Scary For Kids

Crashed Car

The Crashed Car is a scary story about a husband and wife who are driving home at night when they come across a car accident.

Crashed Car

Late one night, a married couple were driving home from a party. They lived in a small village outside the city and their journey took them down a winding mountain road that passed through a dense forest.

It was raining heavily and the husband was driving slowly to negotiate the sharp turns in the road. As they came around a bend, they were shocked to see a car that was stuck in the ditch by the side of the road. It looked as if it had skidded off the road and crashed into a big tree.

They drove past the crashed car and pulled over on the side of the road to see if they could help. The husband got out and dashed back to the scene of the accident. The front end of the car was crushed and the windscreen was cracked.

Brushing the rain off the side window, he could see that there were people inside. There were two passengers in the front seat, a man and a woman. They were covered in blood and their heads were hanging limp on their shoulders. Looking closer, he was horrified when he realized that both of them had almost been decapitated. Their heads were hanging on by a few threads. There was nothing he could do for them. They were obviously dead.

Staring through the back window, he spotted a young girl curled up on the back seat. Although she was slumped over at an awkward angle, she did not seem to be badly injured. Her seatbelt had probably protected her from the full force of the crash. Taking hold of the handle, he used all his might to wrench open the back door.

The girl appeared to be around seven or eight years old. Her face was deathly pale and there was some blood on her face. He reached in and felt for her pulse. Suddenly, the little girl’s eyes flickered open. She was still alive. The man breathed a sigh of relief.

“Are you alright?” asked the man, gently.

The girl didn’t reply. She seemed to be still dazed from the impact.

Thinking quickly, the man scooped her up in his arms and ran back to his car, clutching her tightly.

“The parents are dead,” he told his wife. “This girl looks OK, but I can’t be sure.”

“We’ve got to get her to a hospital as fast as possible,” said his wife. “She could have internal injuries.”

They placed the girl on the back seat of their car and wrapped her in a blanket to keep her warm. Then, the couple drove off as quickly as possible, in search of the nearest hospital.

The atmosphere in the car was intense. They were driving at full speed down the winding mountain road. The husband kept his eyes glued to the road. He had to concentrate on the bends and curves. It was still raining hard and the road was slippery. He wanted to make sure they didn’t have an accident. The wife examined a map of the area. She was trying to figure out the fastest route to the hospital.

“The couple in the car were horribly injured,” said the husband. “Their heads were hanging off.”

His wife didn’t reply.

“It was the worst accident I’ve ever seen,” he said.

She still didn’t reply.

He turned to look at his wife. Her eyes were bulging out, staring into space. Her mouth was wide open in a silent scream. Her throat was slit from ear to ear. Blood was pouring down the front of her dress.

Suddenly, he glanced in the rear view mirror and saw the little girl licking a bloody knife.

scary for kids


  • Thanks ;) I love writing stories, I should put more of mine here. I’ve only signed up after the influx of posts, as I’ve been here for a long time unregistered.

  • Dead Girl XXx I just saw your story… Really creepy and scary too! You are very talented!

  • Thank you Jellokitteh and Dead Girl XXx! Well, I don’t know what to write on a second part but I’ll think of something xD
    Tigerhallam although your story was a bit long, I don’t mind because it’s AWESOME!

