Scary For Kids

Door Chain

The Door Chain is a scary riddle about a young man who stays in his sister’s apartment one night. See if you can figure out the solution to this riddle.

Door Chain

My sister is an art teacher and, ten months ago, she rented a cheap two-bedroom apartment to use as a studio. She never actually lived there. She just used it as a place where she could paint and store her art supplies.

When I left college, I started a new job in the city. I desperately needed a place to stay, but I hadn’t received my first paycheck, so I couldn’t afford to pay rent. Luckily enough, my sister offered to let me stay in her apartment until I got on my feet. She gave me the keys and I moved my stuff in the next morning.

That evening, I arrived home from work. I was excited about having my own place for the first time. My sister had told me that there was a lot of crime in the neighborhood and to always be sure I locked the front door. To be extra safe, I locked the door with the deadbolt and the chain.

In the kitchen, I made myself some chicken curry with rice. Then I read some comics until it was time for bed. I checked the door and the gas and went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night. It must have been around 2 or 3 in the morning and I heard the sound of someone unlocking the deadbolt on the front door.

Must be my sister coming to paint, I thought to myself. I heard her go into the the room next door to my bedroom. That was the room she used as a studio. I’d been in there earlier and it was empty except for some canvas and paints.

I was tired and I had work again the next morning so I stayed in bed. Through the wall, I could hear her mumbling and laughing to herself.

“These artists are weird people,” I said to myself and it wasn’t long until I fell asleep again.

When I woke up the next morning, my sister was gone and I was alone in the apartment. I got out of bed, showered and dressed myself. I quickly poured myself a bowl of cornflakes and ate it hungrily.

Then I grabbed my briefcase and went out the front door. When I turned around to lock the front door, I was suddenly terrified.

After work, I went home to my parents’ house. I never went back into the apartment after that. I was too scared.

Why was he scared?

scary for kids


  • I got it now!
    In order to bolt the door you have to do it from the inside, that means that somebody unlocked it from the outside and then locked it again outside.
    Erm, right?

  • Maybe his sister has a set of key with the help of which she opened the door and let herself in. So he thought. But what about the chain and the deadbolt? How did that open?

  • The man said that he had locked the door with chain bolt from inside then how could one enter the the house without ringing the bell?????

  • Did you know that if you wake up between 2 and 3 in the morning there’s a 80% chance that someone was watching you

  • He said that he had locked the door with a deadbolt & a door chain & also he said that he checked the lock & before going to bed. So how could someone enter the house if it is locked from inside? I think that’s why he was scared!

  • and about the ‘deadbolt’ maybe BEFORE his sister previously rented the ‘apartment’
    maybe a serial killer or murderer lived there, and the crimes there were that the person’s
    body would be displayed as ‘realistic art work’ (gross).remember:when she said “crimes”?
    and when he heard his ‘sister’ it might have been a female murderer or ‘convict’.
    that KNEW how to lock or unlock the bolt! when he said he was terrified well that might have been a dead body put up as decoration? or just to scare there visitor that lived there!
    that way the killer would have the apartment for themself!

  • i think i get it:when he said he heard his sister laughing ,thinking she came home .now here’s the ‘eerie’ part: he got out of bed and ate breakfast.when he turned around maybe he saw his sister DEAD on the canvas and it displayed her bloody body….OR his sister mentioned “there’s a lot of crime” that tells me maybe she killed a man or woman and …displayed their DEAD parts on the CANVAS! either way….i hope this is the answer?

  • well…i do have a thing to say about it:maybe there was an unknown ‘force’ that opened his door? i dont really know sorry…

  • My guess is that he realized the sister WASN’T coming into the house at night! I think the laughing and mumbling was the murderer. Also I think he was scared because he saw his sister’s body near the door! :O

  • How do you guys know that its a he instead of a she? I mean it could be a girl who has a sister I stead of a boy who has a sister.

  • i think the awnser may be he just then relized that his sister couldnt have got in the house if the deadbolt was on the door and he heard someone eles laughing and mumbling

  • The door chain could only be unlocked from the inside so somebody must have already been in the apartment.

  • I think since the lock could only be unlocked from the inside, there was already someone inside the apartment. Then, in the middle of the night, they let themselves out and made a lot of noise – waking him up. Then, in the morning, he realised that someone was in the apartment and was scared at how close he was to danger. :D


  • @ScaryForKids you still didn’t post the answer to this riddle and it’s been almost 3 MONTHS!!! I don’t know if I’m right! It said that he opened the door near the end. It didn’t say it was locked.Or there was NO lock.

  • I got it!!!!
    He remembered his sister gave him the keys when he moved in!! How could she have gotten in at night when he had the only keys

  • There is a ghost haunting the apartment, when the person turned around to lock the front door in he realised his sister would not have able to get into the house as he bolted the front door!!

  • It just accured to meh that the doorchain might be on the outside of the door….then i laughed it out. Why would a robber or theif or criminal unlock the doorchain and go to the painting room if thay were already there? He was already outside of the apartment when he got scared….so….im actually just pretty much talking for no reason now…
    @cherarh Why are you complaining that the story should tell what happened?! Its a riddle!

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