Scary For Kids

Crashed Car

The Crashed Car is a scary story about a husband and wife who are driving home at night when they come across a car accident.

Crashed Car

Late one night, a married couple were driving home from a party. They lived in a small village outside the city and their journey took them down a winding mountain road that passed through a dense forest.

It was raining heavily and the husband was driving slowly to negotiate the sharp turns in the road. As they came around a bend, they were shocked to see a car that was stuck in the ditch by the side of the road. It looked as if it had skidded off the road and crashed into a big tree.

They drove past the crashed car and pulled over on the side of the road to see if they could help. The husband got out and dashed back to the scene of the accident. The front end of the car was crushed and the windscreen was cracked.

Brushing the rain off the side window, he could see that there were people inside. There were two passengers in the front seat, a man and a woman. They were covered in blood and their heads were hanging limp on their shoulders. Looking closer, he was horrified when he realized that both of them had almost been decapitated. Their heads were hanging on by a few threads. There was nothing he could do for them. They were obviously dead.

Staring through the back window, he spotted a young girl curled up on the back seat. Although she was slumped over at an awkward angle, she did not seem to be badly injured. Her seatbelt had probably protected her from the full force of the crash. Taking hold of the handle, he used all his might to wrench open the back door.

The girl appeared to be around seven or eight years old. Her face was deathly pale and there was some blood on her face. He reached in and felt for her pulse. Suddenly, the little girl’s eyes flickered open. She was still alive. The man breathed a sigh of relief.

“Are you alright?” asked the man, gently.

The girl didn’t reply. She seemed to be still dazed from the impact.

Thinking quickly, the man scooped her up in his arms and ran back to his car, clutching her tightly.

“The parents are dead,” he told his wife. “This girl looks OK, but I can’t be sure.”

“We’ve got to get her to a hospital as fast as possible,” said his wife. “She could have internal injuries.”

They placed the girl on the back seat of their car and wrapped her in a blanket to keep her warm. Then, the couple drove off as quickly as possible, in search of the nearest hospital.

The atmosphere in the car was intense. They were driving at full speed down the winding mountain road. The husband kept his eyes glued to the road. He had to concentrate on the bends and curves. It was still raining hard and the road was slippery. He wanted to make sure they didn’t have an accident. The wife examined a map of the area. She was trying to figure out the fastest route to the hospital.

“The couple in the car were horribly injured,” said the husband. “Their heads were hanging off.”

His wife didn’t reply.

“It was the worst accident I’ve ever seen,” he said.

She still didn’t reply.

He turned to look at his wife. Her eyes were bulging out, staring into space. Her mouth was wide open in a silent scream. Her throat was slit from ear to ear. Blood was pouring down the front of her dress.

Suddenly, he glanced in the rear view mirror and saw the little girl licking a bloody knife.

scary for kids


  • Hey guys I’m on my -1g iStone wit no camera or nun but anyway goooooooood story I can’t wait to tell all my caveman friends………..
    Loo sry guys I’m home sick from skool 2day and I’m also half asleep so sorry if I make no sense and am bein annoying anyways lol jk luv ya guys=o)

  • Short riddle story: The Walk
    I was was walking home one lonely night after I passed some friendly dogs that knew me
    Until they start barking viciously…
    Why were they barking?

  • Scaryforkids please make a story of a waterfall ghost. And a family mabye or just hitchhikers anything.

  • i wonder what its like to be a vampire. if i was i would get revenge on all the bullies at school that make my life miserable. because i really am not the prettiest or most popular girl at school and never want to be cause i ive seen how they act and treat others. :(

  • My BFFS name too. I just spelled it different. My name is haley and my bff is arianna. it was originally gonna be kiera and tianna but i decided to name it after real life people. Jaylin is actually the bully at my school and looks nothing like that. but my dream guys always have blue eyes boys with blue eyes are almost always cute! i have brown eyes though.

    The boy
    Haley (me LOL) wished a guy liked her. she knew she wasnt the prettiest or most popular girl in school. She only had her best friend Ariana. She was 12 years old. one day a boy walked into her 3rd period class. she was taken aback by his piercing eyes. he had long brown hair, beautiful light blue eyes, (LOL my dream guy) and a kind smile. he walked over to the teacher and whispered something and showed her his schedule. “class we have a new student! meet Jaylin.” jaylin walked over to where Haley was sitting. “Hi” he whispered.”Hi.” she replied. At lunch he sat by her. she noticed he only ate the meatiest items and nothing else, yet skinny as a stick. “strange” she thought but still like him. the next day she asked him out. he seemed delighted and said yes. the next day he came over. their mothers met each other and became instant friends. the next day the 4 went to dinner together, Jaylin ordered a extra extra rare steak. when the waiter brought it she noticed his canines were unusually longer than before. he took big bites, sucked on it for a minute, and swallowed. “still weird” Haley thought but still loved him. a week later (all the while with strange eating habits) they were at school Haley was at her locker and jaylin came and when no one was looking whirled her into the janitors closet. “OH MY GOD HES GONNA KISS ME IM TOO YOUNG I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!” she thought but he held her tight. “sorry” he said and she noticed his canines were very long again. “we all have to eat ya know” he said and dug his fangs into her neck. she screamed then blacked out. ~~~ the next day they found the body of the young girl Haley in the closet. she had no marks, yet all blood was gone from her body. Later in 4th period Jaylin sat down next to Tianna. “Hi” he said.
    (if this gets posted i know it wont but just in case leave out the part that says its me thx)

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