Scary For Kids

Eating Dogs

Eating Dogs is an urban myth about an old couple who bring their pet poodle to a Chinese restaurant. Do Chinese people eat dogs? Read on and find out.

Eating Dogs

There was an old couple in England who had a pet poodle. They loved their dog very much and treated it almost like it was a human. Some would even say they pampered it too much. Whenever they took a bath, the poodle was given a bath too. Whenever they cooked dinner, they would fix an extra plate and leave it on the floor for the dog to eat.

One day, they were taking their pet poodle for a walk when they happened to pass by a Chinese restaurant. Feeling hungry, they decided to go inside and have dinner. However, when they sat down at a table and the waiter brought over the menus, they realized that he didn’t speak any English.

They attempted to order their dinner by pointing at the items they wanted on the menu. The couple also wanted to order a meal for their dog. When they tried to explain this to the waiter, he smiled and nodded politely but didn’t seem to understand.

They tried to use sign language, pointing to their mouths, rubbling their stomachs and pointing to the dog. The waiter seemed to get the idea and he led the poodle into the kitchen as the old couple waited for their meal to arrive.

Fifteen minutes later, the waiter returned, carrying a large silver platter. When he placed it in the middle of the table and removed the lid, the old couple screamed in horror. There, served on a bed of rice and bamboo shoots, was their beloved poodle. It had been cooked and garnished with full trimmings.

There was another story from England about a local greyhound track. They said that the greyhound owners would sometimes dispose of dogs who were no longer fit enough to race by selling them to the local Chinese restaurant. According to the story, a woman who was eating at the restaurant accidentally choked on a greyhound identification tag.

In yet another story, a Mexican family bought cheap meat from the butcher shop down the street. After they cooked the meat, they found that it was very tough and tasteless. Then, the family noticed that their pet dog was nowhere to be found. It turned out that the butcher was kidnapping people’s pets, butchering them and selling the meat to customers.

Of course, these are all urban myths. Despite the rumors, Chinese restaurants have never served dog meat. One Chinese restaurant owner said, “Some people might think it is funny but it is really offensive to us and it is devastating to our business. The idea that Chinese restaurants sell dog meat is absolute rubbish and it is racist.”

However, in China, dog meat is traditionally eaten by quite a few people. It has become much less common in recent years. There are a few other Asian countries where dog meat and dog soup is sometimes eaten, such as South Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam.

You may not believe this, but when US President Barack Obama was a child, living in Indonesia, he ate a dog. He even wrote about it in his autobiography and described dog meat as being tough. Now that is a true story.

scary for kids


  • 12345juliana, “ARE THESE PEOPLE CRAZY? DOGS ARE LIVING THINGS TOO.” Yes, and so are cows, chicken, fish, even plants are living. You don’t see people screaming about someone eating a hamburger or KFC, so don’t scream at others and threaten them about eating dogs. People eat what they want and they don’t do it so you, and people like you, can judge them. Nobody has the right to judge anyone else, we’re all made equal but certain people can’t get it through their thick, stubborn skulls. *steps off of the soap box* Kay thanks for your time everyone~ xD

  • @xXUNINSTALLXx they can say what they want to say,but it doesn’t mean it’s true. People can ignore it. I always do it all the time.

  • this girl i used to know went to china and ordered duck in a resturaunt, except she found out after eating that it had been DOG.

  • Hey um, I’m chinese so that is kind of offensive to me and some other chinese people. Please don’t put anything else that is offensive like that. Ok?

  • “OMG WHAT KIND OF MONSTER EATS DOG?”…You guys realize there are people saying that about our beef diets, right. It’s a cultural thing and I’m kind of offended that the whole shock/scare here “oooooh! some people are different than you!”

  • uhm… you guys realize that they said in the text that chinese restaurants DON’T sell dog meat and it is just myth? they said that in some remote areas they eat dogs.. and i doubt the picture is real…

  • I refuse to read this. And Asian people eat dogs like the carnivores they are! The picture says it all! Whoever wrote this is sick and twisted severely.

  • Some People eat horses, lizards, deers and snakes and many eat baby animals (lambs, veal) and few find it bad, but they find it bad when others eat dogs and cats. This is confusing… Why are dogs and cats more significant than other animals… Oh, Nevermind -___-“

  • OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG D,x I almost started crying because of the picture. I’m an animal lover and it just breaks my heart that this one owuld be posted on here :( I want to cuddle my dogs right now DX

  • The very first story I heard of on a show called urban legends. The went to the Chinese restaurant and after they ate the dog meat the waiter came back with the dogs collar.

  • That is just awful,and honestly I think it is a bit racist to think ALL chinese people eat dogs.I LOVE dogs though I have 2 of them.

  • Actually, you people should be ashamed of yourselves, if the chinese people (and others) eat dogs, its because thats their diet, and as long as it is not other peoples’ pets, you have no right to criticize about what they should eat just because you don’t eat it…

  • LOL! Love the pic. I had a friend that ate dog before, she said it tastes good……..

  • people some chinese people eat dogs not all so chillax. Btw I love dogs but you shouldn’t just call them helpless if they don’t like something they can bite it up xD and what about the cows some of eat everyday aren’t they helpless? #truth

  • in korea they eat dog too.. it was a horibble place to live… there was stray cats and dogs everyway..the koreans also ate cats I:

  • I once listened to a story on youtube like the first one, except the couple wanted the waiter to keep the dog in the kitchen while they ate. but then the dog got cooked but they didn’t know that right away so they ate thair poodle whitch they thought was good. then the waiter came out with there dog’s collar and then to thair horror they reliezed what happened. I think that this story couldn’t really happen. I mean if you want chicken noodle soup at a resturant you don’t bring your own live chicken, do you?


  • @Gidgey IKR I absolutely love dogs I even have a little chihuahua mix. Any way poor dogs =(

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