Scary For Kids

Creepy Clown

The Creepy Clown is a scary video clip featuring an unsettling and scary dancing clown.

There is a well-known Japanese scary story that involves a creepy clown.

There were three boys who loved watching horror movies. One day, one of the boys received a parcel in the mail. There were no stamps on the mysterious package and no name or address was written on the front. The boy had no idea who it was from. When he opened the parcel, he found a DVD inside. There was no cover on the case and no title on the disc. He thought his friends might be playing a joke on him, so he took the DVD and went out to meet the other boys.

When he arrived at their house, he asked them about the mysterious DVD, but they said they had nothing to do with it. They invited him inside to watch it and see what was on it. When they sat down on the sofa and pressed play on the DVD player, they were surprised at what they saw on the screen.

There was a creepy clown standing in a room. There was a bed on his left and a closet on his right. He was holding two red balloons and staring into the camera. Then, some weird music started playing and the clown began dancing and jumping around. He was jerking and shaking his body all around the room. All the while, his clown face was fixed in a wide, menacing grin. He looked insane and his behavior was bizarre. Two of the boys thought it was hilarious and started laughing out loud.

After a while, they noticed that the third boy was very quiet. When they turned to look at him, they could see that his face was white as a sheet and his eyes were wide in terror.

“What’s the matter with you?” they asked. “Why aren’t you laughing?”

The boy replied in a weal voice, “That’s my bedroom…”

scary for kids


  • @SFK oh ok sorry I just heard from someone on here that said they emailed you and you said you were posting poems because you can’t find anymore scary stories. :( I suggest looking in the comments. We all work really hard on our stories here.

  • xO A dancing clown ….. In my bedroom… Well…. Who cares? :D its not against the law I’m going to go dance with him owo

  • Scary lady
    When you read this please send a comment back to me in TELL ME UR STORIE
    I need to ask u something

  • Bikkiecake
    We are like identical twins
    I am way too scared to watch any of these videos

  • @That_Kid_Ali yup the kid who got the DVD was the one that had the clown in his bedroom

  • @Icallmyselfdemented That is not mean, gosh, just because he/she has rules it’s mean? Have respect, it is his/her website….. I mean it may technically be a story but think before you speak, ever think of how SFK must feel with that?

  • Quick question… Was the boy who received the DVD the one who had the clown in his room?

  • Htfnutty4575, I sleep with a bat too. :0 glad I’m not the only one! xD and SFK, i think you should post user-submitted poems sometimes. Not all the time though because that would get annoying.

  • This would be more disturbing if the music that the Creepy Clown was dancing to was “I’m sexy and I know it…”
    “…Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle yeah!”

  • And I have to say this “I am I the only sane one in this crazy world of technicolor pony weirdos”

  • @Scaryforkids WTF!!! That is freaking mean! Scary lady just wanted her poem to be posted. Anyway, technically a poem IS a story.

  • @SFK I liked this one. Short and sweet but creepy. I know I would be freaked out if I realized that a video of a silly deranged clown dancing was filmed in MY bedroom! xO

  • hey guys I wrote a poem cuz SFK said they postin ten poems before anymore actual stories this is my first poem kinda sucky but tell me what you think :)

    Fright Night

    He sees you when you’re sleeping. He knows when youre awake.
    He’ll cut your head right from your shoulders and serve it on a plate. 
    He’s not Santa Claus but he’s got claws.
    He stares at you with open jaws.
    He files his teeth on your fresh bones.
    He just chews your flesh, he feeds off your cries and moans 
    He’ll eat you up in just one bite.
    It’s not Christmas. But it is Fright Night.

    Scaryforkids says: Scarylady, I never said I was posting more poems. Also, I am not posting any user-submitted poems. Only stories. Sorry.

  • Creepy much?
    I haven’t watched the video yet. I dont really like to watch videos like that because I am a scardy cat. I think ever since my first pop up image when I was 5, I HAVE NEVER WATCHED ANYTHING SCARY ONLINE AGAIN!

  • clown: wiggle wiggle wiggle oh yeahhhh!! shake it, shake it, oh yeah! XD
    me when watching the video: *pokerface* wtf.. SORCERY!

  • That clown seems like a micheal Jackson type of guy…. (CHILD TOUCHER!!!! D; )

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