Scary For Kids

Creepy Riddles

Creepy Riddles for you to solve. Read these short stories and figure out the scary hidden meaning behind each one. They’re relatively easy, but if you can’t guess them, you’ll find the answers in the comments section.

Creepy Riddles

1. Curse

I found an ancient book on black magic. It explains how to put a curse on someone. This is what is written in the instructions:

“If you follow these steps exactly, the curse will be place on the person of your choosing. However, if you make even one small mistake, the curse will be placed on you instead, so be careful. Do you still wish to proceed?”

Of course I do. I have an enemy. There is someone who I hate with all my heart. Someone I wish would die horribly. I want to place a curse on this person. That’s why I searched for this book of black magic. I want this curse to work, so I will follow the steps exactly.

“Step 1: Close your eyes and imagine the face of your enemy.”

That’s simple. I couldn’t forget this person’s face even if I wanted to. OK, what’s next? Let’s see…

“Step 2: Imagine the curse you want to place on your enemy and what it will do to them.”

I want this person to suffer the worst kind of pain imaginable. I want them to be suffering so much that they wish they are dead. Alright, what’s the next step?

“Step 3: Open your eyes.”

2. Bathroom

I don’t like using the bathroom at night. I don’t know why, but I have the strangest feeling it’s haunted. My wife says I’m just being silly, but gives me an unsettling feeling. Last night, I woke up around 3 AM and noticed that the lights were on in the bathroom. I cautiously opened the door and went inside. I was helf-expecting to see some kind of hideous ghost or have some monstrous creature pounce on me, but nothing happened. The bathroom was empty. I turned off the lights, unlocked the door and went back to bed. In the morning, my wife told me she must have forgotten to turn the lights off.

3. Mountain Climbers

There was a group of 8 college students who all belonged to the mountain climbing club. One day, during the Winter, they decided to climb the tallest mountain in the area. During the ascent, the weather took a turn for the worse. They ran into trouble and were stranded near the top for two weeks.

Eventually, a rescue team managed to reach them. There were only 7 survivors. They were airlifted to a nearby hospital. After a few days, 6 of them made a full recovery, but the seventh survivor was so traumatized by the experience that he lost his mind and was put in a mental hospital.

The police questioned the remaining 6 about what happened during the two weeks they were stranded on the mountain. They asked what happened to the missing climber.

“He just wandered off and never came back,” they said. The police questioned each of the 6 survivors and they all told the same story.

Then, they went to the mental hospital to question the 7th survivor, but they couldn’t get any sense out of him. When they asked him what happened to the missing climber, he just kept banging his head against the padded walls and repeating over and over, “8… 8… 8…”

4. Phone

I witnessed a horrible accident today. I wanted to cross the street and was waiting for the light to turn green when a man bumped into me. He didn’t even say sorry. I was about to give him a piece of my mind and tell him to watch where he was going, but then I noticed he had a cane. He didn’t seem elderly. There must have been something wrong with his legs. Just then, my phone started ringing. The high-pitched ringtone is really annoying. Before I could answer it, there was a screech of tires and a dull thud. The man who bumped into me was lying in the middle of the street in a pool of blood. His sunglasses were lying nearby, cracked and broken. The driver got out and yelled, “He just jumped out right in front of me!” The driver thought it was a suicide, but I think the man was just clumsy and didn’t look where he was going. It was his own fault. He should have been more careful.

5. The Man Next Door

I haven’t left my apartment in months. The days go on and on and nothing changes. Nothing ever happens. Every day is the same as the next. It’s monotonous. There’s only one thing that keeps me sane. It’s the friendly little kid who lives next door. Sometimes she comes over to play with me. Her mother came home early from work today, so I tell her to leave. I listened at my door and overheard their conversation.

“Where were you?” her mother asked.

“I was playing with the man who lives next door,” the girl replied.

“I told you not to tell lies,” her mother snapped.

6. Haunted Tunnel

There was a tunnel that was said to be haunted. Three schoolgirls decided to go there one evening to test their courage. When they looked into the tunnel, it was pitch black and the girls started to lose their nerve. They decided to hold hands and run through the tunnel. They ran through the darkness and didn’t stop running until they reached the end. When they came out on the other side, without anything happening to them, the girls were gasping for breath and laughing. “Holding hands made it less scary,” said one girl. “I’m glad I was in the middle,” said the other. “Me too,” said the third.

7. Rejuvenation

Old Man: Can you really rejuvenate my body and make me young again?

Scientist: Certainly. Our company has developed this machine that will take your cells and use them to generate a young, healthy body. Then, your memories will be extracted and transplanted into your new body.

Old Man: I see… Very good.

The old man lay down on the bed and was covered with a sheet.

A few hours passed.

Old Man: This is taking a long time… When will the procedure begin?

