Scary For Kids

Closet Game

The Closet Game is a scary paranormal ghost game that can be played by one or two people. The object of the game is to summon a demon.

Closet Game

Warning: The Closet Game is very dangerous. Summoning a demon could result in you becoming possessed or being dragged into eternal darkness. We recommend that you do not play this game.

To play the closet game, you need a book of matches and a bedroom with a closet. You can do this alone or with a friend. Wait until it is night. This will not work during daylight.

Step 1: Take the book of matches and go to your bedroom.

Step 2: Turn off all the lights in the room. The room must be in complete darkness. If there is a light in the closet, make sure it is off.

Step 3: Open the closet door, step inside and close the door behind you.

Step 4: Stand in the darkness for approximately two minutes, facing the closet door.

Step 5: Take one match, hold it in front of you and say, “Show me the light or leave me in darkness.”

Step 6: Listen very carefully. If you begin hearing faint whispering, light the match immediately. If you don’t hear anything, and the match does not ignite on its own, then don’t turn around. If you do not light the match fast enough after hearing the faint whispers, you will feel something grab you from behind and drag you into eternal darkness.

Step 7: Keep the match lit. Do not blow it out. If it accidentally goes out, immediately light another match.

Step 8: Holding the lit match in front of you, open the closet door slowly and step outside. Do not turn around. Close the closet door behind you. Do not look inside the closet.

From now on, you must make sure you always have the light on when you look inside the closet. If you leave your closet open during the night with the lights off, you will see the demon watching you with two red eyes that glow like matches.

scary for kids


  • I have a closet but the doors broke n there’s no room in it for me to fit in xD so i wont play that game

  • I find whoever plays this game is a complete idiot. You guys all read that post earlier about how they would have a friend, holy water, a bible, and their friend would be saying the Lord’s Prayer? Well, I would like to say that first the human should pray that nothing would happen to them while they are in the closet. After the male or female play the game they should have their friend bless their closet, and of that didn’t work they should have their priest, pastor, or reverend bless their closet.

  • Inthe closet
    Two red eyes
    That will watch you in the closest
    OH please do not cry
    Close the closet nice and tight
    Or life from now on will be but a FRIGHT
    How was it

  • I feel bad for the demon. What intrest would IT have in being trapped in your closet if it cant attack you and get something out of it?

  • I don’t mind doing this, but my closet dosen’t have a door. It has a beaded curtains. will ir still work? and how do you get rid of it?

  • if u do this and u leave the closet door open and see the demons eyes u should be all like “CANT TOUCH THIS!!!!! doo doo doo doo doo doo doo-doo,doo-doo,doo-dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-ugh! CANT TOUCH ME DEMON, CAN YA,(insert name of ur new demon pet)!!!! ^^

  • See, now this is the reason why I close my closet at night! I’m pefectly aware of the crazy s*** that goes on in there!

  • if i play this game i’ll have a friend with me because tere are safety in numbers, a vial of holy water, a bible, and my friend will be chanting the Lords Prayer while i do the rital

  • anybody wood b insane to try it and wut happens to the friend if u play it with one and if u summone then wood it go way if u r a christian and it wood burn if it tried to touch u and wood u b happy if it did if u were nt a christian and if u summone but it doesnt leave wood u name it Fluffy the magical demon lol. christians shood not try this or u ll same GOD and all his glory no matter huw tempting it is. i repeat christians shood not play this *too demon* crazy stalker demon u cnt touch this. do doo doo doo doo doo doo cnt touch this lol

  • anybody wood b insane to try it and wut happens to the friend if u play it with one and if u summone then wood it go way if u r a christian and it wood burn if it tried to touch u and wood u b happy if it did if u were nt a christian and if u summone but it doesnt leave wood u name it Fluffy the magical demon lol. christians shood not try this or u ll same GOD and all his glory no matter huw tempting it is.

  • Have any one of who ever wondered what will happen if you turn after playing this game? 0.o

  • This freaked me out. O_O
    “If you leave your closet open during the night with the lights off, you will see the demon watching you with two red eyes that glow like matches.”
    Who else is freaked out by this claim?

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