Scary For Kids

Cursed Doll

The Cursed Doll is a funny scary story about a girl who gets a strange doll that comes with a curse.

Cursed Doll

There was a little girl who really loved dolls. She had a big collection of them in her bedroom. One day, while she was browsing through a shop on her own, she spotted a really beautiful doll. It would make a perfect addition to her collection. She only hoped she had enough money to buy it.

“How much is that doll, ma’am?”, she asked the old woman behind the counter.

“This doll is not for sale”, replied the woman.

“But it’s so beautiful”, said the girl. “I really want it.”

The old woman became irritated. “I told you, it’s not for sale”, she said.

“Why not?”, persisted the girl.

“Because this doll is cursed!”

“Well… That’s OK. I don’t mind.”

“I’m not going to sell it to you… But if you really must have it, go ahead and take it. It’s yours. But if something bad happens, don’t blame me.”

“Ah! Yes, thank you!” said the girl, smiling as she grabbed the doll and walked out of the shop.

The little girl was so delighted to get the doll for free that she ran all the way home, carrying it in her arms. When she got home to her apartment building, she went into the lobby. It was deserted. She stood there waiting for the elevator to arrive.

The doors opened and she stepped inside, clutching her new doll tightly.

The doors closed, but the elevator did not move.

The little girl got scared and began trembling with fear.

“OMG”, she thought to herself. “Is this the curse of the doll?”

Suddenly, she felt the doll move in her arms.

Ever so slowly, its head turned to face her.

The little girl wanted to scream but she couldn’t make a sound.

The doll’s eyelids fluttered and opened.

It stared at her with it’s lifeless glass eyes.

Then its mouth opened and it said, “Push the button to go up, bitch!”

scary for kids


  • @jacks_scared_badly
    Natasha did understand what the story is about, and that this story is supposed to be funny. She just didn’t find it that funny. Maybe because she has read stories funnier than this. It’s just what she thinks.

  • OMFG LMFAOOOOO that’s super funny “push the button to go up bitch” anyways that’s so funny I told my sister it she we both died.😂😂😂btw @natasharojas23 I don’t think u get it. Cause this iz a funny story and u dont understand how awesome it is but its ur opinion


  • *shivering* then.. “push the button to go up, bitch!” srsly? the doll is like,” it won’t go up unless you push the button to go up, stupid!” xDD

  • Doll be like “Damn bimbo, where your brain at? Smartphones be eating y’all’s IQ.
    10/10 werewolves just for being funny

  • Made me and my friends laugh so hard, we are now in a mental asylum, laughing! (curse of the doll) ha ha ha

  • Girl says, “Oh, yeah, DUH!” Pops her own forehead and pushes button.🙈🙉🙊

  • LOL!!! at first i wondered what was going to happen, and then the doll spoke, and now i cant stop laughing! my family probably thinks im crazy im laughing so hard.

  • the doll helped the girl i guess the old woman just wanted to help herself selfish

  • hahaha
    clever doll
    i dont want to say dumb girl..
    in stories of toys and dolls the stories always go in a shop and the seller didnt want to sale it to them and the buyer always insiting the selle…(WRONG GRAMMAR!!)

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