Scary For Kids

Difficult Riddles

Here are some riddles that are difficult to understand. You may have to spend longer trying to figure out what the solution is.

Difficult Riddles

Riddle 1. Bus

A family was taking a journey through Colorado on a cross-country bus. The parents were bringing their children to visit some relatives who lived in a remote rural area. When the bus reached the foot of a mountain, the children began complaining that they were hungry. The parents decided to get off the bus at the next shop or restaurant they passed.

After a few minutes, they spotted a little roadside diner where they could all grab a bite to eat, so the wife pushed the stop button. The bus pulled over to the side of the road and the family got off, one by one.

Inside the diner, the parents and children were happily eating dinner, when they happened to look up at the TV. There was a news report on the screen that said a terrible accident had just taken place nearby. A bus had been crushed by falling rocks and everybody on board had been killed.

The parents were shocked. It was the same bus they had just been traveling on.

“I wish we had never gotten off that bus…” said the wife.

When the husband heard this, he spat out his food.

“What are you saying?” he shouted. “How could you say that?”

Then he thought for a second.

“Oh, I see,” he said. “You’re right. We shouldn’t have gotten off.”

Why did they say this?

Riddle 2. Soldier

At the end of the war in Iraq, an American soldier made a phone call to his parents.

“Hi Mom and Dad,” he said. “They’ll be sending me home in a few days. When I get home, do you think I could stay with you guys for a while?”

His parents were overjoyed at the news that he would be coming home.

“Of course!” cried his father. “You can live with us for as long as you like.”

“One of my buddies here has no place to go”,” he said. “Would you mind if he came to stay with us for a while too?”

“That’s fine, son” said his mother. “Your friends are always welcome in our house.”

“But, there’s something you should know”, said the son. “My buddy stepped on a land mine. He lost his arms and legs.”

There was a long silence on the other end of the line.

“Well, that would be fine for a few days,” said his mother. “But caring for a disabled person is hard. It would be a big burden on your father and I. Perhaps you could find him a nursing home or some sort of veteran’s hospital instead.”

Without another word, the son hung up the phone.

The next day, the parents received a phone call from their son’s commanding officer. He regretfully informed them that their son had committed suicide. The parents were devastated.

A few days later, the son’s corpse was flown back to the USA and his parents were there to collect the body. When they opened the coffin and saw their son, they both broke down crying.


Riddle 3. Public Bathroom

I was walking home last night, when I felt the urge to poop. I had to use a creepy, old public bathroom. It was down at the end of a street full of abandoned houses. Very spooky. I went into the bathroom, opened the door of the first stall and peeked inside. There was graffiti on the walls. On the right, it said “This bathroom is haunted” and on the left it said “This writing will change”. Creepy, huh?

I went into the stall, pulled down my pants and sat on the toilet. While I was pooping, I started thinking about the strange graffiti. Maybe I’m superstitious, but I just had to take another look. On my right, it said “This bathroom is haunted” and on my left it said “This writing will change”. Hmmm…. So if the writing didn’t change, that means the bathroom isn’t haunted, right?

Riddle 4. Lottery

I really miss my sister. I’m 8 years old and my sister is 12. Ever since I can remember, our family has always been poor. My sister and I had to wear the same clothes every day and the kids at school used to make fun of us. Last year, my sister ran away from home. Even though we shared a bedroom, she never warned me she was going to leave. If I’d known, I probably would have begged her to take me with her. When I woke up in the morning, my mother told me my sister was gone. My parents said they are still searching for her, but I don’t think they’re putting in a lot of effort.

Not long after that, my parents won the lottery. My mom said she found the winning ticket in a dumpster. When I saw all the money in the briefcase, I thought our problems were over. I was wrong. My parents immediately went on a spending spree. My dad bought himself a new car and a big TV. My mom bought herself some nice new dresses and lots of jewelery. They didn’t buy me anything.

“What happens when all the money runs out,” I asked them.

“Don’t worry,” replied my mom. “We’ll still have you.”

I guess that means they love me. Doesn’t it?

Riddle 5. Parents

A young girl was locked in a coalshed. She was crying. Through her tears, she noticed an old lamp sitting among the pieces of coal. She picked it up and began rubbing off the coal dust.

Suddenly a genie appeared and said, “I will grant you one wish. Choose wisely, for one wish is all I can grant.”

“Please make my parents disappear!” cried the girl. “I really hate them!”

“Your wish is my command,” said the genie. “Go to sleep tonight. Before you wake up in the morning, your wish will be granted.”

The next morning, the girl woke up and went downstairs. She found her mother and father sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast. The girl immediately regretted making the wish. She ran out to the coalshed and began rubbing the lamp.

