Scary For Kids

Crashed Car

The Crashed Car is a scary story about a husband and wife who are driving home at night when they come across a car accident.

Crashed Car

Late one night, a married couple were driving home from a party. They lived in a small village outside the city and their journey took them down a winding mountain road that passed through a dense forest.

It was raining heavily and the husband was driving slowly to negotiate the sharp turns in the road. As they came around a bend, they were shocked to see a car that was stuck in the ditch by the side of the road. It looked as if it had skidded off the road and crashed into a big tree.

They drove past the crashed car and pulled over on the side of the road to see if they could help. The husband got out and dashed back to the scene of the accident. The front end of the car was crushed and the windscreen was cracked.

Brushing the rain off the side window, he could see that there were people inside. There were two passengers in the front seat, a man and a woman. They were covered in blood and their heads were hanging limp on their shoulders. Looking closer, he was horrified when he realized that both of them had almost been decapitated. Their heads were hanging on by a few threads. There was nothing he could do for them. They were obviously dead.

Staring through the back window, he spotted a young girl curled up on the back seat. Although she was slumped over at an awkward angle, she did not seem to be badly injured. Her seatbelt had probably protected her from the full force of the crash. Taking hold of the handle, he used all his might to wrench open the back door.

The girl appeared to be around seven or eight years old. Her face was deathly pale and there was some blood on her face. He reached in and felt for her pulse. Suddenly, the little girl’s eyes flickered open. She was still alive. The man breathed a sigh of relief.

“Are you alright?” asked the man, gently.

The girl didn’t reply. She seemed to be still dazed from the impact.

Thinking quickly, the man scooped her up in his arms and ran back to his car, clutching her tightly.

“The parents are dead,” he told his wife. “This girl looks OK, but I can’t be sure.”

“We’ve got to get her to a hospital as fast as possible,” said his wife. “She could have internal injuries.”

They placed the girl on the back seat of their car and wrapped her in a blanket to keep her warm. Then, the couple drove off as quickly as possible, in search of the nearest hospital.

The atmosphere in the car was intense. They were driving at full speed down the winding mountain road. The husband kept his eyes glued to the road. He had to concentrate on the bends and curves. It was still raining hard and the road was slippery. He wanted to make sure they didn’t have an accident. The wife examined a map of the area. She was trying to figure out the fastest route to the hospital.

“The couple in the car were horribly injured,” said the husband. “Their heads were hanging off.”

His wife didn’t reply.

“It was the worst accident I’ve ever seen,” he said.

She still didn’t reply.

He turned to look at his wife. Her eyes were bulging out, staring into space. Her mouth was wide open in a silent scream. Her throat was slit from ear to ear. Blood was pouring down the front of her dress.

Suddenly, he glanced in the rear view mirror and saw the little girl licking a bloody knife.

scary for kids


  • Hey uguys have great stories!!!!
    So here’s mine I hope u like it:
    Underneath my Bed
    “Hey Tina can you go get my slipper from under the bed?” Linda said to her sister as she was walking into her room with one slipper on. “Oh fine” Tina grumbled as she got up to find Linda’s missing slipper. Tina went under the bed slowly and quietly. Five minutes later, Linda was getting impatient that Tina hasn’t come out from under the bed with her slipper yet. “Tina did you find my slipper yet?” No answer. “Tina?” No answer. “TINA ANSWER ME!!!!” No answer. Linda got up and looked under the bed. She couldn’t find Tina under the bed. She felt a little scared and started looking all over the house for Tina. But she found no trace of her sister. The next morning Linda checked once again under the bed. She saw the dead body of her sister right in front of her. Her eyes were sewn shut and there was blood all over her body. There was a note written in blood next to her corspe. It said YOUR SISTER IS DEAD, I SHALL LAUGH OUT LOUD, SINCE YOUR SLIPPER IS STILL NOT FOUND.

