Scary For Kids
Dead Dog

Dead Dog

The Dead Dog in the Suitcase is an urban legend about a young woman who discovers that a golden retriever she was supposed to care for has passed away.

Dead Dog

One summer, a young woman was house-sitting for a family who were away on vacation. They lived in a large downtown apartment and she was tasked with taking care of their dog, a golden retriever.

One day, she came to the apartment and found the dog lying dead in the middle of the living room. When she knelt down and examined the dog, she found a big bone lodged in his throat. He must have choked to death on the food she left during the night.

The young woman was horrified and felt very guilty. After all, she had unknowingly been the cause of the dog’s death. She didn’t want to tell the family and ruin their holiday. At the same time, she had to find some way to dispose of the dog because it was beginning to decompose. She wasn’t sure what to do with a dead dog.

She called her father who advised her to bring it to a vet, who would know how to dispose of the dead dog properly. The girl didn’t have a car, so she decided to put the dead dog in a suitcase and carry it to the vet’s office, which was not far away.

After walking three blocks with the heavy suitcase, she was very tired and decided to use the subway. She carried the suitcase down the stairs and got on the train. When she reached the station that was closest to the vet’s office, she got off the train and began trying to carry the heavy suitcase up the stairs.

A young man spotted her struggling with the suitcase and asked her if he could help her with it. She accepted his kind offer. As they were both carrying the suitcase up the steps, he asked her what was inside. The young woman felt a little embarrassed. She didn’t want to admit that she was carrying around a dead dog in a suitcase, so she told him it was just a laptop and some computer equipment.

Moments later, when they reached the top of the stairs, the young man suddenly pushed the woman, grabbed the suitcase and took off running down the street.

Neither the young man nor the dead dog in the suitcase were ever heard from again.

scary for kids


  • When The Man Started Running The Girl Tried To Stop Him But He Got Into A Train And Got Away. When The Man Got Home He Opened The Suitcase And Without Looking Said Oh Yea! But When He Looked Down He Screamed In Horror. And Died Of A Heart Attack Suddenly The Dog Got Out Of The Suitcase Spit The Food Out And Started Dancing.
    LOL :D

  • Hehe… I would have said “Oh nothing, just a bomb I think should go off in a couple of minutes”
    That should have them running hahaha

  • Wait what happened ? Did the dog go all resident evil zombie dog on him or something ?

  • Wadda eff? XD @HanaBomi & @PureSwagTweets are my twitter accounts. Pls. do follow (if you want). Thanks!

  • As I read this story again I noticed an ad that showed a picture of Katy Perry holding a bone up to a dog. Weird…I bet this will happen to her xD

  • I heard a stroy similar to this in a Scary Stories to tell in the Dark book, except it was about a cat that someone ran over. They put it in a shopping bag when they left a store, and someone stole the bag and had a heart attack. :D

  • I’d love to see the expression on his face when he found out what was inside.

  • @Lightflower yea i heard the story was true SFK if u post it make sure its in the creepypasta section

  • someone should make a story about the slender men, look it up in the internet, some say its even true… eerie story//

  • I dont know if anybody knew this but in the poems section there were a bunch of poems with NO COMMENTS IN THEM :D I already got first on most of them, but you guys could probably get second ;D

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