Scary For Kids

Felt Mansion

The Felt Mansion in Michigan was built in the 1920s by millionaire inventor Dorr Felt for his Wife Agnes. Shortly after the house’s construction, Agnes died.

Felt Mansion

Soon afterwards, Dorr Felt remarried, but his new wife hated spending time at the house, because she said she had seen the ghost of Agnes Felt in her bedroom. The mansion was sold, but many believe that the ghost of Agnes Felt still resides in the house.

Although Dorr Felt claimed Agnes died of a stroke in her bedroom, there are rumors that one windy night, she climed out of her bedroom window and jumped to her death. They say that every night at 1.28 AM, her ghost can be seen walking through the bedroom and jumping out of the window only to disappear before hitting the ground.

Agnes Felt’s bedroom is said to be the most haunted room in the house. Doors have been seen opening and closing, voices are heard, and paranormal activity shows up in pictures and video.

In this video, you can see the French doors in Agnes Felt’s bedroom opening and closing on their own. Spooky!

Some visitors taking a tour of the house say they have seen a ghostly elderly lady standing beside them during the tour. They have also claimed to hear the eerie sounds of a music box playing. In life, Agnes Felt owned a music box and would listen to it all the time.

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