued eating her chocolate eggs and her brother kept pestering her to give him one. Eventually, she grew tired of the constant distraction. She grabbed the half-finished bag of candy and tossed it over her shoulder.

“Here!” she said. “You can have the rest.”

She heard the rustling noise as her little brother ran over, grabbed the bag and began eating the chocolate eggs.

“There’s only two left”, said a voice behind her. “Can I eat one?”

The girl sighed. “Yes!” she snarled. “Just quit bugging me.”

She heard heard some slobbering and munching sounds behind her.

“Now there’s only one left,” said the voice.

“Stop asking questions and just eat it!” she yelled.

Then, she turned around and to her horror, she saw a hideous monster. It had just finished chewing on the remains of her little brother.

scary for kids


  • @ Lonely_Ghost
    Im so sorry about your cat…. Mine died too not too long ago.. But dont worry, hes in kitty heaven now and im sure hes doing fine!

  • omg i feel so bad for bein mean 2 ma bro now, im so mn 2 em like wen he asked me 4 help on a hw prob n cuss at him and kick him out n lock the door even wen hes da only one there. hes only 7, im mean

  • @scary lady

    Sorry it took me so long to reply. I have been busy. I have an idea for that story of yours! I’m a bit too tired to write it up now, but I really like your idea, so I can give you a summary.

    So, she keeps asking people if she can “borrow” there things, like their hair or eyes, and they get creeped out and say no, and then they go missing and she has whatever she wanted to “borrow.” And, in the end, she is alone in an alley, and all the ghosts of the people she killed come back and say they want their things back, but she says she will never give them back, and then the next day they find her, and part she borrowed off someone else is gone from her, and all that it left was a skeleton.

    Yeah, it’s kinda crappy, but I’m just really tired. XP I will not be offended if you hate it. XP

  • Hi guys, you have put some wonderful stories here!
    Sorry for not posting anything for so long, but…

    My cat died and I wasn’t in a mood of writing. :(

    When I get better I will post a new story! :)

  • ok, I have something thats not a story. Its a ritual.—-There is a forest in Lincoln, Nebraska. Its position is near a library, next to a baseball feld, and if you go into the forest, its next to train tracks. This is a fairly hard task to accomplish but if you do these steps right, youll be able to kill anyone in the world living! First you start by finding the entrance to the forest. (This shouldn’t be hard considering theres barbed wire and a “do not enter” sign). Next, enter the forest, and find a wooden tower that is close to the train tracks I talked about earlier. (there are 3 different towers ive seen. so be sure to choose the right one). Then, precede to sit at the top of the tower, in a way so you can see the train tracks. Next comes the hard part. you must stay sitting until a train passes by, wait for the train to pass and then you must say, “I have come for the revenge I seek”. After this step, wait for an unknown voice to say, “Who shall the cold hand crush?” state the name of the person you want dead. (Note:DO NOT TURN AROUND, or youll be the one dead) Finally, you may leave the forest. If everything you did was right, the next day your bounty that you wanted shall be…gone. Now you may be wondering if theres a claus in this offer? Yes, there is. You will spend the next 3 years with horrible nightmares. Unless of course you share this ritual.—-so how do you like my ritual?

  • Yup scary lady it freaked the heck outta me :D people in comments make better stories then scary for kids o. O

  • NANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANANA BATMAN!!! XD Hia everyone! such EPIC stories y’all guys make!

  • “Make It Work”
    Emma was a normal 6 year old girl, she liked peppy music and strawberry bubblegum. One day she was playing outside and she saw a girl walking down the street. Emma had never met her before and she wanted to say hi.
    “Hi I’m Emma, will you be my friend?”
    “Sure wanna play doggies?”
    “But I don’t have a leash.”
    “I’ll make it work” the girl said as she took off her belt and looped it so there was a circle at the end and the rest was a long strand.
    The next day Emma met up with the same girl.
    “I want to pretend to be rockstars.” said the girl, exuding excitement.
    “But I don’t have microphones,” Emma complained
    “I’ll make it work” she said as she ripped two branches off of the trees, one for herself, one for Emma.
    Later that night the mysterious girl appeared in Emmas bedroom it was around 3:00a.m..
    “What are you doing?” Emma asked still groggy.
    “I wanna play butcher.” she replied with an evil glint in her eye.
    “But you don’t have a knife.”
    “I’ll make it work” the girl said producing a large blade.

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