Scary For Kids

Eye of the Beholder

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder is a scary story about a teenage girl who moves to a new school full of strangely beautiful girls. It was written by Suddenly-Psychotic.

Eye of the Beholder

This town was small. Too small. Heather was used to big towns. Towns that had shops, and malls. This town didn’t have much at all. It had a few gas stations and one little grocery store. It was too boring for her, and she hadn’t even gone to school yet. She was getting ready for it now. She picked out a random t-shirt and jeans, and quickly pulled them on. She began to tie her shoes, when she glanced at her clock. 7:30. The bell at the high school rang at 8:00! She quickly gathered her things, and took off out the front door.

The school was completely, and utterly boring. Just like the town. It wasn’t even very big. The walls were white, the floors were white, and the lockers were a light gray. The people looked boring. Every now and then there would be a normal looking person, but other than that, the crowd was a little odd. Sure there were the jocks, the cheerleaders, and the nerds, but they all gave her a slight uneasiness.

The school day passed without much incident. She wasn’t payed much attention, but there was one thing that gave her the creeps. A girl that sat on the other side of the classroom from her in a few of her classes kept staring at her. If she caught her staring, she woudn’t even pretend to do something else. She just kept staring. Heather couldn’t get this off of her mind. She sighed and started to walk home.


Startled, she looked up. A girl about her age had walked up beside her. She had long black hair, and pretty, baby blue eyes.

“I’m Bethany! What’s your name?”


Bethany held out her hand. Heather shook it and smiled. They talked on the way home and agreed to hang out at school tomorrow. Heather happily walked into her house. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad out here after all. She smiled to herself.

The next day Bethany was nowhere to be found. Missing posters had been plastered all over the school. All of the posters bore Bethany’s face. Apparently she had never showed up at her house after school the day before. Heather shivered at the thought. She may have been the last person to see her.

The bell rang, and she proceeded to her next class. Taking her seat, she glanced up. Sitting where the creepy girl had sat yesterday, was someone new. She also stared at Heather. Heather stared back. The girl had long blonde hair, tied up in a ponytail. Her facial features were practically perfect. Not one freckle or blemish. She could barely make out the color of her eyes. They were baby blue. Just like Bethany’s. A shiver ran up her spine, and she broke eye contact with the girl.

Several days passed by. Each day, a new girl went missing. Each day, a new girl sat in the seat of the previous one. They all stared. Soon, the search for the first few missing girls were called off. Many of them were described as runaways. Heather didn’t like it here very much. The bell rang, and she hurried out. A boy named Jonas had a locker next to hers. She opened her locker door, and put up her books for the day. She sighed, and turned to Jonas.

“Hey Jonas?”

“Yeah?” He said, without glancing up.

“Who’s that girl sitting next to Kasey?”

A surprised look came across his face, then he smirked. “Nice joke, Heather. No one sits next to Kasey.”

Heather gasped. She hurried out of the school building, and ran to her house. She had gotten about halfway there, and took her shortcut. She had recently discovered a little alleyway. It cut out about half of her walk home. She turned to the right, and headed down the dark, narrow alley. A sudden chill ran up her spine. She could see her own breath. Glancing back, she saw the girl from the school. Heather began to panic. A smirk ran up the girl’s face, and she began to laugh maniacally. Then it all went black.

“Finally awake are we?”

Heather’s eyes snapped open. Where was she? Her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she saw the girl in front of her. Panic filled her as she saw her pull out a knife. She tried to scream, but her mouth was taped shut. The girl reached up and ripped off the duct tape, making Heather wince.

“W-what do you want?”

The girl smiled. “I just want to be beautiful!” she said. “I used to have bad eyes, but not anymore. Bethany’s eyes look much better on me, don’t you think? Has anyone told you what a pretty nose you have? Your eyes are not so good, your chin is a little weak, your cheekbones are too low and your mouth is too small. But your nose… Your nose is simply to die for.”

Heather was scared. She was in the presence of pure insanity. The girl reached up, knife in hand. She gently dragged it across Heather’s neck, nicking it slightly and drawing blood. Then she began to sing. Heather remembered some of the words. They were from the story of Snow White.

“Mirror, Mirror on the wall, I can now be the prettiest of them all!”

The girl smiled, and began to cut.

The next day, there were more missing posters in school. Heather’s face was on each one. Like all of the other girls, Heather was never found.

scary for kids


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  • creepy story i’m about to go to a new school so this story kinda made me hyper ventilate… im scared to go to a new scoolnow.

  • omg flamefletcher ur in college? good luck. htfnutty4575 srry i thought u were a girl srry. scarlover123 i lovd ur story but its a bit confusing. this story is very original but its still an awsome story :D

  • there was this one episode of the twilight the Sci-fi called eye of The Beholder about a lady who wants to be normal but it turns out she looks fine and everyone else is a pig face,wich is normal there.

  • om ma gosh the girl at the left end on the picture… she has my black and white juper!!! 0.o

  • This is a horrible story i made ~
    I Am Number Four.
    “Shhhh. Dont talk. Just dont. I’ll explain soon enough.” The floorboards creak loudly and footsteps are heard leading away from the hiding space of John Brown.
    “Okay, i was at school the other day, it was a new school called Brain Dead…
    I walked into social studies easily, no late pass yet. Sitting down i looked around and saw a cute girl with light blonde hair and beautiful green eyes who winked at me, a tough looking guy who pointed to the girl and shook his head and pounded his fist on the desk.
    The teacher looked up before going back to her reading. Isnt this class time? Who cares… I see another cute girl, she looks shy, scared. After class i grab my textbooks and head to Tech Ed.
    She’s in all of my classe after 4th period social studies.
    Always looking scared.
    I wonder why…
    After school i pulled her aside. She tries to run when i ask her why she’s so scared, but i catch up to her easily. “Get away! I’m number three! Now your number four! Do you hear me boy? Number F-O-U-R!” And then she ran off. I am number four? Like the movie? Cool.
    The next day the girl was missing. When she went to sleep some sicko was waiting for her. Her bed was a bloody mess, blood dragging to and onto the windocill. She was taken in the middle of the night. I know what happened. Because I Am Number Four.
    (in the girls point of view) “Dont worry Marissa, no ones coming tonight.” I promise myself as i settled into my bed. Thats when the creaking stared. When Number Two was murdered she heard creaking. It might just be the floorboards. Yeah, the floorboards. Laughing nervously i ignored the creaking, which got louder and louder. I pulled my head under the covers. It’s always when they go to sleep! I started to get drowsy and in the end i couldnt fight sleep. Or my attacker.
    (back to the boys) “Do you see now why you have to be quiet? It’s coming for me! I havent slept since before that girl died. Marissa, thats what she called herself.” I allowed myself to drift off to a light sleep. Thats when he creaking got louder…and then a flash of beautiful green eyes…WATCH OUT, YOU ARE NUMBER FIVE!

  • @htfnutty4575 Sorry, but I thought you were a girl :/ Well at least I know now. :)
    Oh and the story is great! :)

  • Interesting.
    This was actually pretty great.
    Not trying too hard, grammar was used well…I enjoyed this one.

  • Great. I’m going to move to a small town next year. It has one gas station but two fast food restaurants. And thats about it.

  • Are there any xmen fans here? Those girls in the picture look like the cuckoos.

  • I hope that doesn’t happen to me, wait I’m going to enter high school this year OMG O_O

  • I’m a guy,so I don’t have to worry about SOME girls that only care about looks then their friends and family.

  • ~shiver~ hopefully that dosen’t happen to me in my new school this year ~shiver~

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