Scary For Kids

Fan Death

Fan Death is an urban myth from South Korea about the belief that fans can kill. The myth is astonishingly popular in Korea and a lot of people believe it is true. Many Koreans will refuse to spend the night in a room with a fan.

Fan Death

In South Korea, there is a very strange urban myth about fans. An alarming amount of Korean people believe that fans can cause death. They think that if you leave an electric fan running overnight in a room with the doors and windows closed, you could die in your sleep.

Because of this, all fans sold in South Korea come with an automatic timer that turns the fan off after a certain number of minutes.

Some people believe that fans create a vacuum and suck oxygen out of the room, causing you to die from asphyxiation. Others believe that fans lower the temperture of the room, causing you to freeze to death or die from hypothermia.

Unfortunately, the truth is, fans cannot kill you. South Korea is the only country that believes in fan death. Scientists agree that fans cannot lower the temperature enough to kill you or displace enough oxygen to suffocate you. Sleeping in a room with a fan is perfectly safe.

Despite the fact that many Korean people are intelligent and well-educated, the weird belief still persists. Korean newspapers even sometimes carry stories about people who have been killed by fans. Look at this example from The Korea Herald in 2011:

“A man reportedly died on Monday morning after sleeping with an electric fan running. The 59 year-old victim, known only by his surname Min, was found dead with the fan directly facing him.”

There is a story about some American college kids who decided to play a joke on their Korean roommate. When they found out he believed in the fan death urban myth, they teased him by going to bed in an enclosed room with six electric fans running. He pleaded with them not to throw their lives away and slept all night in the hallway. In the morning, when he woke up and all of the Americans had survived the night, the Korean guy was suspicious. “I know you’re playing a practical joke on me,” he said. “You must have opened a window during the night!”

However, this is not unusual. Every country in the world has their weird beliefs.

In China they think that sitting on a warm toilet seat will give you hemorrhoids. British people believe that sitting on a cold surface causes hemorrhoids. In Peru, people think that standing too long in front of the fridge can cause cancer. In the Czech Republic, folks think drinking water after eating fruit causes stomach problems. In the Philippines, many mothers will stop their kids from wearing red clothing during a storm. They fear it could cause them to be struck by lightning.

Still, there is one thing you should keep in mind: If you go to South Korea and place a fan in a sealed room with someone, there may be a chance you could be charged with attempted murder! :P

scary for kids


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  • Mind the first line of the third paragraph..”Unfortunately, fans cannot kill you.”…Why is it UNFORTUNATELY???
    This means that SFK wants us to be killed by a fan!!!!:P

  • I thought the story was funny until… unfortunately, fans can not kill u. Then I blacked out and said sfk wants a fan to kill us.

  • How do you pronounce czech and am I the only person that thought of kitana when I read this?

  • I sleep with a fan in my room every night. I avoid warm toilet seats as much as possible as anyone would. I sit on cold surfaces. I often stand in front of the fride and i’ve worn red during storms. I like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain. And I’m still alive.
    sorry the last one was unnecessary.

  • Lol, that would be funny xD

    Police: I am arresting you with attempted murder, you do not have to say anything, but anything you say with be tested in court

    Me: What?! I was too hot, I NEEDED a fan :'(

    Police: That will be tested against you in court, proceed


  • lol @Dont take me seriously me 2. And yeah havnt tried the red clothing thing prob is fake tho

  • Really?? REALLY??? Fans?? Will?? Kill?? You??? I sleep with my fan on every night. I sit on warm toilet seats everyday and sit on cold places everyday and I once stood for almost an hour with the fridge open! Got to see if the lightning thing is true!

  • umm… Did anyone else realize it says “UNFORTUNATELY fans cannot kill you” in the fourth paragraph??

  • I live in Britain and I’ve never heard the one about sitting on cold surfaces.

  • I wish I had a Korean friend…God, the puns that I would make.
    *sleepover* “Whew! It’s hot! I’ma go get the FAN.”
    *at anytime* “How do I look?” “You look FAN…tastic.” XD That isn’t even funny but it would be fun.

  • scary for kids some beliefs might not be that weird so stop being racist. Because my whole family is Filapino and I am in a cola pink Filapino dance troupe

  • This is not true.In Korea i think it’s not because of the fan !I think a ghost will come from the fan and kill the koreans!

  • Haha! Nice. Where I come from, the wearing red during lightning thing is a strong belief

  • I’ve slept with a fan on all night every night of my life since I was about ten or eleven years old. I rarely sleep with my window open and never with my door open.

  • First for my second time! Also in the same day :D Again sorry :/ This is a weird story too!

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