The genie appeared and asked, “Are you happy now?”

“Please let me take back the wish I made yesterday”, begged the girl.

“I am sorry,” said the genie. “Once a wish has been granted, it cannot be taken back.”

The young girl began crying bitterly.

Riddle 6. Identical Twins

There were two young girls, named Mandy and Melissa, who were identical twins. They lived with their parents and older brother in a large mansion on the edge of town. Everybody was jealous of the girls because their father was rich and he bought them everything they wanted.

One dark night, the girls were kidnapped. When they awoke, they found themselves blindfolded and tied to chairs. The girls were extremely frightened and began to cry.

Suddenly, Mandy heard a high-pitched voice whispering in her ear. It was the kidnapper.

“I have contacted your parents and I am demanding one million dollars ransom,” he said. “If you try to escape, I will kill Melissa.”

Then, Melissa heard the kidnapper whispering in her ear.

“I have contacted your parents and I am demanding one million dollars ransom,” he said. “If you try to escape, I will kill Mandy.”

Riddle 7. Ball Bearing

A man was working in his toolshed when his son came in crying.

“What’s wrong, Son,” asked the father.

“Daddy, I was playing marbles with the other boys at school,” whimpered the little boy. “One of them stuffed a ball bearing in my ear and it won’t come out.”

“Don’t worry son,” said the father. “I’m sure I have something here that will get it out.”

The father’s favorite hobbies were science and woodwork. His workshop was filled with all manner of contraptions, gizmos and inventions. He gazed around his toolshed and his eyes settled on a super-strong electro-magnet he had built himself.

“This machine here is a magnet,” he told his son. “The ball bearing is metal, so when I turn this machine on, it will yank the ball bearing out.”

The man placed his son’s ear up against the magnet. He flicked the switch and there was a loud clang. His son crumpled to the floor, killed instantly.

How did the son die?

scary for kids


  • Ummm for number 4, I believe that they sold their daughter. They said that they won the lottery as a cover up. Think about what they said to the other daughter… “We still have you” # Creepy

  • Wow #7 is funny because if the father is such a genius. how can he not know that if he puts the magnet on the wrong side it will rip through his son’s brain? Like a bullet?! Reminds me of how Abe Lincoln died…

  • I’ve heard lots of those riddles before, but even so, they’re good riddles. I have some riddles, too:
    1.) It is Christmas morning. A boy goes to the Christmas tree and opens a present. It is his favorite toy. He begins to cry. Why?
    2.)A young girl opens her presents on Christmas morning, and begins to cry. Why?
    3.) Sammy is a young boy who, in a couple years, is meant to marry woman named Sarah. But they aren’t allowed to be married when the time comes. Why?
    4.)Terry is a language professor, and speaks over five different languages. One day, Terry is in a cafe with Elise, his girlfriend, and wants to show off. So he says: “I speak Turkish, Afrikaans, Gaeilish, French, German, and Sumatran.” With this in mind, how many languages does Terry speak?
    5.)Justin and Molly want to be married. They have to go to Europe to be married. Why?
    6.)Kate was finally old enough to date, so she went on a date with a boy named Will. One day, Will was reading the newspaper, and it says that somebody named Kate died. Kate gasped. How?
    7.)Jenny wants to be married to Greg. They are both over eighteen, but they aren’t allowed to be married. Why?
    1.)He already owns it.
    2.)She is crying of joy.
    3.)He will still be under eighteen in a couple of years.
    4.)Seven. He speaks English and the languages listed.
    5.)They are both girls.
    6.)The riddle is switching between past tense and speaking of what’s happening now.
    7.)They are brother and sister.

  • omg when will sfk post the answers five is so confusing and i just wanna no the answers :(

  • 1.Their stop caused the accident.
    2.It was a test, the son was the injured one.
    3.Primarily, the person was facing the back of the stall, when they sat down, direction changed.
    4. They are going to sell her, or use her to get money.
    5.The girl was adopted, therefore her birth parents dissappeared, not her adoptive ones. The girl is unaware of this fact, so she does not understand why her adoptive parents did not dissapear.
    6. Only someone who knows them well would know which is which, therefore it must be the brother, seeing as how it is very unlikely the father that seemingly adores them would do such a thing, and the brother has probably felt very unwanted.

    7. The father put the magnet to the wrong ear, causing the ball bearing to go through his head and out the other ear, killing him.

  • the 2nd one was the easiest and saddest one … the man had no legs or hands so he killed his self because his parents wouldn’t want to take care of him…

  • OMG PEOPLE!!! #1 is they got off and if they had stayed on they would have still died!! has any one seen Final destination GAWD (rolls eyes)

  • Why is everyone saying the same thing as i am now?
    for #5 i said when she wished for her parents to disappear, she made her REAL parents dissappear,realizing she was adopted…
    Why ppl say tht now?

