Scary For Kids

Closet Game

The Closet Game is a scary paranormal ghost game that can be played by one or two people. The object of the game is to summon a demon.

Closet Game

Warning: The Closet Game is very dangerous. Summoning a demon could result in you becoming possessed or being dragged into eternal darkness. We recommend that you do not play this game.

To play the closet game, you need a book of matches and a bedroom with a closet. You can do this alone or with a friend. Wait until it is night. This will not work during daylight.

Step 1: Take the book of matches and go to your bedroom.

Step 2: Turn off all the lights in the room. The room must be in complete darkness. If there is a light in the closet, make sure it is off.

Step 3: Open the closet door, step inside and close the door behind you.

Step 4: Stand in the darkness for approximately two minutes, facing the closet door.

Step 5: Take one match, hold it in front of you and say, “Show me the light or leave me in darkness.”

Step 6: Listen very carefully. If you begin hearing faint whispering, light the match immediately. If you don’t hear anything, and the match does not ignite on its own, then don’t turn around. If you do not light the match fast enough after hearing the faint whispers, you will feel something grab you from behind and drag you into eternal darkness.

Step 7: Keep the match lit. Do not blow it out. If it accidentally goes out, immediately light another match.

Step 8: Holding the lit match in front of you, open the closet door slowly and step outside. Do not turn around. Close the closet door behind you. Do not look inside the closet.

From now on, you must make sure you always have the light on when you look inside the closet. If you leave your closet open during the night with the lights off, you will see the demon watching you with two red eyes that glow like matches.

scary for kids


  • XD Im pretty much already in eternal darkness! For some reason these games have lost their scare in em’ , atleast to me x3

  • I’m not going to try this I’ve already done some scary stuff this is too scary

  • that also apply’s to @Monk
    and @Don’t take me seriously HOW THE COOKIES DO YOU KNOW THAT?!?!?

  • @The_Yellow_Dash if you value your life I would recomend you dont do that!!!!!!! And no, i don’t mean the demon’s gonna kill you I mean the demons gonna take your life and make it a living terror! Dont say I didn’t warn you…

  • Plz believe me people you think ghosts can’t hurt you well guess what they can! It’s the cold hard truth and stop telling yourself ghost’s aren’t real because you know they are! You make yourself feel better by saying, oh , ghosts are just dead people all they can do is float through you but thats not the only kind of ghost! There are demons out there and a demons only goal is to destroy your life! Demons can hurt people and ruin your life not only physically but mentally and socially too so please, please DONT TRY THIS!

  • this is doesn’t acomplish any thing but a demon watching you at night

  • @Skyler in your post to:(OMG WHAT IF YOU ACCIDENTALLY LIGHT YOUR CLOSET ON FIRE?!?!) Pros and cons list;
    Pros! Get a new house, no demons! Yaaay XD
    Cons: Two words: Your mom.

  • I would love to try this game and see what would happen, but I sadly don’t have a closet in my room.

  • who dares me to go in there do the game nd go back in there nd beat up the demon, IM HERCULES BITCH!!!!!

  • I mean what is the point in putting all these scary games on here if it says “DO NOT PLAY THESE GAMES.” I mean what is the point??? And like XxNightmaregirlxX said it doesn’t even say a very important warning “DO NOT BURN YOURSELF WITH THESE TERRIBLE MATCHES THAT MAY BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!” I mean seriously what can a ghost do to us? They would just go right through us and yet a match could rip the skin off you and your family alive! Like the story of the Smith sisters, skinned alive! That’s all from me now bye bye!!!

  • JESUS CHRIST! Anyone who tries this are total IDIOTS!! What are most closets made of? Exactly! Wood! Wood is the thing that burns easier then anything! You will burn your house down, idiots!

  • Its like hey demon come watch me sleep… can use the shower but if you use all the hot water ima beat the living evil crap out of you

  • Get me a box of matches, and an axe. If you hear blood curdling screams, open the closets. My job should be done by then.

  • so this is the demon that watches you if you leave your closet open with lights off……? hmm……intresting………………..

  • creepy story! A demon eyes watching you in the closet…Wait a sec… If i was having a shower, How can i take my clothes?

  • Could I summon Sebastian Michaelis? :D -3- *kiss* *kiss* I would love to have that demon butler!

  • @XxDeathBoltxX I have i always do when a game tells you not to turn around….anyone else wonder what happens??? Maybe you like die instantly or something

  • Hey I know how to perform an excorcism! I can just banish/excorcise the demon after summoning it!

  • @residentevil5589: Lol!!! Id call my ickle fwuffy little demon pet jennifer ( random)
    It says the instructions though… SFK DOESNT CARE ABOUT MY LIFE!!!!

  • Um… I always keep my closet open at night so I can see if there is some crazy stalker dude killer in there lol but from now on I keep it CLOSED! xD

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