Scary For Kids

Eating Dogs

Eating Dogs is an urban myth about an old couple who bring their pet poodle to a Chinese restaurant. Do Chinese people eat dogs? Read on and find out.

Eating Dogs

There was an old couple in England who had a pet poodle. They loved their dog very much and treated it almost like it was a human. Some would even say they pampered it too much. Whenever they took a bath, the poodle was given a bath too. Whenever they cooked dinner, they would fix an extra plate and leave it on the floor for the dog to eat.

One day, they were taking their pet poodle for a walk when they happened to pass by a Chinese restaurant. Feeling hungry, they decided to go inside and have dinner. However, when they sat down at a table and the waiter brought over the menus, they realized that he didn’t speak any English.

They attempted to order their dinner by pointing at the items they wanted on the menu. The couple also wanted to order a meal for their dog. When they tried to explain this to the waiter, he smiled and nodded politely but didn’t seem to understand.

They tried to use sign language, pointing to their mouths, rubbling their stomachs and pointing to the dog. The waiter seemed to get the idea and he led the poodle into the kitchen as the old couple waited for their meal to arrive.

Fifteen minutes later, the waiter returned, carrying a large silver platter. When he placed it in the middle of the table and removed the lid, the old couple screamed in horror. There, served on a bed of rice and bamboo shoots, was their beloved poodle. It had been cooked and garnished with full trimmings.

There was another story from England about a local greyhound track. They said that the greyhound owners would sometimes dispose of dogs who were no longer fit enough to race by selling them to the local Chinese restaurant. According to the story, a woman who was eating at the restaurant accidentally choked on a greyhound identification tag.

In yet another story, a Mexican family bought cheap meat from the butcher shop down the street. After they cooked the meat, they found that it was very tough and tasteless. Then, the family noticed that their pet dog was nowhere to be found. It turned out that the butcher was kidnapping people’s pets, butchering them and selling the meat to customers.

Of course, these are all urban myths. Despite the rumors, Chinese restaurants have never served dog meat. One Chinese restaurant owner said, “Some people might think it is funny but it is really offensive to us and it is devastating to our business. The idea that Chinese restaurants sell dog meat is absolute rubbish and it is racist.”

However, in China, dog meat is traditionally eaten by quite a few people. It has become much less common in recent years. There are a few other Asian countries where dog meat and dog soup is sometimes eaten, such as South Korea, Indonesia and Vietnam.

You may not believe this, but when US President Barack Obama was a child, living in Indonesia, he ate a dog. He even wrote about it in his autobiography and described dog meat as being tough. Now that is a true story.

scary for kids


  • thats a steriotype and also I would not eat dogs,cats, or furry critters like hamsters but I will eat cattle and pigs and chicken and turkey etc

  • This is soo true on what they do……if u don’t believe it the look on the websites and videos on like about his thing….. It is even a ligule in some states and that includes south Korea …….and they do it in the badess way to………they should just go to hell to it and then they say its healthy for it…


  • I don’t see anything wrong with eating dogs. In some countries people eat Bugs. We only find it gross because that’s what we’re raised to think. But cooking someones pet is disgusting.

  • AWWWW why did the chinese ppl let the servent take there dog they should have tryed to stop him, and then BARACK OBAMA! I cant believe he ate a dog. How disgusting and cruel

  • in China, they actually have dog farms where they raise dogs for the sole purpose of selling the meat. like we do with cows and other farm animals.

  • Well not all Asians at dogs and cats.Some people just say all Asians eat cats and dogs it’s a sterotype. Oh and btw i learned about sterotypes in health this week!

  • I can’t believe some ppl eat dogs and cats! and @ aciddrop we are not FREAKING judging.I know eating cows, farm animals whatever is wrong. BUT what if a hobo saw a pig one day and had nothing to eat. What would u do?
    Choice A )Kill it and eat it to survive
    Choice B)Don’t eat it.(what idiot would do this? a prissy person?)
    Choice C)Just ignore it and act all prissy like “omg I would neva kill the piggy!”
    I’m just making a point. this is for ur unessary comment.What if that was your dog that got killed the same way it did in the story?! How would u feel? I would sue the resterant and cry.If you wouldn’t cry ur a heartless person. These people are more sick because they eat dogs and doggies are cute. Ok and baby piggies are cute too and cats!So anyway quit ur stupid yapping.Btw im only ten so don’t swear at me.

  • OMG!!!! Americans and europeans are eating cows, pig and chickens??? WTF??? Are they crazy? I really like to trim and serve them on a plate of rice! I mean, I love cows, pigs and chickens! Eat the damn snake! I don’t like snakes. Oh my god, those people make me sick! I want to cuddle with my cows, pigs and chickens now…..LOL… oh almost forgot, eating cows, pigs and chickens is just plain wrong, and it’s also very very cruel! Barbaric!

  • so you call these people “sick” for eating dogs/cats whatever… people consider us sick for eating cows/sheep/horse.. etc! stop judging you idiots

  • OMG i get that they eat dogs in japan, china, asia, etc.. but its just sad that they would eat little puppies for food! My friend went to china once and she said that she walked into this some sort of shop.. she didn’t know because it was written in chinese, but she thought it was a pet shop because it had puppies, kittens, guinea pigs, rabbits, every cute animal you could imagine.. and later on she found out it was a grocery store :( I almost cried

  • Wtf? This is nonsense.
    Indonesia people DO NOT eat dog, nor do they serve the dog meat in the restaurant.
    Look here; We, Indonesian, are majority muslims and it is strongly forbidden to eat dog in our religion.
    All of these stories about Obama eating dogs in Indonesia are just mere bullshits. Obama has indeed ever lived in Indonesia, but it’s so freakin’ long time ago. Back then, his favorite food was Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice), and he never mentioned anything about eating dogs or stuffs..
    Sorry about my word but I’m kinda pissed off as the writer included Indonesia as a country in Asia who consumes dogs like a daily meat.

  • i dont know if anyone knows this? but, did u know years and years ago people use to eat dogs in bread like hot dogs and thats how they got the name hot dogs, but im not sure if they used sausage dogs?

  • Some people have to stop being hypocrites and some people have to quit bitching about what other people think… Thank you for your time :3

  • where i come from…(brace yourself) they eat dogs.

  • Would some of you please shutup? It’s quite hypocritical when you shun the very small percentage of Chinese who eat dogs, when I’m sure most of you eat chickens, cows, and pigs at least daily.

  • How could most of you be so racist? It’s not the entire Asian population that eats dogs! I’m pretty sure Hindus scold Americans for eating cows, so how is that any different from a bit of the Asian population eating dogs?

  • i wanna trim them and serve them on a plate of rice and bamboo this makes me sick

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