  • Story time: text messages
    One day an ordinary girl named Trisha was walking home from school her house was just a few blocks down the school when she walks across a grave yard then halfway through at the gates she gets a message from number “632 666 666” saying: “Trisha I’ve been waiting for you..” Trisha’s face was like O.O and felt something grab her leg but she got away on time and ran as and glanced for a few seconds then ran home Trisha tried to tell her mom but she wouldn’t believe her so the next day while they drove past the cemetery trisha got another message saying “5 passes left” Trisha had a chill run down her spine and decided to tell her friends most of trishes friends said to try and avoid the cemetery so she did after school ended Trisha tried to find a new route home but until she found out there was no other way she had no choice but to run past the cemetery then she got a message saying “4 more passes then you will burn” Trisha started panicking and got another message she screamed and slowly pulled out her phone and it said: “TRISHA YOUR FATHER IS DEAD” she ran as fast as she could to her house and ran to her mom and cried for hours then at the funeral at the cemetery where she gets the messages she had a little vision about the world on fire and everyone as skeletons and 3 seconds later everything went back to normal like nothing happened then she got another message saying:”2 more passes your mother passed! ” Trisha was terrified and waited till the funeral was over then she had school and she tried to tell her mom not to pass the cemetery but she didn’t listened and passed it Trisha got a message “1 MORE PASS!!!!!” when she finished school she had to pass it to see what happens *curiosity ensues* then got a message and her hand was shaking slowly reaching out for the phone in her pocket and it was a message from her mom saying : wanna go out for dinner? ” Trisha replied saying: sure what are we eating?” her mom Replied: “YOU!!!” then a strong force ills Trisha causing her to fall down and she get pulled directly yo the cemetery.

    I don’t think that was a really good story.

  • When I was little at least 4 or 5 I had the same dream over and over sometimes not it had death in it. It was floating slowly into the room through the door way and I would try to wake my parents but they won’t move or wake up and death was looking down and I wouldn’t get out out of my bed because you know why but I wouldn’t panic or scream because I don’t know but I had it again but only once when I was 7 death was of course black as a shadow and it was so silent and it seems weird have a dream about death. The light was on behind death but the room was pitch black (kind of blue)

  • Oh and The stories are great, Lonely_Ghost and Xx Death Bolt Xx :D Kish u should continue it :D

  • @xXLovexHurtsXx Your answer is correct!
    @Jellokitteh just try writing something, maybe about a killer, a ghost, a vampire, a demon or anything else. Goodluck. :)

  • XxDeathboltxX, DeadgirlXXx, Tigerhallam and lonely_ghost, i really love your awesome stories!! :D
    I d write one too but i dont know what to write about…lol

  • I got a riddle, some of you may have heard it before but anyway: A lady shoots her husband in
    the face, she then holds him
    under water for 6 minutes. Finally
    she hangs him but, 10 minutes
    later they both go out to
    enjoy a wonderful dinner
    … How is this possible?

  • You posted Wonderful stories, Lonely_Ghost, Deadgirl XXx

    and Xx Death Bolt xX I Loved all of them :)

  • Love dah stories and why hasn’t he posted anything new!!?? It’s been like two days O. o and if there isnt a new one up by Saturday I will beh mad

  • What do u think of my story guys, hope u liked it, should I continue the story?