  • My story here… u would all know what im hoping for xD
    -Black Fingernails
    I had just moved into our new apartment with my family because our house had burned due to fire. I saw it in my dreams the night before, and that’s what is special about me. Whatever i see in my dreams, it happens sometime soon. My mom and dad doesn’t believe in my dreams, though. Until the house got caught in fire.
    It was a lively apartment and the owner was a very kind woman. I liked her very much. She always had the cheerful smile on her face and her voice was soft and nice as well. She lived all alone. Mom and dad said that her husband and kids died in a murder inside their apartment.
    I went to my room and kept my things, and relaxed. This place, was going to be a good home for me. We had dinner with the owner and she suggested to tell her if we needed anything. I thought that she really was a very nice woman.
    During the first night in my new home, i saw this fearful dream. i saw fair hands with black fingernails and was carrying a knife. Then i saw my dad, decapitated, blood dripping from his severed head. My mom was chopped into pieces and there was a pool of blood around her. Then the person with the black fingernails came into my room and with a scream, she cut me into half.
    My eyes opened in shock and i knew that i was sweating hard. I looked around me, it was midnight. I wanted to see mom and dad so bad, so i stood up from my bed and slowly started walking towards the door. I was gasping and my feet were trembling.
    Just when i opened the door, i nearly fainted at the horrible sight. My dad was decapitated and his eyes were staring at me. I covered my mouth with my hands and ran down the stairs, tears running down my cheeks. Where was my mom? Where was she? There were blood dripped down on the stairs. Whoever the killer is, was downstairs. The drops of blood lead me to the basement. I opened the door and screamed in horror. Just like in my dream, my mom was chopped into pieces and there was a pool of blood beside her. I began screaming louder. I could not stand to see the sight. However, i felt like cold hands grabbed me. To my horror, It was the owner of the house and there was blood all over her. She had the most evil grin i ever saw in my life. On her other hand, she had the bloody knife. “Your dreams could do nothing this time.. I was the one who killed my family.. and I am the one who killed your mother and father… and i will never let you run away.. JUST DIE!!!!” She screamed out and as her knife came closer to my chest, i saw the black fingernails she had. I never recognized it before. I never even had to. Because What i felt was a sudden pain, then nothing.

  • Lonely_Ghost i seriously adore your story! :D It’s awesome! I also want it to have a second part! :D
    Tigerhallam well, its long but nice xD Cool, u guys are talented in this! :O

  • I love this, and I have a story of my own here. Sorry if it’s a bit long.
    I’ve always wanted to be immortal. Then I dreamed-rather, had a nightmare. I used to want to be immortal. Now I’m not so sure…

    William was just another normal boy, with brown hair and blue eyes,. He was quite thin, average in height and pale-skinned. He went to a secondary school and was twelve years old.
    Everything in his life changed when he went to the sleepover.
    At the sleepover, at his friend James’ house, with four other friends, they exchanged spooky stories in the dark of night, like normal. Until an adult came up. Usually this was against the law of sleepovers, but James’ dad had a scary story to tell to them.
    He whispered in a dry, cracked old spooky voice, put on for their benefit.
    “One dark night in the castle, King Arthur could not sleep. In a dream an angel appeared to him. ‘Bring back the goblet, the chalice. The chalice to live forever! SIV! SIV!’ Then she was gone. The next day, the King found a piece of parchment beneath his pillow. There was a riddle:

    Thou who seekest the forever cup,
    Must not leave it merely to luck,
    For this is no simple drinking horn,
    For this many families have had to mourn.

    For there speaks in legend, of a curse,
    Which would make the user more the worse,
    If you need not the chalice, it will be gone,
    You will be lost, the curse be done,

    “Go East to the Middle,
    Where the desert doth lie,
    There in the tomb,
    the forever doth lie.”

    “ A word of warning, ye cautious folk,
    Open your eyes to this be awoke,
    Immortality is not so good, day by day,
    With such a heavy price to pay.”