Scientist: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Young Man: Thank you. The procedure went so well… By the way, what are you going to do with this old body?

Scientist: It will be disposed of here.

The scientist wheeled the bed into the incineration facility.

Old Man: Oh. The person before me seems to have had a successful rejuvenation. Anyway, finally it’s my turn.

Young Man: Thank you.

8. Bridge Collapse

I crossed the suspension bridge just before 22:00 last night. I went to the shop and bought some groceries, then returned home. The next day, I was watching the news on the local TV station. The reporter said: “Yesterday, a suspension bridge collapsed… several dead bodies were found in the wreckage… They have yet to be identified… The collapse is believed to have happened between 10 and 11PM.” On the screen, they showed the suspension bridge that I crossed over yesterday.

9. Funeral Home

A man went to a funeral home to make arrangements for his wife’s funeral. The mortician showed him a range of coffins and he picked out the most expensive one. “Only the very best for her,” said the man. “She always wanted the very best. After making all the arrangements, the man turned to leave. As he was going, the mortician asked, “When did she die?” The man stopped at the door and replied, “She’s not dead yet.”

10. Elevator

I live on the 8th floor of my apartment building. I always take the elevator. One day, when I came home from work, I heard something strange in the elevator… Kishikishi Kishikishi… It was a weird scratching sound coming from outside the elevator. I listened to it all the way to my floor… Kishikishi Kishikishi… It sounded like some kind of creature scratching the elevator with its claws. The noise sent shivers down my spine. Eventually, I got to my floor and when the doors opened and I stepped out, the sound stopped. I went into my apartment. That night, around midnight, I was awoken by a low, dull sound.

scary for kids


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  • #4 The first guy was waiting for the light to go GREEN ( It should of been red if he wanted to cross the street) he was gonna commit suicide until his phone rang and the other guy was blind and thought the noise was meant to say ( Go it’s safe ) .

  • 1) …

    2) The “Lights were on” part would get everyone’s attention but there’s something else. When the man was about to leave the bathroom he had to unlock the door before stepping out and that means there was someone else with with him inside who locked the door from inside while he checking out the bathroom.

    3) …

    4) …

    5) A ghost was somehow trapped in that room. So it says that it cannot escape from the room and nothing changes and everyday is the same. However, the little girl could see the ghost and came to play with it, everyday. The girl’s mother didn’t believe her excuse because no one could see a ghost, excluding the girl herself.

    6) There a was fourth one who was holding one of their hands like this. The 0 means girl and the – means hand. 0-0-0-0. The first one said a normal statement. The second one said that she was glad she was in the middle. It was a normal statement too. But the third one said “Me too” to the second one. That means she felt that she was in the middle. Because, in the darkness, she couldn’t see who was holding her hands. But she sensed that both her hands were being held. This couldn’t have been possible until there was an extra ‘someone’ who was accompanying them.

    7) …

    8) The narrator has already become a ghost because according to what he says, his house is on the other side of the bridge. He crossed the bridge to get the grocery stuff just before 10 pm but on the way to his home, he had to cross the bridge again. But however, while he was crossing it the bridge crashed.

    9) The last sentence the man says is itself creepy but the meaning behind this riddle is that the man is going home to kill his wife. The difference is that he just decided to choose a coffin before he killed his wife.

    10) …

  • i will only answer number 3 cause that was the easiest……..number 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 “8” {ate….when he was saying 8 he meant eaten} the 8 person but the 7th didn’t eat him but was traumatised by them eating them

  • 1. He had to open his eyes to see the rules so he broke the rules so now he’s cursed
    2. The door locked while he was in there. And between him falling asleep and his wife waking up, the bathroom lights came on
    3. He was saying “ate 8” not “8 8”
    4. He’s blind
    5. He’s a ghost
    6. With 3 people there can’t be 2 in the middle
    7. He gave the young guy the old guys memories and will now kill the old man
    8. The suspension bridge has 2 levels, he drove on the top level and the bottom level is the one that broke
    9. He’s gonna kill his wife (dumbest murderer ever btw)
    10. The cables were coming undone, then later that night they snapped

    Can you please tell me if I’m right, especially on the 8th one

  • maybe there’s someone who being get stuck in the outside the elevator, So when the elevator move, the person who get stuck there want to get any help or to notice him/her. and when ‘I’ woke up because the dull voice, maybe that voice is from the person who were being get stuck there (groaning)

  • On 9 what if the the man’s wife had cancer or some other fatal disease? But then again this is sfk so more likely it would be what everyone else is saying.

  • #6 someone else was holding thirds hand. The one that was supposed to be on the outside

  • #3 . He keeps saying “8” because 8 is like “ate” . They ate the 8th person to survive .