  • Amazing stories people, read them all, I just loved them…(scaryforkids really should put some of those stories on this site)
    Here is my story:
    The 5 Survivors-
    It was going to be a fun trip this summer. My 4 classmates had organised a camp for us only in a forest about 5 hours from our school. Now, the 5 hour trip was a boring trip, honestly, nothing much happened. And now, finally we arrived… We being, me(Kish age 17), Robin(age 18), Brendon(age 19), Donald(age 18) and Hunter(age 17). No girls, just guys, 5 best friends for life…or are we?
    We unpacked, and put up our tents, then we went to check in by the game ranger’s cabin.
    We knocked and knocked, but no one answered. “He is not home” said Hunter. “Lets go, we will come back later”. As we left, I noticed something strange on the door. 3 long lines scraped from the door handle to the ground. They looked like claw marks, but what could have done that? I got closer to inspect the door, I could have sworn I saw something move when I looked through the keyhole. “Hey Kish, you coming or not?” shouted Robin. I left the door and joined my friends. Now we going into the forest, this was going to be fun!
    We grabbed our backpacks which had everything needed for emergencies, from flashlights to ropes and anything inbetween including our first aid kits and…um…my hunting rifle. What? You never know what could happen out there. We talked of this and that as we walked deeper and deeper into the forest. Suddenly, I stopped dead in my tracks. The hair on my neck was up, my heart beating like a machine gun. I heard a low snarl coming from somewhere behind us. “Guys?” I asked, “Are there any wild beasts in here?”. There was a moment of silence and Hunter replied, “Well, there could be bears or jackals or something like that”. “But we haven’t even heard a bird chirp” said Donald. Again there was a silence, “come on dudes” said Brendon “whats there to be worried about, Kish got his rifle and besides, I don’t think there is anything here, chill…” He was cut off by a deafening roar. “What in the animal kingdom was that?” asked Robin, his face full of fear. We all looked around…
    Then I heard it, heavy footsteps moving towards us, running I could tell, and heavy breathing, we all heard it.
    I quickly held up my gun ,in the direction of the sound, in a ready to shoot position, the others were just glued to their spots, there was no where to hide anyway…
    Then it happened so fast, first I saw grey fur rush at me out of no where, I fired the rifle, praying that I killed whatever it was, a bear I thought.
    Then I heard Donald scream, I looked back in time to see him being dragged by an unknown force, deeper into the forest, out of our view, but I could still hear them. I could hear snarling, then I heard a crunch sound then a gurgling sound then…it was quiet, like nothing had happened. I saw that Robin, Brendon and Hunter were shocked as I was, they were all on the ground shaking.
    Now, all this happened withing 5 seconds the most, I can’t tell, but in less than 5 seconds, my friend Donald was missing…(to be continued)

  • Here I am with a new story of mine! Enjoy!
    Call the Devil

    I and some friends were having a sleepover at Jennifer’s house. Her house is quite big, having two stores and three bathrooms. We were alone that night as her parents were out for a dinner.
    After doing silly things girls do at sleepovers, we got a bit bored, so we decided to play a “Truth or Dare” game. The game was fun with some funny dares and embarrassing truths coming up, until Alice asked me: “Truth or Dare?”
    “Dare of course” I answered, as I don’t like truth – I find it boring! “I dare you to call the Devil through a mirror” she said with a big grin on her face. I gulped, but I didn’t want my friends think I am a coward! So, I agreed to do it.
    Just before midnight, I locked myself in the bathroom with the big mirror and closed the lights. Breathing heavily, I took off twelve black candles and I light them slowly one by one. I looked at my clock. It would be midnight at exactly twenty seconds! So, I quickly closed my eyes shut and started counting the seconds.
    “20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10…” I felt a chill running down my spine.
    “9, 8, 7, 6, 5…” My heart was bumping like crazy in my chest.
    “4, 3, 2, 1” I opened my eyes.
    For a few seconds I couldn’t even close them. That “game” was REAL. Just in front of me, in the big mirror, I saw the Devil. Fear filled me but I couldn’t scream. I couldn’t move. Suddenly, I fell something pushing me with great force, and I fell down. I tried to get up, put it was like something was forcing me to stay at the ground. Before I could even think, I felt a terrible burning on my forehead and my chest. The pain was unbelievable; it was like someone was pushing a burning piece of metal on my skin. I scream in horror and pain as much as my lungs could take. Then everything got black.
    I woke up later just to find myself on my bed. “Just a dream” I thought. I got off bed to get to the kitchen, but as I passed near my mirror, I noticed something strange on my head, so I got nearer to see what it was.
    In great terror, I found out that at the spot that I had felt the burning while calling the Devil was a burning in the shape of “666”. My breath got faster as I took my T-shirt off. At the exactly shame spot that I felt that terrible pain, it was written “DO NOT PLAY WITH ME”.

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