Scary For Kids


  • Not scary. Not even a bit scary. I may be a medium, because I quickly find the ghosts in this kind of mindf*cks.

  • for those idiots who cant see it you have to stare into the pic and the ghost will apear

  • omg lol essense pooped and peed his/her pants it seriously wasnt that scary trust me compared to scary maze game pop up

  • omfg for those who wanna know what happens (SPOILER!!!
    SPOILER!! SPOILER! SPOILER!!! SPOILER !!!! I warned you

    (SPOILER)If you look long enough a ghost lady apears (SPOILER)


  • I didn’t scream! Banana phone. LOl I didn’t even make a sound! Haha the ghost coming towards u isn’t scary

  • That picture was weird not really scary lol my brother/rage man was looking at it really close and he screamed I was laughing but I was looking somewhere else when it happened and then I saw something come out of the wall and I thought woah ! is this a video

  • i knew something was gonna pop up so i scrolled down until only the last part of the picture was visible LOL
    im such a scaredy cat

  • Ahhhh!!!! U zoomed up really close and I still couldn’t see it then I looked real close and it have me a huge fright

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