Scary For Kids

Creepy Clown

The Creepy Clown is a scary video clip featuring an unsettling and scary dancing clown.

There is a well-known Japanese scary story that involves a creepy clown.

There were three boys who loved watching horror movies. One day, one of the boys received a parcel in the mail. There were no stamps on the mysterious package and no name or address was written on the front. The boy had no idea who it was from. When he opened the parcel, he found a DVD inside. There was no cover on the case and no title on the disc. He thought his friends might be playing a joke on him, so he took the DVD and went out to meet the other boys.

When he arrived at their house, he asked them about the mysterious DVD, but they said they had nothing to do with it. They invited him inside to watch it and see what was on it. When they sat down on the sofa and pressed play on the DVD player, they were surprised at what they saw on the screen.

There was a creepy clown standing in a room. There was a bed on his left and a closet on his right. He was holding two red balloons and staring into the camera. Then, some weird music started playing and the clown began dancing and jumping around. He was jerking and shaking his body all around the room. All the while, his clown face was fixed in a wide, menacing grin. He looked insane and his behavior was bizarre. Two of the boys thought it was hilarious and started laughing out loud.

After a while, they noticed that the third boy was very quiet. When they turned to look at him, they could see that his face was white as a sheet and his eyes were wide in terror.

“What’s the matter with you?” they asked. “Why aren’t you laughing?”

The boy replied in a weal voice, “That’s my bedroom…”

scary for kids


  • @ rage man 99: he goes home and watches the video then the same thing happens again
    delicioscreams: it is really predictable I agree and have u seen the video it is weir and plays carnival music

  • lol I laughed so hard when watching the video its not that scary but funny I liked it how he put his eye up to the screen

  • clowns really scare people they should make people dress up as clowns on halloween not at carnivals and festivals and galas and stuff like that I mean seriously

  • and tha video is going to cause some terrible nightmares tonight…… i freakin’ hate clowns and mimes and bridges and curly fries…..

  • This is my second worst nightmare. The first involves a mime and a colapsing bridge….. and curly fries……

  • @those who don’t want to watch the video because they are scared:
    nothing happens, he just dances around and looks into the camera at the end. sheesh I don’t know how some of you end up getting so scared xD

  • omg i am deathly afraid of clowns but i wanted to watch the video anyway. but i stopped at 0:06 cuz i got mad scared!!!!!!! i aint watching it, someone tell me what happened after0:06

  • okay im NOT gonna watch the video clip alone D: htfnutty4575 was right im gonna sleep with a bat here after :O

  • @scarylady please don’t talk bad about michael jackson….you don’t know him nor researched about him so please don’t
    anyway,i am new here in this website…and i love these scary stories but sometimes they scare me :)

  • @I call myself demented A poem is NOT a story. I don’t know where you heard that from. It may supply details that makes it sound like a story, but it’s not. And SFK was never posting user poems, only stories.
    It wasn’t mean either. SFK has the right to decline anything, as it is their site, so you need to respect that.

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