    James’ dad finished spectacularly, hissing menacingly. Then he bowed and walked out of the room, to applause.
    “Wow, that was real scary!” Said one boy.
    William researched the chalice of King Arthur but could find nothing except the legend of the Holy Grail. Then he typed in SIV like the angel in Arthur’s dream. The result was incredible. He was forwarded to a site called SIV-Starlight Indigo Violet.
    ‘The Prophecy’ was one page. It said:
    When salt of starlight, and an indigo moon, with violet water, come together they will save the world.
    The Chalice was mentioned, too.
    The three must go into the cup. The cup is forever, the drinker is forever, the curse is forever.
    He eagerly clicked on another page called ‘The Curse.’
    The curse of the three into one, the forever drinker. None of the forever drinkers have been seen again. It is believed a ‘curse’ got them.
    But William wasn’t looking at the last few words. He had spotted yet another page, saying ‘Where is the Chalice now?’
    The chalice is believed to have been buried in the Middle East.
    It is now in a graveyard in Hillingdon. It is due to be retrieved by believers on the 25th March.
    So there was truth in an old scary story! But-today was the 24th!
    He had to get the Chalice-he just had to!
    The screen must have done something to him. It was all he could think about.
    He was in a graveyard with a spade. He felt stupid. There was no way he could know which grave to dig at. Then he saw it. A small gravestone in the shape of a cup. He knew that was the one. He began to dig.
    When he held the chalice in his hand, he marvelled at its shiny red material-as red as blood. He raced home.
    The SIV site had instructions:
    Salt of Starlight-Leave salty water out in full moon to bathe in its light for ten hours at least.
    Lucky there was a full moon out tonight.
    Indigo Moon-Place filter over window. Let chalice soak in the purple moonlight.
    Violet Water-Blood. Your. Own. Blood.
    It was ready. He used a small kitchen-chopping-knife for the blood. He winced and sucked his thumb.
    It was ready.
    He drank.
    The next day at school was far from normal. William smiled to himself.
    He was immortal! He could not die! No one bullied him any more. They could sense a change.
    He was in his Geography room when it happened. The bell went for lunch and everyone filed out.
    “William, could you stay behind a minute?” Quavered Mrs Grues.
    “Of course, Miss.” William liked his Geography teacher. They got on well.
    “Good. It’s just that-that-” She paused and advanced. “Why don’t I just show you?”
    Her voice grew deeper and her skin grew baggier. It fell away. A skeleton stood in her place.
    “ So long. So long I have waited. Do you see what the curse has done to me? DO YOU?”
    “You’re…immortal? Like…”
    “Like you, boy. I need some fresh skin to wear…”
    William woke up. It had been a dream. Mrs Grues peered down at him anxiously.
    “ Are you alright, my dear?” She quavered.
    William ran. He ran up the stairs to the English corridor, and wrenched open a door. He jumped in and pulled it firmly shut behind him. He turned round.
    And stared straight into the face of the skeleton, who cackled. He shook his head and she disappeared. He charged onto the balcony. Unfortunately, the Sixth Form had had an army day. Guns were up here. William tripped. The skeleton drew nearer…
    And nearer…
    And nearer…
    William scrambled to the edge. A machine gun rested on a stand. He pointed it at the monstrous figure. He fired.
    It was the wrong way round. Still, he managed to hit the horror, who stumbled and fell back. It was just a teacher after all. He had been seeing things.
    William was torn into pieces. He flopped over the balcony and crashed to the floor. The dead body lay there. A curious song started, very softly.

    “ A word of warning, ye cautious folk,
    Open your eyes to this be awoke,
    Immortality is not so good, day by day,
    With such a heavy price to pay.”

    And William? He became immortal. Just not the way he had wanted…

    Do you still want to live forever?

  • Glad you liked it hiccups! I’ll try to write a second part!
    You are right for the google translator, although I can’t trust it that much… :P

  • Creepy lonely_ghost! You should make a second part! You could always use google translator

  • Wow, creepy story! Hey guys, I just finished writing my first scary story! Read it please!
    Ow, and Scaryforkids, if you like it, please, can you post it? :3 Oh, I forgot… The title of the story is “Statue museum”. Enjoy! :3

    Violet and her mother were standing at the door of the museum with the statues that afternoon. Violet was excited. She really loved museums but never been to this museum before!
    They entered the building and paid the entrance. They went through many rooms, and they ended up at the modern statues room. The statues there were strange, and Violet thought that they didn’t make any sense, so without telling her mother, she went at the ancient statues museum.
    In that room, she was all alone, as the group was still at the modern statues. In the room that she was in, there were many broken statues, as they were quite old. There was one that showed a man holding a bow, and another one was with a young woman making bread. Violet suddenly saw a statue with a woman that looked very sad, as she was crying over a little child. The statue of the child was probably dead, and Violet got sad from that statue.
    Right that time, a scream that was like someone was in terror, was heard in the museum.
    Violet’s mother recognized her daughter’s scream. Worried as she became, she started running in the museum rooms. But she couldn’t find her daughter.
    She finally got in the ancient statues room. She still couldn’t find her daughter. She stepped in front of the crying woman statue. The statue of the dead child opened its eyes and looked horrified into Violet’s mother’s eyes.
    Violet’s mother screamed in horror and fainted. In the statue, she recognized her daughter’s eyes.

    That was it! Sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes, I am from Greece and I am still learning english!

  • Plus The Lil Girl Killed The Family!AHhaa I Found That Out First Suck It!*Exuse Me For My Language*;(

  • First! But I’m not sharing my cookie ;). The story was okay, need more scary stuff :D xoxo

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