  • #1: He had been following the rules correctly until it came to number 3. He had obviously opened his eyes BEFORE he read that step, because he can’t read through closed eyes. The curse would be placed on him instead. It’s kind of like Simon Says: he opened his eyes before they told him to.
    #2: He said he unlocked the door. How did he turn the lights off if the door was locked and closed? How did he even see inside to check if it was empty?
    #3: The rescue team said there were only seven survivors, but the survivors said that the eighth person wandered off and never came back. No one knew if he was still alive or not…
    #4: The dead man was blind. He probably got scared by the ringtone of the first man’s phone, and jumped. Or he didn’t know when to cross. The first man was going to commit suicide, because he was waiting to cross the street – yet also waiting for the light to turn green, when cars would be driving.
    #5: Maybe the person who was agoraphobic was a woman?
    #6: Two people couldn’t be in the middle… only one person can be in the middle of something.
    #7: I don’t get that one.
    #8: 22:00 is 10:00PM in military time. Maybe the man, loaded down with groceries, was too heavy for the bridge to hold?
    #9: The old man will murder his wife because he knew she was going to die.
    #10: I don’t know.

    1. She kept her eyes open to read the book, so she will suffer the curse. (Miss_Terious_Potato)
    2. He didn’t lock the door, but it was locked when he was leaving. (Miss_Terious_Potato)
    3. He’s not saying “8”, he’s saying “ate”. (chillkid) They “ate” the 8th guy. (DreamingAlone)
    4. Sunglasses and a stick. The man was blind. He mistook the phone ringing for the signal to cross the road. (fear)
    5. The man is unaware he is a ghost and only the little girl can see him. (Miss_Terious_Potato)
    6. One of the girls was holding hands with a ghost. Remember that there are 3 girls, so how could there are 2 persons who feel relieved being in the middle (chillkid)
    7. The young man has the old man’s memories, but the old man still has them as well and he doesn’t know it but he is going to be killed. (Miss_Terious_Potato)
    8. He crossed the bridge before ten, but then he had to cross it again to go home. He was one of the dead bodies found after it collapsed.
    9. He’s going to kill her after making the funeral arrangements.(Miss_Terious_Potato)
    10. kishi kishi was the sound of the elevator cable unraveling and the low dull sound was the someone else in her bilding being killed when the cable snepped and the elevator fell.

  • 2. The wife locked him in.
    3. They “ate” the 8th guy.
    5. The man next door is a ghost.
    6. Why was there 2 girls in the middle if there were 3 girls.
    9. He will kill his wife.

  • okay in my opinion :
    1. the 1st instruction is to “close your eyes” but the girl keep reading it (so of course she opens her eyes), so she made a mistake and then the curse is placed onto her

    2. the wife said that in the morning because she saw that the bathroom light was still on when she waking up. how could it still be on till morning when the husband already switched it off the night before? :)

    3. It’s lil’ bit tricky but i guess that the 7th survivor said “ate” instead of “8”. Haha! The police misunderstand it because both have the similar pronounciation :p

    4. yeah i guess the man is blind too.

    5. hahaha the man is a ghost so it’s only the little kid that can see him

    6. Remember that there are 3 girls, so how could there are 2 persons who feel relieved being in the middle? :)

  • Uhm, I’ve had a hard time trying to crack some of these codes (the others were a BIT easy) and so far, I think my answers are still not correct.
    Here; you people decide:
    1. The person reading the curse will be the one to suffer. She (assuming she is a girl) kept opening her eyes to read the book, instead of reading the entire passage of curses first then doing it.
    2. The bathroom IS haunted. I didn’t notice it until my friend pointed it out. He opened the door and went inside . He just CHECKED the inside of the bathroom, he didn’t do his business! Then why — when he turned around– was the door locked?! I mean he said that he “…unlocked the door and went back to bed.” But it didn’t mention him ever locking the door, just unlocking it!
    3.This one is mind-boggling! I can’t seem to find something for this riddle! But something really bad must’ve happened. I mean, the 7th survivor kept repeating ‘8’ as if trying to remember or convince himself of something (like possibly, he was trying to not forget that there were 8 persons… but why?) *hopes SFK posts the answers soon*
    4. The man that bumped into him was blind. And when the blind man heard the ringing sound, he thought it signaled that the light for the pedestrian crossing was now green (I think? Cause in some places the traffic light sounds for those who have something wrong with their eyes) and crossed the street.
    5. The man is a ghost. And the little girl can see the man. After all, don’t they say that children can see what adults cannot?
    6. There were three of them, so only one can be in the middle. That must mean that the third girl’s hand was held by someone else — a GHOST!
    7. At first I didn’t get it. So I read it again for 2 or 3 times.. The young man is the old man. It said that the memories will be taken to the rejuvenated body’s mind. But it didn’t say that the old body’s mind will lose its consciousness. The operation went off successfully and they were to now kill the old body.
    9. He’s just about to kill her after the arrangements.

    So.. What do you think? SFK, when will the answers be posted?

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