Scary For Kids


Concentrate is a spooky game that kids play at sleepovers. Some people say that it is a form of hypnosis. The object of the game is to find out how you are going to die.


To play Concentrate, you only need two people. You begin by telling the person to close their eyes. Then you stand behind them and say the chant while performing the rituals. During the chorus, you pound lightly on the peron’s back with your fists while you chant. During the verses, you perform the actions while you chant.

(Every time you say this, you pound lightly on the person’s back with both fists)
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

(Verse 1: Tap the person on the top of their head with your fist and run your hands down both sides of their head)
Crack an egg on your head.
Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down.
Crack an egg on your head.
Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down.

Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

(Verse 2: Twist your hands on their shoulders and then run your hands down their arms)
Squeeze an orange on your shoulder.
Let the juice drip down. Let the juice drip down.
Squeeze an orange on your shoulder.
Let the juice drip down. Let the juice drip down.

Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

(Verse 3: Poke them in their sides with all your fingers, then run your hands down their sides)
Stick ten needles in your sides.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.
Stick ten needles in your sides.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.

Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

(Verse 4: Tap them on the back with your fist, then run your hands down their back)
Stab a knife in your back.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.
Stab a knife in your back.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.

Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

(Verse 5: Mime wrapping a rope around their neck and then pull the imaginary rope. The person’s head should move back as if they are being hung.)
Wrap a rope around your neck.
Wrap it till it’s tight.
Wrap a rope around your neck.
And… PULL!

(Hold the person by their arms. Whisper in their ear)
You’re standing on a building.
You’re out on the ledge.
You’re feeling very dizzy
and you’re close to the edge.
and someone… PUSHES YOU!

You push them, just enough to make them tip forward and regain their balance. Then you tell them to open their eyes and ask them what color they saw. The color they see when they open their eyes represents how they will die.

Red means they are going to be stabbed.
Blue means they will drown in water.
Yellow means they will be poisoned.
Orange means they will burn to death in a fire.
Green means they will fall from a height and die on grass.
Purple means they will suffocate.
Brown means they will be buried alive.
Grey means they will die of a disease in hospital.
White means they will die of old age and go to Heaven.
Black means they will die of old age and go to hell.

scary for kids


  • this game really works. 1 of my friends got red and the other got Green. I got yellow. and the really weird part about this is that my friend that got red almost got shot with an arrow with my bow. the friend that got green was at lake of the ozarks when he stepped back and almost fell off a cliff. and me, i almost drank i full bottle filled with cigarette ash. i love this game i was freaking out

  • I might want to try this the point of my other comment was that it wasn’t a choice of how to die

  • I almost died from asthma when I was 7 I was half awake and I felt like someone was trying to help me like an angel the time was 12 am when it happened I was in hospital for a week

  • What about being beaten up to death? Or . . . trying to think of one they don’t have here, lol, how about Dying because you got run over or dying in ur mums tummy or dying coz of dis cariage?

  • I read the description then i decided i didnt wanna read the instructions… now i want to read the instructions…

  • Hey guys how about if you do this? It’s not scary but it’s hecka fun!ok so stand on the edge of a curb and spin for a varied amount of time. The amount of times you spin determines how old you are. So I’m 10 right? So I spin myself 10 times. Then (make sure you don’t fall) step off the curb. It feels like your falling off a cliff!!! And try this too; do jumping jacks with your eyes closed and tilt your head back!

  • @pshycokiller planking is when you lay down flat, like you’re a wood plank. Plus, I GOT WHITE!!! YAY! I need to try it one more time to make sure. My mean brother got black… HE DESERVES IT!

  • Kids at my school used to do the actions for the first one. But it was more like one of those pinch punch first the month things.

  • I won’t play i want it to be a surprise if i fall of a cliff by the way by any chance are you guys american?

  • I remember my childhood friend doing this to me as kids, but it never worked and now I know why, it’s because the only verses she remembered were the egg and the knife, and she never told me it was supposed to predict death so I never concentrated. Wow…I’m kinda glad she didn’t do it right.

  • There’s a much shorter version I played a few times when I was little. Two men are on a building. One asks the time the other looks at his watch. The other man pushes the man checking the time and then you see colors, Red you die, yellow you’re paralyzed. There’s a third color I think but I can’t quite remember as this was over 10 years ago when I played this.


  • turned to white for me and i am going to heaven because i am saved turned to black on a friend and shes dead and went to hell

  • I did it to one of my friends and it turned to black. the next day she died and went to hell

  • oh nvm i just did only the bridge thing nd i fell foward onto my bed nd i saw whiteee!!!! nd black nd gray all at da same time so strange

  • lol i tried doing this to my self nd i saw nothinn ima gna LIVEEEE!!!!!! >8D hehehehe

  • lol we played this at camp, but it was different. Close their eyes, do the egg thing, and the juice, and spiders instead of needles, and the knife. No chorus or rope or anything. Then say “you’re walking on a bridge, walking and walking and walking and walking.” Move their shoulders from side to side like they’re walking. “Someone calls your name” whisper their name in their ear. You look right, left, up and down, but no one was there.” move their head in the directions as you say them. ” so you kept walking and walking and walking and walking.” Repeat a few times, the last time, you say, “But it was just the wind” and blow on the back of their neck. The next time, say “before you could turn around, someone PUSHED you off the bridge!” And shove them (make sure you’re there to catch them if they start falling. Then the color thing xd

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