  • possesed_demonn, if he was looking in the mirror, the words would’ve been backwards, so he couldn’t have been looking in a mirror..

  • #2 the son was testing his parents. HE was the cripple.
    #3 When he sat down to go poop he would have had to turn
    around so the writing on the left would’ve been on the
    right and vise versa
    #4 the parents never found a lottery ticket, they killed
    one of the children for life insurance money
    #5 when the girl saw the parents still dwnstairs, she
    realized that they were not her real parents.
    #7 he held the magnet up to the wrong ear so the ball
    bearing was pulled through his brain to reach the

    1 and 6 were the ones i couldnt figure out

  • 5) Maybe the girl was adopted and he made her real parents disappear or maybe they disappeared as in the became invisible but she could see them digesting the breakfast or something like that.

  • 1) If they stayed in the bus, the bus would have avoided a disaster.
    2) The son was disabled; he was testing his parents.
    3) It depends on perspective. When you turn your back, your right becomes left, and left becomes right.
    4) This may sound disturbing, but, I guess the parents killed the daughter, and sold the organs. It’s getting more common nowadays…
    5) The word “parents”. Parents would refer to a couple who has a child or children. She wished that her parents disappeared, effectively making her a mere imagination (or ghost), and making her never born.
    6) The brother. How would someone tell them apart? Not only that, the father bought stuff only for the girls. “Everyone was jealous of the GIRLS”.
    7) Likely that the metallic marble went through the brain, and hit the magnet with a *clank*.

  • Omg ppl!!! For number 4 the parents didn’t sell their daughter for the winning lotto ticket! What idiot who knew that they had a winning ticket would swop that ticket for a child who would use up their money!??! They KILLED their daughter because they were running out of money and when the mother was putting the body into the trash cans to get rid of it she found the ticket and took her chances by taking it. The ticket had nothing to do with it in the first place! She just took the ticket because she felt like taking it! When she said to the other daughter,”We’ll still have you.” She meant that the second daughter would still be alive so then all they would have to do is kill her too to have one less mouth to feed.

  • 1) if they hadn’t gotten off the the bus the bus would have came and went under the rocks sooner
    2)the son was the disabled one not the friend
    3)easy the righting did change the pooping guy just didn’t think so because he turned around
    4) awe that’s sad they sold the sister for money and when the money runs out there going to sell her too
    5)ok uuummm did she dissapear instead? or maybe it was there soles that disappeared
    6)it was someone they knew who else could tell them apart?
    7)the ball-bearing was in the other ear

  • 1:If they hadn’t gotten off the bus it would have passed in time to miss the rocks.
    2:The boy tested his parents, he committed suicide when he found out how his parents felt about taking care of a disabled person.
    3:First he was facing towards the toilet, when he sat down he was facing the stall door, the writing did change….it changed sides “bwahahaha”
    4:they probably did sell her, but they could have eaten her. heh heh heh (evil smile)
    5. how did she end up locked in the coalshed? and how did she get back “upstairs” this one i do not know.
    6. Brother, of course
    7.the marble went through the brain?

  • I think seven is either the ball was in the other ear or he had a metal plate in his skull o.o

  • guys the answer to number 1 is that if the family hadnt of gotten off the bus they would of kept going and not gotten crushed by rocks

  • 4. Her sister was sold for the lottery ticket! O_O
    5. She was dead? o.o
    6. Their brother was the kidnapper! :O He could tell them apart, right? :O
    7. What everyone said! :D The marble was in the other ear! :D

  • 1: if they hadn’t stopped the bus and people inside would of been ok
    2: their son stepped on the landmine. he was the one with no arms and legs
    3: he turned round and sat on the toilet so of course the writing changed sides
    4: the parents sold the girl for the winning lottery ticket
    5: the genie said BEFORE she woke up her wish would be granted but he never said she would wake up
    6: it was their brother because how could a stranger tell who was who cos they were identical and their dad only brought what the girls wanted not the brother so he thought if he got rid of them then his dad would get him everything he wanted because he was the only child
    7: the marble fell through the left ear and he put the magnet next to the right ear so it pulled out his brain aswell

  • 1.They wanted there kids to die.
    2.The son was the one who stepped on the landmine.
    3.The writing did change sides
    4.They’ll sell there daughter to some pervert or something for money.
    5.Her parents didn’t know who she was.
    6.He’s trying to scare them.
    7.Something else (maybe the brain..) came out of his brain instead of the marbles.

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