Scary For Kids

Door Chain

The Door Chain is a scary riddle about a young man who stays in his sister’s apartment one night. See if you can figure out the solution to this riddle.

Door Chain

My sister is an art teacher and, ten months ago, she rented a cheap two-bedroom apartment to use as a studio. She never actually lived there. She just used it as a place where she could paint and store her art supplies.

When I left college, I started a new job in the city. I desperately needed a place to stay, but I hadn’t received my first paycheck, so I couldn’t afford to pay rent. Luckily enough, my sister offered to let me stay in her apartment until I got on my feet. She gave me the keys and I moved my stuff in the next morning.

That evening, I arrived home from work. I was excited about having my own place for the first time. My sister had told me that there was a lot of crime in the neighborhood and to always be sure I locked the front door. To be extra safe, I locked the door with the deadbolt and the chain.

In the kitchen, I made myself some chicken curry with rice. Then I read some comics until it was time for bed. I checked the door and the gas and went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night. It must have been around 2 or 3 in the morning and I heard the sound of someone unlocking the deadbolt on the front door.

Must be my sister coming to paint, I thought to myself. I heard her go into the the room next door to my bedroom. That was the room she used as a studio. I’d been in there earlier and it was empty except for some canvas and paints.

I was tired and I had work again the next morning so I stayed in bed. Through the wall, I could hear her mumbling and laughing to herself.

“These artists are weird people,” I said to myself and it wasn’t long until I fell asleep again.

When I woke up the next morning, my sister was gone and I was alone in the apartment. I got out of bed, showered and dressed myself. I quickly poured myself a bowl of cornflakes and ate it hungrily.

Then I grabbed my briefcase and went out the front door. When I turned around to lock the front door, I was suddenly terrified.

After work, I went home to my parents’ house. I never went back into the apartment after that. I was too scared.

Why was he scared?

scary for kids


  • It’s simple really. I am new here by the way.
    The answers is…
    “Who could have locked the door chain when her sister was outside and he was asleep?”

  • The answer is obvious…he was scared cause someone got in even though he locked the door.

  • I have yet another story: William was an escaped covict. He went to live with his parents…… they didn’t know he was a criminal. Everyday was the same, his parents went to work, and he hid in the house all day. The police had already lost track of him and figured he was out of town by then. The father started seeing wanted posters with his son’s name on them. He grabbed a poster and fled home. But he was too late. When he got there the police were out in the steet. William was in the house with a hostage… his mom! The cops started to go inside, William shot at everyone of them. He threw his mother to the floor. One cop ran up and tackled William. He suddenly felt pain in his right shoulder, William put a knife in it. He threw the cop off of him and there was instantly bullets raining on him. Months after his death, every cop that was at the scene was found with a knife in their right shoulder and the exact bullet holes in their bodies that William had. He started killing all cops. I hope you arent a cop.

  • and that mumbling must,ve been an kidnapped person who was tied up and that laughing was his sister so his sister is a kidnappper. so someone could of gotten in or was already in the room

  • He was scared because he knew he locked the door and his sister wouldn’t have been able to get in

  • mabey he remeberd the lock was inside orremeberd the lock was inside and it was maby his sister trying to escape oh and my first comment :D

  • im stumped but i have 4 answers
    1. the door unlocked itself
    2.the chain hung his sister
    3.the paintings came to life
    4. the guy was outside when he went to lock it and you can’t lock a door from the outside and he probably locked himself out and the chain was latched

  • I think I understand it,
    His sister was gone in the morning but the deadlock was probably locked.

  • It’s pretty obvious.
    He locked the door with the deadlock.
    So his sister couldn’t even come in actually.
    Someone could have been inside the appartment, so yeah a ghost.
    But ofcourse it also could be that someone was hiding inside the appartment.
    This one is so hard :P

  • Yesterday, I did a “pretend” campfire with my friends. We made a scary story up and ate some marshmallows =D
    In 1967, two twins hated their neighbors.The older twin, Sandra, decided to get revenge on their neighbors.When Sandra told Jessica, the younger twin, her plan, Jessica refused to help her.But remembering the cruel pranks their neighbors did to her, Jessica agreed.Sandra and Jessica made a call to the police, claiming that their neighbors were witches and warlocks. Sandra claimed that they strangled and choked her. Jessica claimed that they fed her some green slime.The police arrested about 22 neighbors and 20 people were put to death.Sandra and Jessica laughed at their plan. It had worked!That night, Jessica heard Sandra in the kitchen.Thinking nothing was wrong, Jessica went back to sleep.The next day, Jessica went in the kitchen and screamed. Laying on the table was Sandra, all lifeless. On the wall written in the blood were the words “They strangled and choked me.” The police found no evidence that it was murder so they decided to say that Sandra suicide herself. A few weeks later, one of Jessica friends called the police saying that they saw a strange woman feeding Jessica something green.When the police checked the house, they found Jessica on the table, lifeless. On the wall in blood were the words “They fed me some green slime.”
    Hope you liked it! =)

  • Ha! I had to reread it to understand!
    Answer: The door was locked!
    Proof: In the story, it says that the guy heard the door latch being unlocked.
    Idea: A thief probably went in, lol.

  • i dont know i have 2 possibilites 1. the door chain had hunged his sister and his sister is dead or….. 2. the door chain is unlocked?

  • I think someone might have been hiding inside the apartment, how could his sister have opened the chain from outside? And why would she come to to paint in a dangerous neighbourhood in the middle of the night?

  • I got it!(i think) someone tried to enter the house from the outside , but it was locked with the was all an ilusion! He was scared for nothing.probably , his sister was inside the house(?)and when a criminal tried to open the door , his sister went to the studio.

  • Um scary for kids I’m not sure if you have this on the site but Stephen king has a very interesting story called where’s my cake bedelia. Just a suggestion

  • Hi people it’s me but on different account btw it means I is Zz You Wish You didn’t exist zZ well um um I think that the sister never locked the deadbolt and a murderer snuck in and hid. He knew the person was there so he unlocked the deadbolt to act like the sister got in there. He went to his parents and learned that the sister has been at there house and never left for the apartment. Or that his sister was killed.

  • I agree with all of u, the chain was inside the apartment, u cant open it from the outside, what I don’t understand though, is why there was noises of the chain and deadbolt if it was a ghost that went through, I mean, it cant touch those objects…right?

  • zigg and creepy789, those are all great possibilities, but what I think happened was that he was remembering what happened the night before, and once he walked out the door, he noticed that the door chain was inside. How could his ‘sister’ come inside if the deadlock was inside the door?

  • hence the title door chain, no one from the outside can open it so some entity went right through when he saw the chain he comes to conclusion it was a ghost, knowing what his sister said, the area is dangerous. if she will be there to paint no one in their right mind would go in a dangerous place especially a girl, she will call or text him or wait till its morning. just saying :)

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